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¡Discover the #InvinciblExperience!

With this campaign we want to fund the distribution, promotion and the production of INVINCIBLE's physical copies, our first self produced LP. In addition, we want to fund the #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE, a live show experience which presents the global concept of the LP.


A project of


Created in

From 3.000€
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View project in Castellano and Català

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Our campaign is focused to: partially fund the manufacturing, distribution and promotion of our first self-produced LP named INVINCIBLE, our live show experience #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE (leaded by the amateur film director Axel Sisquella) and the full recording from a professional audiovisual recording team.

We’ve been working for a whole year into the different pillars of our project and we want to share them with you. We need your support in order to overcome the obstacles that sometimes prevent an idea from becoming a reality. ¡We want you to join us in this adventure!

Who we are?

PANAM is a music Project born in Barcelona which tries to redefine the way the music reach the crowd; a new paradigm that contributes with more sensitive and spiritual nuances.

Made by colorful melodies weaved with progressive transitions and old psychodelia flashes, our songs use intensity as the best channel to relay the emotions they pretend to show without falling into excess, having found in simplicity a solid bridge with the audience.

The roots of our sound are mainly influenced by many different bands and styles such as: Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, The National, Tame Impala, U2, Led Zeppelin, Coldplay, Yes, Supertramp or Band of Horses.

INVINCIBLE is our first self-produced EP; a conceptual album that relates a complete story where all the songs and their messages are represented with a specific visual definition. Additionally we count on a complete audiovisual experience for our live shows, the #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE, with which we’ll try not to leave our audience indifferent. Our premiere show will be at Luz de Gas Club Friday the 14th of October.


From PANAM we believe that in music, like any other language, improvement goes along the capacity of speaking your mind. Working on that, we’ve notice that the hearing is not the only human sense to exercise during a performance.

Starting from a revolutionary staging approach, we achieve to close up more theatrical formats where we let flow all the growth of a unique live show concept; the #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE unites our songs, lyrics and images and audiovisual stories of what we want to express.

About your share destination:

  • Physhical copies production of our first self produced LP: INVINCIBLE

  • Rewards production

  • Promotion and distribution of our first self produced LP: INVINCIBLE

  • Promotion and production of the #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE

  • Official #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE's premiere

  • Professional Recording of the #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE premiere

  • Professional Photograph report of the #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE premiere

About the rewards:

From the moment you decide to contribute with your sharing, you’re becoming our project patron. In order to reward your altruism, we’ve prepare many rewards for you:

  • INVINCIBLE's digital download

  • INVINCIBLE's deluxe digipack CD

  • Dedicated INVINCIBLE's deluxe digipack CD

  • Ticket to our official #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE premiere at Luz de Gas** Club Friday the 14th of October.

  • PANAM – The Invincible Experience exclusive T-shirt (2 models)

  • PANAM exclusive sticker

  • PANAM – The Invincible Experience official Premiere Poster (Limited Edition)

  • PANAM – The Invincible Experience exclusive Totebag

  • To share with the band a whole practice session (beers included lol)

  • To attend along with the band to a whole recording day of our second coming out Album during December of 2016

  • Acoustic private show at your home/event

  • Full electric show (including backline) at your home/event


On the hypothetical situation of reaching 4000€, we’d organize a pre-release of the #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE which we’d top off with an exclusive party, scheduled between June and July, just for our patrons which are you. We expect to be able to accomplish that goal too!


All the rewards which include a ticket for our 14th of October live show at Luz de Gas club will be handed at the main entrance personally. The rest of the packs we offer have little surcharge due to the delivery service and will be delivered from Monday the 17th of October (Dates may change due to external issues)

Everybody who’ll get a pack will receive a link where you could watch a sample of our #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE live show streaming on the internet.


Without you this would be not possible, you’re part of this project

Share it and help us to spread the word! Thank you for your trust!




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#03 / Link a la descarga digital

¡Ya están aquí! ¡Por fin hemos recibido los primeros artículos de vuestras esperadas recompensas! Y que mejor manera de abrir boca que con la descarga digital de INVINCIBLE para que os podáis ir sumergiendo en nuestra música.

Sólo tenéis que hacer "click" en el link que encontraréis a continuación y podréis descargaros las 7 canciones de nuestro primer trabajo:


Para todos aquellos que habéis adquirido vuestras entradas para la #INVINCIBLEXPERIENCE del viernes 14 de Octubre a través de los packs de verkami, recibiréis un email en los próximos días con vuestra acreditación para entrar al recinto.

Del mismo modo, se os entregarán el resto de recompensas pertinentes el día del concierto. Los packs que incluían envío se harán efectivos durante la semana posterior al concierto.

¡Muchas gracias a todos de nuevo por vuestro apoyo y colaboración!

#02 / ¡Lo conseguimos!

¡Muchísimas gracias a todos por ayudarnos a conseguir el objetivo y hacer que esta campaña se haya convertido en un éxito!

A partir de hoy mismo nos centraremos única y exclusivamente en la confección y en la fabricación tanto de la #invinciblexperience como de las recompensas que tanto merecéis.

Contactaremos con vosotros de forma personalizada.

Feliz Domingo y BE PANAM MY FRIEND!


Muchísimas gracias a todos por el apoyo que habéis demostrado, la verdad es que nos cuesta creer que hayamos logrado el primer objetivo que nos marcamos, los 3.000€, en apenas 20 días... ¡Es muy fácil con gente como vosotros a nuestro lado!

Una vez logrado dicho objetivo, vayamos a por el segundo, los 4.000€. En el supuesto caso de conseguirlo, organizaríamos un pre-estreno de la #invinciblexperience en una fecha a concretar (posiblemente algún fin de semana de Julio). Un pre-estreno en el que no faltará de nada y en el que sobrarán las ganas de celebrar lo que hemos conseguido entre todos. Calentaremos motores para llegar rebosando energía a Luz de Gas.

Lo dicho, ¡aprovechemos estos 18 días de crowdfunding para ir consiguiendo nuevos objetivos y sus correspondientes recompensas!

¡Que corra la voz equipo!

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