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15 Years in Venus, documentary film

15 Years in Venus is a documentary film shot in La Mina neighbourhood during the year 2015. Tension and emotions rise as the neighbours fight against serious housing problems that exist right from the start until our present day.

15 Anys a Venus

A project of


Created in

From 5.000€
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“La Mina has generated its own complex and opaque microcosmos. Lack of knowledge... makes understanding and progress more difficult'
(Josep Maria Monferrer Celades, la Mina neighbour and president of the Historical Archive of La Mina housing estate.)

15 Years in Venus is a documentary film, shot in the ** La Mina** housing estate during 2015. It tells the story of the serious housing problems that the neighbourhood suffers since it was first created, accompanying several neighbours who are directly affected by the situations during their *plight for dignity *.

The film stems from the belief that we should be aware of the different realities that exist in our societies in order to be able to change our errors, which are repeated time and again in the most impoverished neighbourhoods, and to know the social reality of Barcelona, which is a far from the image that we are usually sold.

At present ** we have practically finished our film*, but we need your help to **complete the postproduction* and promotion so that our film may see the light! We would like your collaboration to be able to finish our project, and in exchange we you can *be the first to enjoy it *.

Here’s some more information:

The documentary Project


La Mina housing estate was designed and constructed between 1969 and 1975 to re-house shack dwellers in Barcelona. The recessionof the 1980s and drugs degraded the social tissue of this community which, up to the present, ** is still considered a ghetto.**

In the year 2000, a plan to transform the area was initiated, foreseeing urban and social interventions. One of these was to demolish one of the main blocks in the neighbourhood, and re-house its occupants in newly constructed buildings. This block is called ‘Venus block’. The re-housed neighbours had to pay the difference of 30.000 € for the newly constructed flats, but not everyone could or wanted to pay.

Finally, the local administrations withdrew their original proposal and decided not to demolish the block at all, but by this time the building had become seriously degraded due to lack of maintenance. In 2014, two new lines of action were open, to be executed during 2015. On one hand, the newly constructed blocks, originally destined to re-house the neighbours from Venus, become available to other families as social housing. On the other hand, a process was opened to re-house families in emergency situations in the apartments that had been emptied in the Venus block when some of the neighbours originally left.

Throughout 2015, the neighbourhood seethed with contradictory news. The tension and confusion increased.

15 Years in Venus accompanies some of the neighbours during this situation during a whole year, until the situation becomes defined. In this way, we get to know three different situations: some of the neighbours in Venus are organized and are fighting for an ‘apartment for apartment’ deal with the local administration, as they can’t, or are not prepared to pay the 30,000€ difference for new housing. Others, want one of the apartments in the new housing blocks, and finally, we follow the plight of a family who is in an urgent situation and is eligible for one of the emergency housing apartments, despite the fact that this may in the degraded ‘Venus block’.


  • Because it narrates the story of a hard-hit and stigmatized neighbourhood from a previously unknown angle that has been hidden by the administration and media.

  • To allow the neighbours to be heard.

  • Because without knowledge it is impossible to advance as a more inclusive and just society.


  • The social consequences of a badly managed ‘Transformation Plan’ that is considered to be exemplary in other countries of the world.

  • The real difficulties, for professionals and administrations as well as for the neighbours that are involved in achieving a minimally dignified situation in an advanced society.

  • What roles the administrations, individuals and local organisations play in the neighbourhood’s present situation.

What we’ll destine your contributions to:

This project has been possible due to the joint effort of Mariona Giner and Sergi Pujolar. It’s an independent venture, filmed exclusively with our collaborator*Olympus*’s cameras, with no public or private funding.
It has been a year and a half of intense work: finding and consulting documents and audiovisual archive material, contacting people in the neighbourhood, producing and preparing the script, interviewing and filming in adverse conditions... In order to finish the project we need 5.000 €. This money will not cover the total cost of our needs, but it will be vital to complete the film.


