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Join us! Let's make great paper!

We are SASTRES PAPERERS, and manufacture handmade paper for fine art. We also organize activities to promote this artisan craft (schools, families, cultural tourism ...) and we collaborate with several centers of people with other abilities because we want to share what we learn.

Sastres Paperers

A project of


Created in

From 5.715€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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Thanks to your generosity we have reached our target in record time! We are now able to pay off the last two thirds of the little holland beater and concentrate on making great paper- what we do best. This in itself is priceless!


Now the campaign continues and...WE ARE TRYING TO REACH A NEW TARGET OF 7500 EUROS!

Because we believe with a few more resources we can go still further. Because we are in a hurry to improve. We want to do so many things and Christmas is around the corner!;-)

With your help, what more could we do?

1. Pay the people who have worked for free on our project. Such as Laura Otalora, who edited our video, Claire Robinson, who helped translate our texts into English and Delphine Lebedan, who contributed the illustration.

2. Make new shapes (the mould which we use to make the paper). We want to make cute little ones to use in our kids workshops!.

3. Buy a manual paper chopper for the recycled paper workshops we do with schools.

4. Also an ampermetre for the big machine. This will help us further refine the pulp paper.

...And whether we achieve our new objective or not, you know what else we want to do?

You have shown that your generosity has no limits so...we want to collaborate with other crowdfunding projects to share the good luck we have had!

For sure, there will be NEW INCENTIVES and also, GIFTS for all who make a second donation!.


Toni, Mamen and Jordi. Sastres Paperers

Sastres Paperers, sc is a small company recently created, but with 30 years of experience in the manufacture of handmade paper behind us. Our project has cultural and social applications and is based around three pillars:

  1. Paper craft production for the fine art market from our brand AQUARI PAPER

  2. Promoting the craft via organization of courses and workshops for groups and activities for schools and receiving visits to our mill.

  3. The training in the profession of people with disabilities through collaboration with several specialized centers of the county such Fundació Autisme Mas Casadevall with whom we collaborate, advise and have done teacher training for over 25 years.

Sastres Paperers sc, manages (in partnership with the County Council of the Pla de l'Estany) El Molí de la Farga, a traditional paper mill located in a public building that is over 300 years old.

Why have we come to Verkami?

We obtain the pulp to make paper from natural vegetable fibress. They are annual growth plants such as cotton, linen, hemp, etc. We use a type of mill called hollander beater that transforms these fibres in the paper pulp with which we form our papers. Currently we have a mill of large capacity (300 liters), suitable for large productions but not for experimentation, small orders and / or training courses.

With your contribution, we will be able to pay 70% of the acquisition cost of a small hollander beater. The remaining 30%, we have already advanced as prepaid. Its small size will allow us to experiment with the papermaking fibres and other materials to improve both the quality and diversity of the paper we make.

Moreover, this machine will improve the content of the activities for the promotion of the trade, so that we can prepare small samples of different fibre pulp, and customize for individual. It is ideal for explaining the technological characteristics of a paper mill, and will allow us to travel to schools or craft fairs in which we participate.

About us, Sastres Paperers sc.

Toni Sardà (1958): Master craftsman.Manager of Aquari Paper Mill (1983-2013), the company origin of our project. Nowadays, Aquari Paper is the name of the brand of our papers. Selftaught.He has devoted a lifetime to paper.

At present, he is fighting a disease. But still active and collaborating as much as possible.

Jordi Torrent (1976): Papermaking craftsman. Passionate captain of this ship and, although sometimes he causes a storm, he knows very well the direction and the speed. He worked with Toni Sardà for the last 6 years. He is the official "Mcguiver" and, under protest, in charge of order and the cleaning of the mill.

What he says not talking, he does singing and playing guitar in a rock band.

Mamen Cagigós (1969): Educator & coordinator of crafts and activities . She encharts children who visit the mill with her smile and awakens in them the desire to learn and play with paper. She completes the pieces of the puzzle.

She is mother of two girls who keep her in shape mentally and physically.

Our deep rooted culture has made us who we are. Our very fibres home become interwined with a passion for paper and crafts. We have a natural love for challenges and... we want to tell the world!

