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StorySTellArt Calendar 2016: Coming back to Earth

There was a time when we flowed along with cycles, with the sun, moon and stars. But we seem to have forgotten it long ago. The StoryStellArt aims to be a different calendar, coming back to Earth to help us remember next year about that lost connection, and you are needed to make it possible.

Vanessa Sancho

A project of

Created in

From 4.000€
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**At last! We made it! Thank you so much to all of you for your help!

For the pledges, for sharing, for cheering me up, for being there, and for all those things great and small.**

I keep on working in the project til it goes to press in the beginnings of september.

In the meantime, and until the end of September, you can book StorySTellArt 2016 copies whether through http://www.viviendoelcambio.com/storystellart2016-en or by sending me an email to [email protected]

Again, a huge thank you!

So this is how the calendar is unfolding, with still work to do, illustrations, stories, small details... but now there is something to show you!

There was a time when we flowed along with the cycles, earth below and skies above, together with the sun, moon and stars. But we seem to have forgotten it long ago... it seems to be hidden somewhere inside our memories, in our origins, ours as people, ours as a species.

It seems we have unplugged our body awareness as cyclical beings, like all the web of life which we are part of.

It seems we no longer feel awe and wonder with the change of the seasons, with the bright and snowy pull of the moon over tides and entrails, with the sun rising and setting each day, with stars coming and going in our neverending journey through the galaxy.

There was a time when calendars where just up there, hanging in the cosmos, and here in the earth we were aware of their reflection. They told us when it was time for the birds to lay their eggs, when to collect this or that plant, when to come down from the hills to the coast, when to move, when to create, when to cleanse, when to rest.

They told us so many things about ourselves and the world.

Now... they just talk to us about the next holidays or bank day, or whether we need to congratulate our friend in his or her name-day.

They just show us how fast time flies, as if it were something completely apart form space. A space even now full of riddles...

In 2014 my dream was to get people closer to the beauty and greatness of the Universe, and I did so by means of a calendar, something from daily life that could help them reconnect and remember they belong to something bigger than themselves.

Now, with the same heartfelt phylosophy, the calendar above asked me to get closer to Earth, to our Solar System, to the cycles and rhythms that permeate the cosmos and whose influence can be sensed throughout all life, including us.

I want it to be more than just a calendar, aiming to create a tool for connection, beauty, stories, learning. One that fuels that yearning to go outside to gaze at the stars, the sunset, the waxing moon, the birds' songs when the first light appears, flowers following the sun's journey up in the sky, and our own body responding to the shifts happening all the time.

So I want to propose you a challenge.

The challenge to allow yourself to live and explore this year, that period our home travels all around the star that gives us life, from a different point of view. Kind of an outsider one, so to speak in the times we are into. One in which to reconnect with the mystery, the awe, the beauty of life that is and that we are. One in which to recover the felt awareness of the cycles, in which to claim again our life as a meeting point, so much needed, between heaven and earth.

If you are in for the challenge, or you just want to help others living it, come on join me and let's print together at least 1000 copies of the StorySTellArt 2016, with the best ecological printing standards available.

My mission?

To create a calendar that, besides being something useful and beautiful hanging on the wall, helps you through this challenge, in this reunion with cycles above and below, inside and outside.

How will the StorySTellArt 2016 look like?

As his older brother StorySTellArt 2014, this is a wall calendar, and also shares stories, inspiring sentences and poetry (Story), sky events and information (Stell), and cosmic paintings (Art).

It's an English-Spanish calendar, mainly adapted to the northern hemisphere.

Size is 29x29cm folded, the length of a lunar month. Just because we will work with lunar months this time, and the calendar won't begin on January 1st, but prior to it. There are no special cosmic events on January 1st... ok, with the exception of some hangovers and the beginning (or not) of some of New Year's resolutions.

Inside the calendar, you find displayed the dates related to:

*- Solstices, equinoxes and intraseasonal days

  • Moon phases (new, waxing, full and waning moon)

  • Aphelion and perihelion (the Earth in its farthest and closest to the Sun); apogees and perigees (the Moon in its farthest and closest to the Earth)

  • Eclipses

  • Meteor showers

-... and more. Much more*

Right now I am all into the researching, painting and designing process, just so I can also improve the former edition following your suggestions. I will show you the prototyping as soon as it becomes available :)

Here you can see full pages of it... even though it is still work in progress!

You will get more detailed info about the calendar during the campaign, here, in this page updates, and inside the StorySTellArt 2016 Calendar official page

Meanwhile, here you have some of the pictures you will find inside when it's finished. I keep on painting the rest!

What can I get besides the calendar?

Ok, this is the place to tell you about the perks on the right. For me, they are more a way of thanking you for your help... and even more than that, for your trust in the project and myself.

The Moon with your name on it - and that of the rest of backers

In each and every level, you can have a name of your choosing written on the Moon inside the calendar

On levels Binary Star and Pleiades you have two names

The StorySTellArt Calendar 2016

Orbital level: you get the PDF (downloadable, ready for print) version

Earthy, Comet, Solar storm and Solar System levels: you get 1 printed copy

Binary star and Pleiades levels: you get 2 printed copies

Asteroids and Cosmic levels: you get 5 printed copies

Meteor shower level: you get 10 printed copies

Cosmic bookmarks

Meteor level: you get 3 bookmarks (21x7cm size)

Comet level: you get 4 bookmarks (21x7cm size), to choose between these and A5 postcard copies


Comet level: you get 2 A5 postcard copies, to choose between these and 4 bookmarks (21x7cm size) (see above)

Solar storm level: you get 1 printed copy (A3 size)

Note: here you can check all the possible copies available (It will be updated whenever more paintings are being finished. Don't worry, you will be able to choose your copies once the campaign is over and all the options are uploaded here)

Original cosmic paintings

Pleiades level : original pastel paintings, dedicated and signed, in different sizes and supports (wood, framed paper...)