  • Translation and subtitles, from the original in Catalan, to Spanish and English

  • Archive material expenses

  • Colour and sound post-production

  • Original soundtrack

  • Promotion

  • Rewards


Our technicians have worked long hours during a year. They will be able to receive part of the time they have invested in earnings.

We will be able to recover expenses that we have already invested in the project.


Information on our rewards

We want our rewards to help people in La Mina housing estate, so as well as contributing to the film, the rewards you collect will be directly helping other people as well.

We understand that if you collaborate with our project then you are interested in the subject-matter of our film, so we have prepared the following: depending on your contribution, you can access online viewing of the film or watch the film on a film-house screen; we have two series of photographs of the neighbourhood, one by a local photographer and the other by one of the film’s directors; we also have a selection of three books that give you more information on what existed in the area before the ‘Forum’ zone was built as well as a very interesting guided tour of its little-known history.


With this reward you will receive an exclusive link to be able to view the film on-line, before the official preview, during a limited period of time only.


We are offering two types of preview:

  • Font de la Mina Library: the first preview, in La Mina neighbourhood. You’ll be able to view an HD projection with the presence of the filmmakers.

  • Filmoteca de Catalunya: preview at a cinema. It will be one of the only occasions that the film will be shown in a fully equipped film house with the presence of the filmmakers, followed by a debate.

On both occasions there will be a table where you’ll be able to collect the rest of your rewards.


Postcard of the documentary, with a special acknowledgement for having participated in the film:


José Sánchez Raz is a photographer who lives in the La Mina neighbourhood. He usually works documenting social projects, but this time he’s prepared a series of urban photographs of his neighbourhood especially for our crowdfunding campaign.

Mariona Giner is a documentary photographer who bases her work on transmitting the dignity of people who face the adversity of social inequality. During the last few years she has combined photography with designing and teaching photography workshops for the social integration of people who in severely underprivileged situations. She is also the codirector of this documentary film. For our crowdfunding campaign she has prepared a series of urban landscapes from ‘Dikela la Mina’, a project that was produced in La Mina in 2006 with local youth.


The three books are written by people who appear in the documentary film, and who have also contributed in other ways. It will enable you to know the La Mina area and neighbourhood in-depth, through its history, as well as helping us to think about social conflict from a new perspective. These books are available in Spanish only.

Some of the rewards include one or two books, and you can choose from the following:

Mierda de ciudad. Una rearticulación crítica del urbanismo neoliberal desde las ciencias sociales(Crap City. A critical re-articulation of neoliberal urbanism from the social sciences.)

Giuseppe Aricó, José A. Mansilla, Marco Luca Stanchieri

During the last few decades, the logic of the market has penetrated into the field of urban planning and the political and economical discourses that regulate the urban governing processes of our cities.

The texts found in this publication propose a critical approach to the re-articulation of a particular kind of urbanism that belongs to a neoliberal style.

El Campo de la Bota

Josep Maria Monferrer i Celades

Many people imagine the shack dwelling community of ‘El Camp de la Bota’ as dirty, miserable and socially marginalised. Certainly, this is not a totally unreal idea, but it is only half of the picture. This book tells the story of a neighbourhood that is important and symbolical for the history of Barcelona, from the inside.

Història Del Barri De La Mina 1969-2000

Josep Maria Monferrer i Celades

Step by step we will know the history of the first 25 years of La Mina neighbourhood, which was conceived as an ‘absorption housing estate’, to re-house shack dwellers. Throughout the book we will discover the fight for dignity as well as the badly administered politics, party interests and the corruption that eventually destroyed local social rights movements and the dreams and hopes of the neighbours.

"An historical narrative written in a quiet tone, which gives a voice to those from whom it was taken away."

