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Made in Kibera

A group of artists from Africa's biggest slum have joined to dedicate a reggae song to their homeland. Made in Kibera seeks to give them a voice and show the harshness of its streets and the hope of its people. We are going to record this song and make sure it is heard everywhere!

Más Por Ellos

A project of

Created in

Nairobi, Kenya
From 1.500€
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Made in Kibera is a cultural project that seeks to promote the talent and effort of young artists from the slum. A group of artists from Kibera have come up with a reggae song dedicated to their people, to the pride of living, working and thriving in the slum, to the solidarity and happiness that they feel and express.

About Kibera

Kibera is Africa's biggest slum or informal settlement, with more than 500,000 registered inhabitants. It is formed by 12 villages with many small houses made of mud, wood and metal where waste, poverty, diseases, and unemployment are very common.

However, in Kibera, entrepreneurship, social movements, sports, arts and music are also very frequent. Made in Kibera wants to denounce the state of instability and neglect of Kibera but also emphasize its people's dignity and power.

About the project

The project will start with the production of a reggae song made by the artists.

As soon as the song is finished, we will film a music video with Kibera as the background, which will be also shared online.

To facilitate the spreading of the song we will organize a free-of-charge music festival for the people of Kibera where the artists will have the chance to perform their own songs and present the song "Made in Kibera" in front of the community.

Later on, we will release a series of documentaries showing stories from different people from Kibera.

Finally, the blog that we are using to inform about this project will remain active as an online platform to promote other artists from the slum. Once our song, music video and documentaries are finished and released, Made in Kibera will still be alive so that other young artists from the community can keep sharing their art and creations with the rest of the world.

About us

Made in Kibera is a multi-format project pushed by the Spanish NGO Más Por Ellos and the Kenyan youth group GYFF (Ghetto Youth Focus Foundation).

Más Por Ellos has been working in Kibera for almost three years. Its mission is to promote sustainable development through education and social entrepreneurship.

GYFF is a group of young Kibera neighbours working since 2009 to improve the life in the slum. Among their activities, they provide theatre and dance classes for children, support sport teams, and organize clean ups and artistic events in Kibera.

What is the money for?

We want Made in Kibera to be a great hit and to make a difference. The money raised will be invested in:

  • Studio production of the song with one of the best music producers in Kenya, Freddie W. Dillie.

  • Free-of-charge music event to share the project with the community but also to attract the attention of the media. Here we include hiring a stage, music equipment, security, a DJ...

  • Merchandising to market the event and the project such as t-shirts, stickers, banners...

  • Rewards 100% made in Kibera as well as their delivery.

  • Card transactions and platform taxes.

What if we get more?

At the moment, we have set a minimum budget that ensures the recording, releasing and marketing of the song and the project. If we get more, we would focus on improving the quality of the song, investing in a better studio.

Moreover, Made in Kibera is a project that aims to be infinite. This online platform is an opportunity for the slum artists to join the global conversation online and show their abilities. If we go beyond the objective we will continue investing in discovering, supporting and promoting the artists in Kibera.

So once the project is over, do not forget about Made in Kibera because we will continue making noise!

About the rewards

What reward are we going to offer if not products a hundred percent Made in Kibera?

In one of the sides of Kibera's main road there is the tiny shop of Forest. Despite suffering a deformity in her hands, Forest and her friends make jewellery to be sold in the slum or in the centre of Nairobi. A charming woman who is really excited to be part of the project!

From Forest shop you can get:

-One of these bracelets if you contribute with 15 euros (or two if you give 25)

-One of these necklaces if you contribute with 20 euros (or two if you give 35)

-One of these sandals if you contribute with 60 euros (or two if you give 110)

Simond, one of our singers, also designs and makes these sandals made from recycled pneumatics. They cannot be more resistent!

