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MERCILESS ALIENS - Ecological, extreme and indie cinema in Festivalito La Palma

An island. A challenge. A tribute to Troma. A collaborative movie to judge once and for all humankind deeds all over the planet and meet our fate. Are we worthy of being here or just a bane deserving total annihilation? Will we discover the hidden codes for re-evolution? Will you join us?

Festivalito La Palma

A project of


From 12.000€
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Merciless Aliens is a story that need to be told and, with your help, it will become the first collaborative movie to be shot in a week!

We are talking about a feature film, homage to Lloyd Kaufman, Troma Entertainment and indie movies, underground cinema, cult movies, artisan films, low-budget cinema, … in brief, tromatic cinema.

We are offering you a transgressive indie story, a thriller of neowestern hues and plenty of fun, all underpinned by socio-ecological and basic human issues: beings from another galaxy come to Earth with an intention to invade and the mission to annihilate humankind because of our crimes against life on the planet.

And we ask ourselves… will there be anything in our hearts and souls that can make them change their minds? Are we worthy of living here? Can anyone persuade them about our willingness to shift our ways? Or will humanity's coveted obliteration, in order to free Earth of its most deadly plague, be the perfect happy ending?

We want Merciless Aliens to work out as a shared creation process, so to begin with the script is going to be written online in a collaborative mode. Furthermore, we will shoot the movie with anyone willing to join us during Festivalito La Palma, in May 13th-21st 2016, touching the cosmos with our hands. And of course, the film will end up being licensed as Creative Commons.

Merciless Aliens - Chapter 0 - Galactic Folk People

That’s why we are here, in a crowdfunding campaign. That’s why we cherish your support. Because we believe that to save ourselves, we must join forces. Because there's no sustainability if there’s no fun. Because we are on our way to build the re-evolution… and we need your help to do it. We know you are eager to jump in, so keep on scrolling down and we'll explain you how to contribute.

This is a unique chance to join us in an awesome filming adventure, shooting under extreme conditions, all along a camp-like week in a beautiful and isolated place in our galaxy.

The directors

This is a cooperative movie, we've said it before… That also means there will be several directors playing their part, each one of them shooting a portion of the story.

We are very honoured to have on board Lloyd Kaufman as our starry guest, president of the mythical Troma Entertainment and director of The toxic avenger, among many other films.

We have also confirmed the following Spanish directors:

Finally, we rely on the canary filmmaker Zac73dragon to be our project team coordinator. He’s the owner of Chukumi Studio and creator-perpetrator of Festivalito.

Moreover, you have the chance to be one of the movie directors… dare greatly and join us! Share the experience with a real legendary filmmaker and have a blast! If you are interested, check the Director’s Cut perk here on the right colum!

The producers

La Máquina de Coser, producer of Chukumi Studio and Festivalito, is the one staying up front this wonderful madness, together with Troma Entertainment, of course (yeah, they have jumped in as coproducers!).

Other producers such as AS Producciones, Anatael Productions, Los De Lito Films, Enróllate Films, Esteban Calderín Producciones, BlackPoint Film, Cinema Bandit, El Hombre Invisible Films, Wansy Navarro Producciones and La Isla Comunicación will join us in this adventure, too!

La Máquina de Coser has boosted more than 300 short film shootings, produced 5 long films during Festivalito first ten editions, and among others, the TV series “Mutant Cameras Invassion!!!”.

And definitely, as backers, all of you are producers!

More so, you can also specifically feature as coproducer or associate producer. For more info, write to [email protected].

For starters, we'd love to be able to say in a few weeks that there is enough money to cover basic expenses that cannot be covered in any other way, so the best way to help the project is to make a pledge here on the right column, and get one of the awesome perks ready to thank you for your trust and support. That’s what a crowdfunding campaign is all about, to make it possible together, isn’t it?

But no less important is to share the love! Please spread the word of this project, for sure you know a lot more people who could help, and nothing’s better than a friend’s recommendation… So in the flesh, by email, in social networks, sharing in your web page the widget you will find at the bottom of the page… whatever works best for you, will be wonderful for us too!

And if you want to support us in any other way, please leave a message here or write directly to: [email protected].

No matter how much you pledge, you will always be able to watch the movie (online, DVD/Blue Ray or at the movie theater). Of course, your name will show up in the credits… and in our hearts!