Paco Marín


The tour is in Spanish only. It answers important questions such as what existed before the Fòrum and the brand-new university campus were built. After a walk around the area to visit the sight of Franco’s execution wall, the old shack locations and the Romany gypsy schools, you will be able to visit the archive where many photographs and other material are kept. The tour is guided by Josep Mª Monferrer, president of the Historical Archive of the Camp de la Bota i la Mina.

**Can you think of any other awards? Would you like to combine them differently? Let us know and we can work something out for you!

Our team

Director and script: Mariona Giner, photographer and workshop designer and teacher for social integration. Projects: I Spy (2013-2016), A Family Portrait (2009), Dikela la Mina (2006).

Director, camera and montage: Sergi Pujolar Castillo, photographer and photographic postproduction. He is a member of Collective Krasnyi, and collaborates regularly with different media such as La Directa. Projects: GLORIA (2015), Mirada Alternativa (2011).

Sound technician: Sandra Ramionet Formatger, direct sound. Projects: The Invisible Guest (2015), Sonata per a Violoncelo (2014), Dos a la Carta (2013), El Club de los Buenos Infieles (2013).

Second camera technician: Sergi Rubio Grandia, freelance photographer, member of Collective Krasnyi, collaborates regularly as a photojournalist with La Burxa y La Directa. Projects: Multituds (2013), Cuatro casas cuatro realidades (2012).

Assistant camera: Miguel Cortés Carrasco

Still photography: Eva Parey

Graphic design: Carla Lloret Puig, is a freelance designer and works at DiseFoto S.A.

Sound postproduction: Anxo Villar

Colour postproduction: Juanan Platas

Sound production: Martí Sales Sariola

Sound design: Ilya Martí

Correctors: Jose Antonio Merín Andía (Spanish), Lourdes Barcelò Mestre (Catalan)


All rewards will be delivered in January- February 2016

August- November 2015: documentation

November- February 2015: production, casting

February- September 2015: filming

September- December 2015: postproduction

January 2016: special preview at La Mina public library

February 2016: preview at La Filmoteca de Catalunya, Barcelona

During 2016, the film will participate in the documentary film circuit. From there onwards, we will consider showing it in different locations before making it available on-line.

+ Info

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15 Anys a Venus


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  • 15 Anys a Venus

    15 Anys a Venus

    over 8 years

    Hola Yuliana, si, ho tenim previst.

    El 80% de l'aforament de la Fimoteca de Catalunya, que és on es farà la pre-estrena, serà entrada oberta al públic, i es pot entrar pagant una entrada normal.

    Pel que fa la pre-estrena a la Mina, hem de limitar les entrades per a recompenses perquè la idea és guarantir l'aforament per la gent del barri que no puguin venir a la Filmoteca.

    Si més endavant veiem que podem incloure a més gent a la pre-estrena de la Mina, t'avisarem.

    Moltes gràcies pel teu interès :)

  • Yuliana / Юлиана

    Yuliana / Юлиана

    over 8 years

    Voldria saber si heu previst poder accedir al pre-estreno pagant entrada.

    Perque em quedaré fora amb la recompensa. Però m'agradaria veura la peli i aixi colaboraria tb.

  • 15 Anys a Venus

    15 Anys a Venus

    over 8 years

    Hola, si, inclourem aquesta opció, cap problema.

    Fins aviat i gràcies.

  • Magda Coll

    Magda Coll

    over 8 years

    El dvd tindra subtitols amb angles? Ho necessito saber abans de fer la meva aportacio.



Llega el final de nuestra campaña de micromecenazgo y pronto dejaremos de comunicarnos desde esta página.

Os pedimos que, a partir del 16 de julio, nos contactéis en [email protected]. También os recordamos que podéis seguir todos los acontecimientos relativos a la película en Facebook y la página web.

Aprovechamos para decir que la película se ha proyectado en diversos foros de cine locales y ha participado en tres festivales de cine internacionales. Se emitirá en BTV en Agosto, y entre setiembre y diciembre haremos diversas presentaciones en los fnac de Barcelona.