Note: as stated above, most of the paintings are still work in progress. You will find the available and finished ones here, to be updated during the campaign

The Solar System

Solar System level: the complete collection of the Solar System printed copies, all of them signed (each one 21x21cm size)

Cosmic level: the complete collection of the Solar System original pastel paintings, all of them dedicated and signed (wooden support, different sizes)

Which one do you choose? I know, it's a little bit difficult, but you can do it for sure! :)

When will I be able to hang it at home?

Thanks to your help, the calendar will go to press early in September, will have its official launch late in September or early in October in the canary island of La Palma, and will fly to your home right after that, together with the other perks you may have!

Here you can have a look at its journey:

Where will my money go?

This is the expected budget for the money coming through this crowdfunding campaign.

Printing of (at least) 1000 English-Spanish ecoedited StorySTellArt copies and delivery to its distribution point: 50%

Printing of bookmarks and copies in different sizes: 12%

Perks delivery: 20%

Taxes and commissions: 16%

Unexpected expenses: 2%

**Thank you so so much!!!

For being there, for accepting the challenge, for (re)connecting...

And above all, for your confidence and trust**

You can find more about the StorySTellArt in...

Its official page, both English and Spanish

Twitter, will use the hashtag #storystellart and #Iamcyclical

And in the Facebook Fan Page

... or better, you can write me at [email protected]!

Of course, if you are willing to share, below all this explanation you will find some wonderful direct links for email, Facebook and Twitter, created by our great Verkami team. You also have a widget to embed in your blog or webpage.

Oh yes, this Earth badge here is for you, whether for your Facebook profile, your Whatsapp, wherever. I will be wearing it during the campaign. Because Earth is a cyclical being. So am I. And you?

Wow... of course, if you want to help in many other ways with the project, it will be great!!!

Write me, whether you are a school, an NGO, an entrepreneur, whether if you want to write about the project (or sketch, or record, or interview, or dance, or play, or whatever!), whether you want to suggest some kind of give-and-take, let's talk! And thanks a lot again!


There are none published yet.

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  • Vanessa Sancho

    Vanessa Sancho

    almost 9 years

    ¡Hola Nelva!

    En la misma página donde has hecho la pregunta, a la derecha tienes una columna con todas las recompensas disponibles y su aportación correspondiente en euros.

    Si clicas en la que te interesa, te dirigirá inmediatamente a las opciones de pago (Paypal o tarjeta bancaria) para hacer la reserva.

    Recordarte que el dinero permanece en tu cuenta hasta que finalice la campaña, que es cuando se retira efectivamente.

    Si resultara algún problema, escríbeme de nuevo y lo arreglamos de otra manera.
    ¡Muchas gracias, un fuerte abrazo!

  • Nelva


    almost 9 years

    Hola Vanesa, para hacer la aportación y saber qué cantidad, hacia dónde voy o ingreso, ? Gracias.

  • Vanessa Sancho

    Vanessa Sancho

    almost 9 years

    Hi Sheila! Indeed, it has enough space to write short appointments or things to be remembered. This time though the space for it has a different shape, size and distribution. I hope you like it!

    Hola Sheila! Efectivamente, habrá suficiente espacio para apuntar citas cortas o cuestiones a recordar. Lo único que esta vez la forma, el tamaño y la distribución de ese espacio va a ser diferente. ¡Espero que te guste!

  • Sheila


    almost 9 years

    Does the calendar have space to write appointments? So many don't, and I loved having the space on the 2014 calendar.

#02 / El Universo avanza / Universe unfolding

¡Estamos a mitad de la campaña! ¡Quedan 20 días, y sé que juntos podemos lograrlo!

Días en los que apetece estar fuera, al sol, en la playa, en la piscina, en el bosque...

Mientras, aquí seguimos trabajando para que el calendario del año próximo esté a la altura del reto que se proponía: hermoso, útil y que nos acompañe en este cambio de conciencia como seres cíclicos.

Aquí os dejo una muestra de los avances, para que vayáis haciendo boca.

Otra novedad: una pintura del calendario anterior, es ahora el cartel del Festivalito, el Festival de Cine de las Estrellas de la Isla de La Palma de este mes de julio. ¡Estoy entusiasmada!

Y de nuevo, gracias. Por estar ahí, por apoyar el proyecto, por compartirlo, por creer en él. Significa el Universo entero.

We are just in the middle of the crowdfunding campaign! 20 days to go, I know we can make it together!

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#01 / ¡Feliz solsticio! / Happy solstice!

Hoy es el solsticio de verano (en el hemisferio norte). El día más largo y la noche más corta. El clímax de la luz. De aquí a diciembre, poco a poco el sol irá estando menos tiempo con nosotros. Y luego, vuelta a empezar. Así son los ciclos, y es necesario recordarlos, vivirlos y celebrarlos.

Así que... ¿cómo lo vais a celebrar hoy?

Yo empiezo dándole muchísimas gracias a los primeros 15 mecenas, que en 5 días nos han llevado más allá de los 500 euros. Gracias gracias gracias, y sigamos haciendo este camino por el Universo juntos.

Compartamos para que el proyecto del StoryStellArt supere los 4.000 que se ha marcado, y sea un calendario todavía más hermoso, cósmico y consciente.

Y hablando de compartir, aquí tenéis alguna foto y capturas de pantalla de lo que está siendo el proceso de diseño en sí. Es algo diferente que espero que os guste. ¡A mí me encanta cómo está quedando!

De nuevo, muchas gracias, a quiénes sois y estáis. Y a quiénes sois y estaréis.

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