We are short of time, we have plenty of humor and a madness needed kick to to start a project like this. Do you want to participate?

Why would I want to collaborate?

We have thought about these whys, if you have others, tell us, we love contributions!

-Because your contribution means that paper crafts remain alive and helps popularize a craft that is a living testimony to the manufacturing industrial tradition of our county.

-Because you will participating in culture. Art is one of the many manifestations of culture. Artists from around the world expresse themselves using the paper we make.

-Because we want to improve as a company and your contribution will help us with both the quality and the diversity of our paper, as well as the cultural activities and workshops that we offer to give continuity to this trade to new generations and anyone who is interested.

-Because you'll support our collaboration with centers and people with disabilities.

-Because you help to minimize the environmental impact. We make paper with cotton and other vegetable fibres (flax, hemp, esparto ....) and do not add any extras at the time of processing. With our paper making, it is not necessary to cut down trees or employ costly bleaching processes of the fibres.

About the rewards

We can offer a wide range of rewards for individuals, groups, companies, associations or schools. We will begin to deliver as soon as we receive the mill. Some of the rewards must be agreed upon with each of the patrons (visits, workshops).

Illustration reward. (25 €) Work by Delphine Labedan

+ Info

Web Molí de la Farga
Facebook Molí de la Farga
Facebook Aquari Paper
"Aquí la tierra", reportatge de TV1 sobre la nostra feina
"Els últims artesans", reportatge de TV3 a l'antic molí Aquari
Company who builts the small hollander beaters

Thanks to Claire Robinson.The english version needed your help!


There are none published yet.

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  • Sastres Paperers

    Sastres Paperers

    over 8 years

    Hi Jette, I think that is correct. There are already two contributions of 70 euros in your name. It's alright?

    Shortly we will contact you for rewards. All our thanks for your support !!

  • reinert


    over 8 years

    My payments from PayPal were stopped, but I still want to give my support (2x 70€). How can I do this... just click on "Pledge 70€" again or?




Perquè creiem que amb una mica més de recursos podrem arribar més lluny, encara. Perquè tenim pressa per millorar. Volem fer moltes coses i s'acosta Nadal ;-)

A la pàgina del projecte us expliquem què farem si reunim aquests diners de més.

Si us plau, continueu ajudant-nos un parell de setmanes més: feu difusió de la vostra col·laboració amb els vostres amics i amigues que hi puguin estar interessats (mestres, artistes, amants dels oficis, etc.). Si arriba a molta gent, ho podem aconseguir!

Per cert, hi ha NOVES RECOMPENSES i també UN PREMI per a la gent que faci la segona aportació.

A la vostra disposició,

Toni, Mamen i Jordi. Sastres Paperers

#09 / I ARA, QUÈ?

Doncs volem aprofitar els dies que encara resten per finalitzar la campanya amb una ampliació de l'objectiu. Creiem que amb una mica més de recursos podrem fer coses importants per millorar el funcionament del molí i també per agrair el suport que rebem.

Hi haurà noves recompenses i també un premi per a la gent que vulgui fer la 2a aportació. Properament us ho explicarem!


Amics i amigues,

Quan encara falta la meitat del temps per acabar la campanya (dura 40 dies), ja hem arribat a l'objectiu que ens vam proposar. Això no ens ho havíem imaginat ni en el somni més optimista.

Amb la vostra generositat ens heu fet molts regals, molts més que només una quantitat de diners. Ens heu regalat tranquil·litat per pagar 2/3 d'una màquina que ja havíem comprat i que sense la vostra ajuda, ens hauria costat molt. Ens heu regalat confiança vers el nostre projecte i vers nosaltres mateixos. Ens heu regalat il·lusió per fer una feina en què són tan importants les mans com el cor que les mou. I moltes més coses. També ens heu fet un repte: estar a l'alçada del vostre gest i demostrar-vos que ha valgut la pena l'esforç que heu fet.

Gràcies, és la paraula que tant en Toni (que cada dia es troba millor), com la Mamen i jo mateix, en Jordi, tenim a la boca cada vegada que parlem de vosaltres. De tot cor.

