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Store and design studio based on recovered materials.

Sole Molina

A project of


Created in

From 3.100€
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View project in Castellano and Català

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NEW TARGET: Free workshop for children from El Raval

Help us to overpass 3,500 euros and give them the free workshop for these children. The workshop will be given as follows:

1st week: 6 to 10 July

10 hours ( 2 h each day, from 15:00 a 17:00 hrs)

Limited to: 8 children

2nd week: 3 to 7 August

10 hours ( 2 h each day, from 15:00 a 17:00 hrs)

Limited to: 8 children

Help us to make WapaDeKartôn a reality

We will create gifts and design artifacts based on garbage and material recovery to give them a second chance and transforming them into design objects.

We will start recovering three kind of materials found in Barcelona streets: Pallets, Carboarboard/Paper and Plastics (PET, PP, PS, etc), from now on we shall call these materials URMs (Upcycling Raw Materials ).

The first step is done. We've presented our project to a competition of Foment Ciutat Vella and we won low cost rental for the first year. Read more


With the crowdfunding campaign we want to get an initial amount of money to

work for a period of 6 months. And that's the reason that we need this initial money. The rest of the money will come from our work done in WapaDeKartôn. We hope to make and sell a lot to continue working. For this, we need your collaboration.

What happens if we exceed the objective?

First of all, that will be wonderful. Second, we will commit to make the following:

  1. For each extra 10 euros, we'll give a plantable seed card to anonymous people in Barcelona streets. These cards will have a special note explaining their origin. This way, the card is not only a gift but we'll disseminate the crowdfunding as financial model.

  2. If we exceed 3500 euros, WapaDeKartôn will make a recycling and upcycling FREE workshop for kids of Ciutat Vella neighbors. This does not exclude the last point.

  3. If we exceed 5000 euros, WapaDeKartôn, we pledge to create a job for a period of six months, extendable if accounts allow us. This does not exclude the above two points.

The trash/ the waste: a rough diamond

Everyday in the city of Barcelona, an enormous quantity of trash is thrown away, which could be reused in order to contribute to the generation of tools for drawing, as well as to the waste management. Whether it comes from the homes or from restoration business, or even from rehabilitation works and constructions, the leftovers is an everyday situation that can be relieved by recollecting this so-called “waste” for a future purpose/reuse.

Apart from the already mentioned URMs, in many cases the leftovers come from manufactured goods and, according to the viability, it's also possible to turn them into drawing objects.

About the rewards

The rewards will be mailed to the supporters' addresses within 60 days from the end of the crowdfunding campaign.

Everyone who support the WapaDeKartôn, financially or in any other way, will be invited for the opening day. The inauguration of the establishment will happen within 40 days from the end of the crowdfunding campaign. It is possible to pick up the rewards in the opening day, for the ones who prefer to do so. For the ones who prefer to have them delivered, the rewards will be mailed to the addresses provided in the forms that will be sent to the supporters.

The rewards:

Any bets for reducing the CO2 emissions?

The carbon footprint is a very latent theme and it is deeply connected to projects such as WapaDeKartôn. As we reuse materials, we are contributing directly to the reduction of the gases that cause the greenhouse effect.

Example: we have 2 tables (IKEA tables), 4 chairs and 10 books that will be discarded. Instead of leaving them in the containers, we can use them to create new objects:

  1. Books: with the covers I will make a purse , a bag for a laptop and some clocks.

  2. Two tables: a set of two coffee tables.

  3. Four chairs: I will create two garden benches and, at the same time, use the books pages to decorate them.

NOTE: The images shown in this example were found on Pinterest and are for illustration purposes only.

When we talk about reducing the CO2 emissions, we do it with criteria and cause, as demonstrated on the Aerees.org certificate.

Other necessities

Apart from the financial support, we need you help to disseminate the project. We believe that the principles in which the project WapaDeKartôn is based transcend all kinds of physical and mental borders, as we talk about our planet, about taking care of it for us and for the ones yet to come.


We need to promote this project as widely as possible. For this we ask you to help us by shouting out loud the name WapaDeKartón in the social medias, among your friends, etc. Get in touch with WDK and we'll provide you all the information you'll need, as well as a press kit.


There is an important part of the residues produced by shops, bars, restaurants and companies of all kinds. These leftovers are wasted on daily basis and they can be used to elaborate high quality products with a very fine design. These residues can be: paper, olive oil, paperboard, plastic, porex, metal, coffee cans, ink cans, plastic and glass bottles, furniture, etc.

What will be done with the money

The financial support will allow us to afford the first few months at the studio. It will be possible to focus on the investigation and the elaboration of the rewards, as well as the product we'll sell at the shop.

The following image shows how the contributions will be distribute along the first 6 months, in cyan:

Schedule planned

The first month of the studio will be dedicated to the elaboration of the rewards and the products we'll sell at the shop.

Besides, during the first month we'll set the shop: we'll make our furniture, cupboards, decoration, etc.

The Team

The promoting team of this project it´s 75% professionals and technicians that are dedicating their time to get this project going without any monetary compensation. We are bound together by friendship and trust, besides our mutual concern for the protection of the environment and the strong belief that “Another world is possible”. We are, by nature, restless. We move in different scenarios in our professional lives but we converge in wanting to have a better, fairer and more quality life.