Furthermore, here you have the rest of the juicy perks you can get!
+ Digital script
+ Exclusive movie T-shirt
+ Movie premiere tickets
+ Signed movie poster
+ Movie still
+ DVD / Blue Ray
+ DVD / Blue Ray collector edition
+ Digital script illustrated by Anu Jato (limited and numbered edition, personalized with your name)
+ Lloyd Kaufman’s Masterclass, with preferential seat
+ Free pass to all of the Festivalito’s events
+ Become actor/actress in the movie: if you are an actress/actor and would love to impersonate an alien, a villain, be in a secondary role or as figurant in the movie, we are waiting for you! You have it. No casting required.
+ Become a director of the movie
+ Breakfast with the directors and technical team during the filming
+ Shooting attendance
+ Highlighted in the roll credits
+ Your company logo in the beginning of the movie, in the credits and the webpage
+ Percentage of the movie’s profits

Some of the perks will be delivered directly during Festivalito (like the free pass, the master class, and most of the place-sensitive ones), the rest will be sent in between three to six months after Festivalito.

The film will be edited and postproduced starting in June. It will take us at least two months, but we hope it can be ready before the end of the year. We would love to release it at the next Sitges Fantastic Film Festival!

The island of La Palma, the beautiful island, the heart island, the green island in the Canary Islands.

This small spot surrounded by the Atlantic ocean offers us an array of ASTONISHING shooting locations: high mountains, pine woods, laurel forests, volcanoes, ocean, black-sand beaches, colonial architecture, wonderful starry nights… and a friendly weather for the filming.

La Palma is also Festivalitoville, the emblematic site where Festivalito is being held since 2002.

We offer you a journey to the heart of the Atlantic Ocean. Do you still need more reasons to join us?

We would be very grateful to achieve a basic goal of 12.000€ in only 35 campaign days.

This money will help us fund the trips, lodging and maintenance of the guest filmmakers and technical team who will come to La Palma during the week of Festivalito to play their part in the movie, besides paying for commissions and some of the perks.

But… we need much more: 30.000€ is the lowest budget to shoot the whole movie.

We are negotiating with sponsors, TVs and other possible private partners in order to add up to the total amount. We count on a share of Festivalito’s budget, as well as the future return of the whole artistic and technical team's salaries, too.

Besides the filmmakers, their operational staff and producers, the team behind Festivalito is the one sharing this powerful dream with you.

+ Info

We’re gonna share news from the movie and the campaign here in this site and in the Festivalito’s webpage and sociaI networks:
Festivalito - Festival de las Estrellas
Merciless Aliens on Facebook
Festivalito on Facebook
Merciless Aliens on Twitter
Festivalito on Twitter
Festivalito on Youtube

And you can always find us at a [email protected]

Merciless Aliens… We are ready to launch…

If you believe in this project, if you trust us, if you’re getting passionate about all we have shown you, if you want our story to be told, if you want to join us in this adventure, make this movie together, then be a backer of this project!

The planet needs you!

Eternity awaits us!

Thank you so so so much for being here, somewhere in the galaxy...


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  • Richard


    almost 8 years

    Ha sido una verdadera lástima que no hayáis conseguido lo deseado.Pero no estáis solos,hay muchos/as que os apoyamos.Seguiré queriendo salvar la tierra de los alienígenas.

  • Festivalito La Palma

    Festivalito La Palma

    almost 8 years

    Hola Virginis, mañana es el último día para colaborar. La aportación mínima es de 10€. Tienes todas las aportaciones disponibles en la columna derecha de la página, y puedes acceder clicando directamente sobre ellas :) Cualquier duda escríbenos a [email protected]. ¡Muchísimas gracias!

  • Virginis


    almost 8 years

    Como puedo colaborar? Cual es la aportacion minima?

  • Festivalito La Palma

    Festivalito La Palma

    almost 8 years

    Hola Elena, ¡muchísimas gracias! Nosotros también estamos muy ilusionados, genial contar contigo. Ya sabes, esto lo conseguimos juntos. Un fuerte abrazo y hasta muy pronto!

