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From Kuala Lumpur to Beijing

'De Kuala-Lumpur a Beijing' it is a travelbook. Intimate and exotic. A graphic diary made with ink and watercolor, that presents a route through seven countries: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailandia, Burma, Laos, Vietnam and China. A piece of art printed in full colors!

Maria Meijide

A project of


From 4.000€
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Dear patrons, thanks to you all, the book From Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is already a fact !

We've got 4000 euros, but because we have still few remaining days on the campaign I propose a second objective: 5,500 €, to improve the editing ! In this link to the blog you have all the details.


My name is María Meijide and I am painter. I have been painting travel books for years but this is the first time that I make an auto-edition project.

In February 2015 I landed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and there I started a five-month journey through idyllic, and at the same time, misterious and unknown landscapes.

From Kuala Lumpur to Beijing it is the graffic diary of this whole journey.

A project that, thanks to your contributions, will be a book made with ink and watercolor, printed in full colors with a selection of over 100 drawings made during this trip.

Moving through the pages one sees the iconic bridge over the Kwae River in northeastern Thailand, the tribal surroundings of the Inle Lake in Burma, the particular Malacca with its Portuguese neighborhood in the south of Malaysia, the Mekong waters on the Laotian border, the Dien Bien Phu cemeteries in northern Vietnam, super packed streets in the amazing Asian metropolis, the Great Wall of China... and much more!!
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What are the benefits of contributing to this campaign?

In the first place, thanks to your contributions through Verkami-web I will edit a precious book, intimate and exotic, that otherwise would be condemned to a much narrower exposure format (artist's book).

Thanks to this crowdfunding everybody will enjoy this Asian trip in a edition free of intermediaries and at a more advantageous and affordable price. (Through this platform the book is acquired at 20 €, while its price in bookstores is 24 €)

The contributors to this campaign can also obtain original watercolors, and custom films, edited in high quality.


The book will resemble the original book as closely as possible

17x18 cm.

148 pages.

Semi-hard tops.

There wil be a short prologue in Spanish-Galician / English / Chinese.

I will make a first printing of 750 copies.

Destination of your contributions

Book Printing and accessories

Packaging and Shipping

Crowdfunding 5% tax + 21% VAT + 1.35% bank tax.

If the project exceeds the budget I will devote the money to cover the costs of layout and design, to expand the circulation of the book, and if possible to charge author fees.

On the rewards

Different possibilities:

Signed and dedicated book.

40x20cm and 22x22 cm sheets, high quality reproductions of drawings from the notebook

50x70 cm sheet, a super emotional map of Santiago de Compostela, an authoral cartography, plenty of life and colors.

Series of original watercolors.

For great contributions: the original notebook. You can choose one of those:

2 original notebooks, each one in a single piece wooden framed urn.

of 17x18 cm.300 pages. Countries: Laos, Vietnam, HK, China.

of 18x19 cm.300 pages. Countries: Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Myanmar.

Available options in packs:

SUPER-PACK OBRA ORIGINAL, original watercolors interested in:

SUPER-PACK COLECCIONISTAS, with the original travelbook:


In late December, I will make a presentation of the book in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The layout process of the book is already finished and just hoping for a boost of funding to be taken to print.

Shipments will begin on December 21st.


about me


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1 comment

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  • Alfonso


    over 8 years

    Ya lo presentaste en Santiago? Te vi en el mercado de abastos con la cantante de ópera que pintaba las uñas.

    Proyecto precioso.....somos una editorial de libros....tienes cerrada la edición en imprenta?


#03 / Todos los envíos hechos!

Queridos mecenas!

Ya se han realizado todos los envíos y entregas!

Si todavía no tenéis vuestras recompensas, es muy posible que tengais un aviso en el buzón! Por lo pronto, a mi dirección no ha llegado ningún paquete devuelto.

Cualquier incidencia, poneros en contacto conmigo please!

Y gracias por todo!, sin vosotros IMPOSIBLE!

Dear patrons!

I have already finished all the shippings and deliveries.

If you still haven´t received anything at home, you might have a warning at your post-box. (Untill now I have not received any return package).

Any incident, contact me please!

And thank you for all!, without you IMPOSSIBLE!

#02 / Presentación del libro en Compostela

Queridos mecenas!

El libro se presentará este próximo martes, 29 de diciembre, en Santiago.

En el CGAC, en la biblioteca -2ºpiso!- a las 18.15 de la tarde.

Habrá unas palabritas simpáticas, manoseo de cuadernos originales, una pequeña proyección de imágenes y después de la firma de libros y entrega de recompensas, estáis invitadísimos a un vinito + pincho asiático espectacular, ya fuera del museo!

Agradecería que me confirmaseis asistencia para preparar las recompensas, dedicatorias, etc!!

Si tenéis alguna petición, éste es vuestro momento!! Podéis escribirme aquí o enviarme un mail a: [email protected].

Los que no podáis venir, recibiréis en breve vuestro paquete por correo, (ó, si sois de cerca de Santiago, podemos concertar la entrega como mejor nos convenga).

(En un par de días se habilitarán unos formularios por medio de esta web recabando la información necesaria para realizar los envíos!)

Gracias 1000 a todoss!!


Dear patrons !

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#01 / Queridos mecenas MUCHAS GRACIAS!

Hola queriiiiidos mecenas de este proyectito, gracias a todos vosotros el libro De kuala Lumpur a Beijing es ya un hecho!

Por lo pronto ya ha sido posible enviar el archivo a imprenta!

Muchas gracias!

Pero como la campaña continúa, (aún tenemos 11 días más), he pensado en mejorar la edición en los siguientes puntos:

He cambiado el papel a una gama de más alta calidad.

En cuanto a presentación, el libro vendrá arropado por una cajita de cartón a modo de packagin de superdesign, convertido así en un libro-objeto, y también protegido. Llevará sello y número!!

Y por último, si la campaña alcanza los 5500€ haré una tarjeta con esta imagen de regalo para todos los libros!

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