Gracias a tod@s por vuestro apoyo. Esperamos que podáis asistir a alguna proyección y coincidamos. ¡Buen Verano!

Arriba el final de la nostra campanya de micromecenatge, i aviat ja no ens comunicarem des d’aquesta pàgina.

Us demanem que, a partir del 16 de juliol, ens contacteu a [email protected]read more

#11 / El DVD està en marxa

Som conscients de que encara tenim alguns mecenes a l'espera de la seva recompensa: els DVD s'estan fer esperar, però ja no tardarem gaire en tenir-los apunt.

Mentrestant, us convidem a dues projeccions de la pel•lícula la setmana que ve: el dimarts dia 10 i el divendres dia 13 de maig. El dimarts hi serem els realitzadors per fer una petita xerrada després de la projecció. Us hi esperem!

No oblideu: podeu seguir-nos a Facebook i saber què està passant al barri a la nostre web.

#10 / Segui-nos al Facebook

Estimats mecenes,

Gràcies a l'esforç conjunt del qual vosaltres heu format part important, la pel•lícula veurà la llum a la Filmoteca de Catalunya el proper dimecres 24 de febrer a les 20h.

Si aquest passi no forma part de la vostre recompensa, hi podreu assistir igualment, abonant l’entrada de passi habitual de la Filmoteca.

No oblideu que ens podeu seguir a Facebook i també anem penjant novetats al blog de la nostre web.


Estimats mecenes,

Ja tenim dates de les preestrenes!

La primera és al Centre Cívic del Besòs i ja hem tancat la convocatòria pels mecenes a qui els ‘tocava’ com a recompensa. Encara guardarem alguns seients, durant uns dies, pels que no ens heu pogut contactar, però ara ja obrim la convocatòria a tothom que vulgui venir. L’aforament és molt limitat i necessitem confirmació d’assistència.

Si sobrepassem l’aforament, us avisarem i haureu d’esperar a la següent preestrena, que serà a la Filmoteca de Catalunya, on aplicarem el mateix sistema de prioritats: primer els mecenes que hagain optat per aquest premi, i després una convocatòria oberta.

Fins aviat!

Queridos mecenas,

¡Ya tenemos fechas para los preestrenos!

El primero es en el Centro cívico de Besos y ya hemos cerrado la convocatoria para los mecenas a quienes les ‘tocaba’ como… read more


Estimats i estimades mecenes:

Aviat rebreu cartes individuals informant-vos sobre les vostres recompenses.

Us recomanem que, aquells de vosaltres que hagueu de triar llibres o seleccionar fotografies concretes, ho aneu fent durant els pròxims dies, ja que necessitarem aquesta informació per a poder enllestir les vostres recompenses.

Gràcies i fins aviat!

Queridos y queridas mecenas:

Pronto recibiréis cartas individuales informándoos sobre vuestras recompensas.
Os recomendamos que, aquellos que tengáis que elegir libros o seleccionar fotografías, lo hagáis durante los próximos días, ya que necesitaremos esta información para poder preparar vuestras recompensas.

¡Gracias y hasta pronto!

Dear patrons,

Soon you will receive individual letters with further information about your rewards.

We recommend that those of you that must choose a particular book or select photographs should do so over the next few days, as we will need this information to be able to prepare your rewards.

#07 / BON ANY 2016 / FELIZ 2016 / HAPPY 2016

31 de desembre 2015 La Mina: ahir, avui i demà

El que queda de l'antic edifici d'entitats, els famosos blocs que tots coneixem, i els blocs nous, buits...

31 de diciembre 2015 La Mina: ayer, hoy y mañana

Lo que queda del antiguo edificio de entidades, los famosos bloques que todos conocemos, y los bloques nuevos, vacíos...

31 December 2015 La Mina: yesterday, today, tomorrow

The remains of the old buildings, the blocks of flats it is famous for, and the new empty new blocks...

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