-One of these sandals if you contribute 60 euros (or two if you give 110)

Sadam is an artist who has a shop in the entrance of Kibera. These are some of his designs that he will put in a canvas of approximately 30x50 centimetres. Moreover, if you have an idea Sadam can paint it for you!

-One of these pictures if you contribute 60 euros (or two if you contribute 110)

When the campaign is finished we will contact our sponsors to start the delivery of the rewards. You will choose your model and we will send it to you as soon as possible.


The project is already running. The artists have been in rehearsals for months and we have come to an agreement with the producer to start as soon as possible. After two weeks of work, one in the studio and another for postproduction, the song will be ready. Our sponsors will be the first ones to listen to it!

But do not go too far. As soon as we finish in the studio we will start the shooting of the music video. Once it is ready, you will be able to read your name in the credits as a way of thanking you for your support. We will also keep you updated through our social media about the events and concerts.

What do you think? Are you in?

¡Kibera has a lot to tell and you can make it possible!

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Facebook Guetto Youth Focus Foundation
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#07 / Videoclip oficial de Made in Kibera

Queridos Mecenas, hoy os presentamos por fin el videoclip de Made in Kibera. Disfrutad de este paseo por el slum keniano a ritmo de Reggae que os ayudará a conocer más de cerca a su gente, sus niños, sus artistas. Gracias por vuestro apoyo empezamos y seguimos adelante, vosotros sois Made in Kibera.



#06 / Evento Made in Kibera

Este domingo Más Por Ellos y GYFF organizamos el evento Made in Kibera con el objetivo de dar a conocer la nueva canción y a sus artistas. Con nosotros, cómicos, bailarines, poetas y otros cantantes de Kibera animaron al público hasta que llegó el momento de presentar el tema.

Fue una jornada inolvidable que ha servido para dar otro paso más en el camino de Made in Kibera. Un camino que no podría haber empezado sin vosotros mecenas. De nuevo muchas gracias.

Os informamos de que el próximo lunes 21 publicaremos el videoclip de Made in Kibera por nuestras redes sociales habituales así como el blog de Verkami.

Finalmente, os dejamos un pequeño vídeo que resume cómo fue la jornada.


#04 / Conoce a Wikedest


Wikedest trabaja a tiempo parcial en la lavandería de uno de los hospitales públicos de Nairobi. Con mujer y dos hijas, no nació en Kibera pero se mudó allí hace tiempo. Entonces descubrió un importante secreto, que Kibera es un gran lugar para vivir, y ahora es su mejor embajador cantando con su poderosa voz las virtudes del slum.

Su barrio se encuentra a solo dos bloques de distancia del slum y quizá por ello, muy pronto empezó a visitarlo para encontrarse con sus amigos, atraído por su activa vida social. Le sedujeron los lazos entre la comunidad, la vida cultural, los colectivos sociales… ¡Eso nunca pasaría en su barrio!

La música le ha acompañado toda su vida. Aun recuerda el día que se dio cuenta junto a sus compañeros de clase de que podía cantar. Era 1999 y la canción Bombastic de Shaggy era un éxito. Wiki la… read more

#03 / Baba Gurston


Conoce a nuestros artistas / Meet our artists

Baba Gurston es un hombre que se define primero como profesor y luego como artista. Sin embargo, en él competencias y habilidades se mezclan y complementan. Su carrera como artista es un ejemplo a seguir por jóvenes de Kibera que siguen su consejo. Como profesor desprende un carisma y originalidad que vuelven locos a los niños.

Nacido en Kibera, pasó poco tiempo hasta que su padre, considerando el slum un sitio peligroso para él, le sacara de sus calles. Años después, ya en su juventud, volvió al barrio que le vio nacer con la ilusión de convertirse en profesor y con la música siempre en la cabeza. Su discapacidad pudo haber sido una maldición, pero Baba es un hombre optimista y agradecido y, como dice en uno de sus temas , “Carry on”, tirar hacia delante siempre es la única opción.

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