  • elena gomez

    elena gomez

    about 8 years

    Hola, acabo de hacer mi aportación a este proyecto como actriz y eso que mi lento ordenador no me lo ha puesto fácil jeje. Me hace mucha ilusión. Deseando que se consiga para divertirme y pasarlo bien. Un saludo

  • Festivalito La Palma

    Festivalito La Palma

    about 8 years

    Hola Richard, y muchísimas muchísimas gracias por este empujón, por tu apoyo y tu confianza en el proyecto. Nos da un subidón de lunes cuando vemos cosas así :) ¡Te esperamos a bordo! Un fuerte abrazo

  • Richard


    about 8 years

    Hola,buenos días.He decidido aportar para convertirme en un actor de vuestro proyecto y con ello ,mi intención es dar un empujón para que en los días que queden se animen más para que se haga realidad.Un saludo y feliz lunes.

  • Festivalito La Palma

    Festivalito La Palma

    about 8 years

    Hola Carmen,

    Nos gusta que nos hagas esa pregunta (personalmente, ahora te escribe una mujer y yo también me lo pregunté al principio).

    La respuesta: hasta el momento no conocíamos ninguna directora a la que le gustara y tuviera experiencia en este tipo de cine, con lo que estábamos encantados de recibir sugerencias.

    Pero... ha contactado con nosotros una directora americana que quiere venirse a rodar la película, y en breve os podremos dar más detalles :)

    ¿Te apuntas a la aventura?
    ¡Muchas gracias y un fuerte abrazo!

  • Carmen Jiménez

    Carmen Jiménez

    about 8 years

    Queridos: un equipo de 12 directores en el que no hay ni una sola mujer?

  • Festivalito La Palma

    Festivalito La Palma

    about 8 years

    ¡Hola Ed!

    Encantados pues, escríbenos a [email protected] y nos cuentas con más detalle.

    De entrada, la mejor forma de participar es colaborando con aportación económica en la campaña... ¡para que podamos rodar la película!

    Y luego también compartirlo mucho mucho mucho y convencer a más personas :)
    ¡Esperamos saber más de vosotros!
    ¡Muchas gracias!

#03 / Ayer fue el Día de la Tierra. La invasión ha comenzado.

Ayer fue el Día de la Tierra. La invasión ha comenzado. Ayúdanos a salvar el planeta... de la raza humana.

Por eso queremos compartirte algunas de las promos hechas por nuestros directores.

¿Cuál te gusta más?

La llegada de las naves extraterrestres a la isla de La Palma, por Wansy Navarro

Un alienígena necesita tu pasta, por David Pantaleón

La guerra ha comenzado (Qué pensamos los humanos de esto), por Juan Pa

¿Las compartes? ¿Te animas a rodar tú alguna?

#02 / Lloyd Kaufman pide tu ayuda / Lloyd Kaufman asks for your help

Sabemos que ayer os compartíamos el capítulo 0 y la apertura del guión.

Otra actualización justo el día después parecía demasiado... pero no podemos contenernos.

Tienes que ver esto. En serio. O no.

*We know we were sharing with you just yesterday the chapter 0 of the movie and the openning of the collaborative script. Another update now seems too much... but we couldn't stop ourselves.

You must see this. Seriously. Or not*

#01 / ¿Quieres conocer el principio de tu historia? ¿Quieres ayudarnos a escribir el resto?

¡Hola aventureros y aventureras!

Hoy por fin os compartimos la primera actualización de este blog de batalla.

Con dos noticias que van de la mano.

  • La presentación del capítulo 0 del largometraje, un corto realizado por David Bienes y Tomás Moreno, de Enróllate Films, dos de nuestros directores afincados en la isla de La Palma.

De hecho, el corto está rodado íntegramente en uno de los municipios del norte de la isla, Garafía.

Alienígenas sin piedad - Capítulo 0 - Folklóricos galácticos

Es un corto cachondo y singular que nos da el pie y el punto de partida para la noticia siguiente...

  • ¡ La escritura colectiva del guión ! Un espacio donde colaborar con tus ideas más descabelladas para seguir haciendo de esta película algo espectacular y diferente.

¡Compartid mucho y animad a otra gente para que esta maravillosa locura en común sea posible!

¡Juntos podemos!

Muchas gracias por estar ahí

El equipo de Alienígenas Sin Piedad

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