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MuOM, Barcelona Overtone Singing Choir’s new CD

MuOM’s new CD is the choir’s next step in exploring the possibilities of overtone singing. In addition to your support, your voice can also appear on the new CD! It will become a song with our choir and people’s voices from all around the world. We love collaboration. We are counting on your voice!


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From 6.500€
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MuOM is a unique vocal ensemble in Spain. We use overtone singing techniques (aka harmonic singing or harmonic chant) to sing our own compositions, in which there are no lyrics. Overtone singing consists of vocal techniques where each singer emits two different sounds at once – the fundamental tone, plus a harmonic of one’s own choosing – which creates beautiful polyphony with just one singer. With a group of overtone singers, the effect is truly incredible!

MuOM’s music has an evocative and ecstatic quality, which is why it has been labeled as Healing Music, New Age music, World Music, and especially as New Sacred Music.

Members of MuOM also perform throat singing, ancient techniques that originated from Central Asia (Tuva in Siberian Russia, Altai mountain range in Siberian Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia). Throat singing is linked to nomadic and shamanic ancestral cultures.

The peculiarity of MuOM (founded in 2008 by Moises Perez, Farran Sylvan James and Joaquin Manjon) is that these techniques are brought into the choral context, inspired by such ensembles as the Harmonic Choir by David Hykes and Prana by Baird Hersey. The result is a music that is formed by two superimposed planes (the voice and its harmonics), which overlap and intertwine to form richly layered harmonies.

MuOM’s new CD will be our next step on the path of exploring the possibilities of vocal sounds and harmonics, while remaining true to the spirit in which the group was born.

Although we still have to put the finishing touches to some of our new songs, we can reveal now that this CD will be more complex, harmonically speaking, than the previous one. We are going deeper into the possibilities of harmonic progressions and harmonic harmonies (that’s a mouthful, literally!). Also, our new music can only be a reflection of the individual and group processes the MuOM has gone through in recent years.

Being aware of the difficulty of faithfully capturing what happens when MuOM sings, we have decided to utilize the best music production team possible, N Music, who have worked with artists such as Il Giardino Armonico, London Sinfonietta, Daniel Barenboim, Silvia Pérez Cruz, Latvian Radio Choir, Bernat Vivancos and Jordi Savall.

But to make this possible, we need your help!

Apart from any monetary contribution, we ask that you sing(!) on one of the tracks of the CD, “Cosmos”. We want to integrate the voices of all people who want to support this initiative! Again, we love collaboration, and we are counting on your voice!

What will we use the money for?

The money is to be able to record our third album. Expenses include: the rental of a portable recording studio, a top sound engineer, mixing and mastering, and the design, printing and duplicating of the physical CD.

About the Rewards

Any help is valuable to bring our new CD to fruition. And if you would also like to participate in the CD, we will be happy to add your voice to a song!

We propose two ways to add your voice:

The less expensive option is where you send us a digital file with your recorded voice. We ask you to hold one note (repeat it a few times if you wish), expressing it with the vowel sound Oh or Ah.

The other way is by actively participating in one of our recording days. For that, we will coordinate with you, so you can attend either the 6th, 7th or 8th of October 2016. Your voice will be part of a piece chosen especially for this occasion. You will have our guidance and help in order to make your voice sound as beautiful as possible and become truly integrated with the group sound.


The rewards will be delivered approximately three months after recording the new CD. (The recording days are currently scheduled for October 2016.) The private concert(s) will be subject to the group’s and the interested persons’ schedules… To hopefully be completed within the first semester of 2017.

+ Info


some tracks of the previous CD, Mu:


There are none published yet.

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  • MuOM


    almost 8 years

    HOla!! En principio lo ideal para nosotros son iglesias de tamaño medio, como las romanicas donde podemos cantar comodos sin amplificación..Pero a veces iglesias de otras epocas o estilos reservan sorpresas, hay que ver y probar...

  • oswood


    almost 8 years

    El concierto privado ¿puede ser en cualquier iglesia?

  • MuOM


    almost 8 years

    Hola Fabiana, te contesté esta mañana por el facebook. Gracias de nuevo por tu interés. Joaquín

  • fabiana balserini

    fabiana balserini

    almost 8 years

    Hola a [email protected] gustaria participar con mi voz en directo, aunque vivo en el sur puedo ir a Barcelona. Quisiera saber el dia y la direccion para organizarme con tiempo.


  • MuOM


    almost 8 years

    Hola Inma, gracias por tu interés. La grabación puede ser en una pieza colaborativa, o con nosotros en la iglesia, los días de grabación. La primera opción está asociada a una aportación de 63 euros. La segunda está asociada a una aportación de 510 euros. Para la primera, es necesario que nos enviéis una grabación (grabadora, móvil, pc...) de vuestra voz, entonando una nota sin variar el tono. Nosotros haremos la composición de todas las voces creando una pieza cantada por vosotros, que será uno de los temas del disco. Saldréis en los créditos. Para la segunda, lógicamente tendréis que venir a la iglesia los días de la grabación del disco. En su caso, ya os informaremos sobre la logística necesaria. Muchas gracias por tu interés.

  • Inma Romero

    Inma Romero

    almost 8 years

    Hola, estaría encantada y honrada de poder participar de forma activa con mi voz en la grabación en Octubre. Me explicáis como?

    Abrazos me encanta vuestra música y vuestra iniciativa

  • MuOM


    almost 8 years

    Gracias por contactar y por tu interés. Estamos en ello, en cuanto lo podamos habilitar te avisamos.


  • Dominique


    almost 8 years

    Por favor habiliten una cuenta Pay Pal


Queridos/as mecenas!

El disco está en el horno!!! Grabamos el pasado 10,11 y 12 de marzo, como estaba previsto en la iglesia que nos vio nacer.

Ahora estamos en fase de postproducción (incorporando las voces de los que habéis participado entre otras cosas) y a finales del mes que viene, si todo va bien, los discos saldrán del "horno", listos para los conciertos de presentación en Barcelona el 9,10, y 11 de junio, en Sant Pau del Camp. Más info en nuestra web (muom.net), facebook y en ticketea.com. Por si queréis comentarlo a algún amigo o conocido que le pueda interesar.

Todos los que tenéis como recompensa alguna entrada a uno de los conciertos de presentación del nuevo disco, por favor escribirnos a [email protected] para confirmar que día asistiréis y reservaros sitio.

Ya falta poco para daros la mayoría de los regalos, y es que gracias a ti podremos celebrarlo juntos.


Estamos muy contentos porque gracias a vuestra aportación vamos a poder grabar este nuevo disco de MuOM!!!

En breve os enviaremos un e-mail para informaros de los plazos y entregas de recompensas.

Con vuestro apoyo hacéis que MuOM sea una realidad y nos brindáis el soporte para seguir trabajando y sacar lo mejor de nosotros.

Un gran abrazo para todos y todas

Estem molt contents perquè gràcies a la vostra aportació gravarem aquest nou disc de MuOM!!!

En breu us enviarem un e-mail per informar-vos dels terminis i lliuraments de recompenses.

Amb el vostre suport feu que MuOM sigui una realitat i ens brindeu el suport per seguir treballant i treure el millor de nosaltres.

Una gran abraçada per tots i totes

We are very happy because thanks to your contribution we will be able to record this new album MuOM !!! Soon we will send you an e-mail to inform you about your rewards.


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