#07 / 2a setmana de campanya

Demà passat, dilluns 9 de novembre, farà només 2 setmanes que vam començar la campanya i ja estem a punt d'arribar a l'objectiu que ens havíem proposat. Ni les expectatives més optimistes eren tan positives. Nosaltres vam procurar preparar-ho bé, però el mèrit és tot vostre. Gràcies a tothom, els que heu fet aportacions, els que heu compartit l'enllaç i els que, simplement, ens heu dit que aquest projecte val la pena.

Aquest viatge durarà encara unes setmanes més i volem omplir-lo de sentit i de sentiments. Ens acompanyeu un tros més?

Toni, Mamen i Jordi, Sastres Paperers

#06 / I xiulant, xiulant hem arribat als 3000!!

Portem 7 dies de campanya i hem arribat als 3000€. Haurem de dosificar les paraules d'agraïment per no quedar-nos sense, que encara ens queda un bon tros!!

No sabem encara si arribarem a bon port o no, però el camí val molt la pena,

gràcies per compartir aquest viatge amb nosaltres!!

#04 / Bon dia !!,

Bon dia !!,

avui fa just una setmana que vam començar aquesta campanya de micro-mecenatge en què estem submergits.

En aquests primers 7 dies, ja hem superat els 2.000 € en col·laboracions !!!.

Gràcies a tots els nostres mecenes de nou !!!.

Gràcies .... Stephane, Etienne, Alex, Christine, Maria, CJM, Merce, Meritxell, Marc, Ramon, Patro, Maria, Josep, Ester, Joan, Marga, Gemma, Rosa, Merilynn, Delphine, Àngels, Mª Rosa, Georgina, Toni, Tonia, Àngels, Maria Rosa i altres, que de moment, no sabem els seus noms.

La campanya segueix, i us convidem a passar, a entrar a visitar la pàgina d'aquest projecte de micro-mecenatge, on trobareu tota la informació i "els perquès" pels que creiem que val la pena col·laborar.

També trobareu totes la "recompenses" que sigui quina sigui l'aportació, rebreu.

Vinga, fem entre tots i totes que aquesta segona setmana en què entrem sigui millor que la primera!!!

Bona setmana,

Jordi, Mamen i Toni

Sastres Paperers

#03 / Diumenge

Avui és diumenge ... descansem.

Ha estat una setmana intensa, de molta feina. Encara que ens hem quedat bé, tranquils, contents, gairebé feliços .....

Dilluns seguirem amb el nostre treball en el molí i fent difusió d'aquesta campanya de microcromecenage que estem compartint amb vosaltres aquests dies i amb la il·lusió que dóna fer-vos-en partíceps.

Així que dilluns ens tornem a veure !!!

Que passeu un bon dia !!!

Jordi, Mamen i Toni

#02 / !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Durant les primeres 24 hores de campanya, ja hem rebut més de 900,00 €.

Anem per bon camí però això no ha de parar! És molt important que us animeu i participeu!! Moltes gràcies a tots els nostres mecenes !!

Jordi, Mamen i Toni

Sastres Paperers

Durante las primeras 24 horas de campaña, ya hemos recibido más de 900,00 €.

Vamos por buen camino pero esto no debe parar! Es muy importante que os animeis y participéis!! Muchas gracias a todos nuestros mecenas!!!

Jordi, Mamen y Toni

Sastres paperers

During the first 24 hours of the campaign, we have received more than € 900.00.

We are on track but this should not stop !!! It is very important that you feel encouraged and you participate !!! Thank you very much to all our sponsors !!

Jordi, Toni and Mamen

Sastres Paperers


Primer dia de la campanya de micromecenatge que hem posat en marxa Sastres Paperers per l'adquisició d'un molí i ja hem tingut l'agradable sorpresa de les primeres 3 aportacions!!!!.En total 225,00 €!!!

Gràcies, Stephane de Bèlgica, Ettiene de Ceret, Àlex de Barcelona.

First day crowdfunding campaign which we have launched for the acquisition of a mill, and we have had the pleasant surprise of the first 3 contributions!!!! .

In total € 225.00 !!!

Thanks, Stephane Belgium, Etienne Ceret, Alex de Barcelona.

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