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Metamorfose, the new album of Virandeira Folk

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Virandeira Folk

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From 3.500€
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Who are we?

Chema Alonso (bagpipe), David Oitaben (flutes), Andre Taboada (violin), Roberto Gonzalez (guitars), David Casal (bass) and Loreto de Araujo (drums) are Virandeira Folk. In 2012 we released our first CD, Sons do Atlántico, an album that was well recieved and we were lucky to present at stages like historic Afundacion Auditorium in Vigo, A Coruña`s Fnac or the galician culture exposition Culturgal 2012.

Since then the band has evolved in many ways, including the sound, more live, fresh, modern and with a clear commitment with the fusion of styles. The recent changes have led us to return to the recording studio to shape our new identity and be able to share it with you all.

Current situation of the album

Metamorfose is the name of our new project, a work that is in an advanced state of production but needs your help to be complete. The recording of the 10 tracks included in the album is almost done and in the next weeks we'll iniciate the mixturing and mastering.

We have also recorded a videoclip with Area Productions that allows us to offer you a preview of the album and a guarantee of the strenght of our project. Gypsy Girl, the theme song on the videoclip, will be included in our new CD.  

What do we need the money for?

Although music production work is almost finished, we need your colaboration to complete our project. Besides cover the remaining costs of the recording studio, the main destination of your contributions will be destinated to edit and distribute the album.

About the rewards

To thank you for your invaluable collaboration, we have prepared a series of rewards: the new album, exclusive gifts, a private concert... We also want to reflect our gratitude and enthusiasm in the most personal way possible, so all rewards will include a dedication signed fondly by all members of the band.


We'll finish the recording of the tracks during the month of March and we'll edit the CD between May and June.

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#15 / Metamorfose xa está aquí!

Xa chegou a ‪#‎Metamorfose‬ en forma de CDs e Tazas. Pronto empezaremos a preparar a entrega das recompensas! :D

Ya llegó la #Metamorfose en forma de CDs y Tazas. ¡Pronto empezaremos a preparar la entrega de recompensas! :D

#14 / Adianto da portada de Metamorfose

Xa temos listo todo o deseño gráfico e enviado a fabricación para a sua impresión. Aquí presentamos a portada, parte do deseño realizado por Felipe Rubio Vergara

Ya tenemos listo todo el diseño gráfico y enviado a fábrica para su impresión. Aquí presentamos la portada, parte del diseño realizado por Felipe Rubio Vergara

Síguenos Facebook

#13 / Completamos o proceso de masterización

Isto marcha! Rematamos o proceso de masterización nos estudios británicos Major Oak Audio Mastering e non podiamos estar máis contentos có resultado final.

Xa queda menos para que o novo CD chegue ás vosas mans!

¡Esto marcha! Terminamos el proceso de masterización en los estudios británicos Major Oak Audio Mastering y no podíamos estar más contentos con el resultado final.

¡Ya queda menos para que el nuevo CD llegue a vuestra manos!

#10 / Novos mecenas, novos agradecementos!

Sara Allú, Iris, Lara, Cris, Abel, Manuel, Nely, Sotelino, Montse, Manuel, Manuel Riveiro, Jose Ramón Padín, Menchu Calzado, evarivero, Rosa Correa Pérez, mjarbla, Carla AB, Olalla, Ángel Alonso, María López, igual que todos os que xa fixeron a súa aportación, formades parte do novo disco!

(Agradecemento publicado en www.facebook.com/virandeirafolk)

#09 / Comezamos a misturar

O noso productor, Pablo Gaez, comezou hoxe a misturar os primeiros temas de Metamorfose.

Toda unha boa nova e sinal de que isto avanza! Grazas a todos vós por facer posible este ilusionante proxecto.


#02 / Virandeira Folk en Radio Voz

Esta mañá o programa Voces de Galicia de Radio Voz entrevistounos para falar sobre o noso videoclip e o comezo da campaña crowdfunding, da que vós xa formades parte.


Deixámosvos un video no que podedes escoitar a entrevista. Saúdos mecenas!

#01 / O noso máximo agradecemento aos primeiros mecenas de Virandeira Folk!

Eles son: Luna de Brigantia, Iria Casal, Natividad Torres Salazar, Choniherbamme, Elisa, Mer, Jeka, Alejandro, Ozores, Tino Iglesias García, Chemamorgade, Adrián Lorenzo Araújo, Isabel Campo, Águeda Amorín, Héctor Martínez América, Miguel e Rosa Lo.

Moitas grazas a todos pola vosa confianza! Xa formades parte de Virandeira Folk!

(Agradecemento publicado en www.facebook.com/virandeirafolk)

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