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Bilderberg'$ Club (Documentary)

The truth does not exist. There is only the manipulation of reality. And you are the best example. Have you heard of the Bilderberg club? Do you know who integrates and what are its objectives? I should know because they already control everything ... or so you claim.

Queralt Antú

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From 3.000€
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Now that we have finished shooting, we are working with crowdfunding so that you can have the opportunity to see the best film possible, in its entirety. We need your help to fund the last phase of our documentary. By pledging your support to us through VERKAMI, you will receive a limited edition DVD of the film, unique and unrepeatable experiences like assisting the pre-release or a press conference, a poster of the movie or a jersey. But above all, you will have the pleasure of knowing that you were part of the team that made this documentary possible. Thank you!


The truth does not exist. There is only the manipulation of reality. And you are the best example. Have you heard of the Bilderberg club? Do you know who integrates and what are its objectives? I should know because they already control everything ... or so you claim.


We are Queralt Antu (film director), Daniel Arguimbau (writer and journalist of the documentary), Ariadne Moner (journalist), Alex Gaultier (director of photography) and Natalia Carbonell (direct sound) - a small group of professionals investigating the secrecy and lack of information surrounding the secret Bilderberg Club meetings. Over three days we shot the events that occurred at the Hotel Dolce, Sitges (Garraf Barcelona) where the meetings took place. We documented the demonstrations, the disproportionate police presence and the feelings of the people who were there. And we conducting interviews with people such as Hannah Charlie Skelton Skelton (Guardian journalist); Dídac Sanchez (ecoxarxa), Hanno Rademacher (blogger), Jim Tucker (American Free Press), and Daniel Estulin (author of 'The True Story of the Bilderberg Club') amongst others. Now the shoot is over and we have moved into the final stage of production. It is not that we require funding to complete the project.


This entire project has been funded completely independently so far. However we need more funds to complete the second part of the process. We are looking for 3,000€ in total to help us achieve the following: 1,500€ for the final edit and video post-production. 800€ for translation and subtitling of the recorded interviews. 450€ for communication and distribution, and 250€ for Verkami administration costs and bank fees. THANKS!!


Someone once said "The truth shall set you free" and since then, an epidemic of sham civilization has invaded us. Now is the time to discover the truth.




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  • Daniel H.

    Daniel H.

    almost 12 years


    Estoy lanzando una campaña de apoyo a proyectos interesantes para que puedan ser grabados en máxima calidad con las nuevas RED SCARLET-X


    Ánimo con vuestro proyecto!

  • Alejandro


    about 12 years

    Ya ha acabado los días y yo me acabo de enterar de esto ( debido a que escucho a Miguel blanco pero en postcast) no va a haber prorroga ni nada??? Que pena quería hacer dos aportaciones una mía y otra de mi hermana

    Si se sabe algo mas contactenos.

  • Eduardo


    about 12 years

    En este pais, a la gente no le van los temas de ciencia, investigacion, etc. Estoy seguro que hubierais conseguido financiacion con creces si hubierais hecho un documental de la Belen Esteban. Pais de incultos y chorizos.

  • Queralt Antú

    Queralt Antú

    about 12 years

    Hola Eduardo,

    Gracias por tu apoyo! Yo también estoy sorprendida por el poco respaldo de mi proyecto. Dudo que me permitan una prorroga, pero de nuevo, gracias!


  • Eduardo


    about 12 years

    Acabo de ver que solo queda 1 dia de financiacion y solo 870 e, con lo que intuyo que no lo vais a conseguir. No lo entiendo porque lo veo un documental muy interesante. Podriais prorrogar el tiempo para conseguir el dinero? Saludos.


Now that we have finished shooting, we are working with crowdfunding so that you can have the opportunity to see the best film possible, in its entirety. We need your help to fund the last phase of our documentary. By pledging your support to us through VERKAMI, you will receive a limited edition DVD of the film, unique and unrepeatable experiences like assisting the pre-release or a press conference, a poster of the movie or a jersey. But above all, you will have the pleasure of knowing that you were part of the team that made this documentary possible. Thank you!


The truth does not exist. There is only the manipulation of reality. And you are the best example. Have you heard of the Bilderberg club? Do you know who integrates and what are its objectives? I should know because they already control everything ... or so you claim.


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#03 / CATALÀ


La veritat no existeix. Només existeix la manipulació de la realitat. I vostè n’és el millor exemple. Ha sentit a parlar del Club Bilderberg? Sap qui l'integra i quins objectius té? L’hauria de conèixer, perquè ells ja ho controlen tot, de vostè... o això pretenen.

El Club Bilderberg està format per l'elit de persones més influents del món. Entre els seus membres destaquen, per exemple, cases reials, presidents i ministres, representants del Banc Mundial, les principals empreses de comunicació, a més d'alguns noms propis, com David Rockefeller o Henry Kissinger. Es reuneixen cada any sota estrictes mesures de seguretat i asseguren que hi assisteixen com a ciutadans privats, encara que a cap d'ells se'ls permet donar cap informació dels continguts discutits durant les trobades. Ningú no pot comprar una invitació, tot i que moltes multinacionals ho han intentat. Què motiva el seu hermetisme?

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#02 / Sinopsis (completa)


EL DOCUMENTAL // Sinopsis **

La verdad no existe. Sólo existe la manipulación de la realidad. Y usted es el mejor ejemplo. ¿Ha oído hablar del club Bilderberg? ¿Sabe quién lo integra y cuales son sus objetivos? Debería conocerlos porque ellos ya lo controlan todo de usted… o eso pretenden.

El Club Bilderberg está formado por la élite de personas más influyentes en el mundo. Entre sus miembros destacan, por ejemplo, casas reales, presidentes y ministros, representantes del Banco Mundial, las principales empresas de comunicación además de algunos nombres propios, como David Rockefeller o Henry Kissinger. Se reúnen cada año bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad y aseguran que asisten como ciudadanos privados, aunque a ninguno de ellos se les permite dar información alguna de los contenidos discutidos durante los… read more

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