Solange Molina | Designer and founder of WapaDeKartôn

I have experience in raising awareness about the environmental impact and ecology. Since very young, I became interested in environmental issues and started participating in activities related to the municipality , school activities , etc.

For over 17 years , I have worked as a designer and art director in the web world. With WapaDeKartôn * * I am going back to the roots of the handmade and craft , but with all the experience I have accumulated leading web development projects .

To view a more detailed profile of Sole Molina :
Linkedin Profile

Esther Parrilla Endrino | Project Controller

Industrial Engineer, she has worked for over 15 years in R&D as a software engineer and technical manager in the aerospace sector. She has coordinated teams and, among other things, has been in charge of validation and verification procedures by finding and proposing complex technical solutions.

In this project, Esther´s main role is to sort the organization of tasks, set priorities and monitor possible project risks .

To view a more detailed profile of Esther :
Linkedin Profile

Oscar Moreno | Investor

Software engineer professional, Oscar has worked for over 10 years in energy projects in Mexico, Egypt and Spain. He currently works and lives in Barcelona.

To view a more detailed profile of Oscar :
Linkedin Profile

Andrea Faroppa | Community Manager

She has worked in Uruguay, UK and Spain in managing large-scale events. It stands out her work in the organization of the TEDx Talks events in Montevideo and Barcelona. Currently studying a degree in Communication and Cultural Industries at the University of Barcelona.

To view a more detailed profile of Andrea:
Linkedin Profile

Ingrid Teixido Crusellas | Interior designer and window dresser

Interior designer by the Escola d'art Superior de Disseny Deià and Visual Merchandising and Strategic Window Dressing expert. Ingrid works as a freelance in Barcelona for different customers.

To view a more detailed profile of Ingrid :
Linkedin Profile

+ Info

Wapadekartôn en Facebook
Wapadekartôn en Twitter
Wapadekartôn en Linkedin

Special thanks to :

Disco Conut for the music

Andrea Faroppa for English Translation

Beatrice Trujillo for English Translation


There are none published yet.

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  • Sole Molina

    Sole Molina

    about 9 years

    Hola queridos amigos!!! Muchas gracias por vuestro mensaje! Bueno, en este caso creo que quizás puedan colaborar para tener un evento en el local. Creo que os vendría bien, es un espacio diáfano que para algo de meditación o yoga va perfecto! Mirar lo del evento :) Un abrazo, Sole

  • nieves del corral

    nieves del corral

    about 9 years

    Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Que alegría tu proyecto. Cuenta con nosotros. Te podemos enviar 200 euros, ya nos dirás como quieres que te los enviemos. Mucha ilusión, en nuestro corazón hay ruegos para que se eliminen los obstáculos. Besitos

#09 / Nuevo objetivo + cuentas claras

Luego de varios días de aparente inactividad, retornamos con un nuevo reto. Y es que aún nos quedan 7 días para finalizar la campaña. Es cierto que hemos conseguido superar nuestro mínimo de 3,100 euros y que cada 10 euros extras aportados, suponen una tarjeta de semillas plantable para regalar a gente anónima. Pero también es cierto que nos habíamos planteado que si superábamos los 3,500, ofreceríamos un taller de reciclaje y reutilización de materiales para niños del barrio. Nuestra apuesta sigue. Queremos contribuir no solo a regenerar el look & feel del El Raval, sino también ser parte vinculante en el vecindario.

El Raval es un barrio de constrastes. Si caminas por sus calles, verás que puerta con puerta, la pobreza y lo chic se hacen vecinas. Si a esto, sumamos su marginalidad, el alto índice de prostitución, fachadas escombrosas y esquinas mal olientes, es un lugar donde muy pocos quieren estar y transitar. Pero también están ellos: read more

#08 / Buenos diasssss y OBJETIVO CONSEGUIDO!!!!!!!

Muchísimas gracias a todxs quienes han contribuido en todas las formas posibles: aportaciones en dinero, shares, likes, abrazos, emoticons, hurras, oles, etc etc etc.. Ahora, Verkami nos propone poner un nuevo objetivo dado que aún quedan 11 días para que acabe la campaña. Si leeis el proyecto en la web de verkami, vereis que teníamos varios supuestos en caso de superar el objetivo. Objetivo 1: por cada 10 euros extras: regalar papel de semillas a gente anónima. Objetivo 2: Si alcanzamos los 3,500: organizar un taller de reciclaje y reutilización de materiales para niños del barrio (El El Raval de Barcelona ) y objetivo 3: si llegamos a ls 5,000 generar un puesto de trabajo por 6 meses. Siendo realistas, y viendo que la campaña ha ido a tirones y ha costado conseguir la meta de 3,100, quizás el objetivo próximo sería conseguir esos 3,500 euros y hacer… read more

#06 / Good news! Buenas noticias!

Hi everybody! Today, we have good news: we have reached 2600 euros!!!

Just need a bit more - 500 euros - to reach the final goal of 3100 euros!

Many thanks!!! Share this good news!! And if you aren't a patron yet, hurry, there are only 14 days to finish the campaign.


Hola a todo el mundo! Hoy tenemos excelentes noticias: Hemos alcanzado los 2600 euros!!!

Solo necesitamos un poquito más - 500 euros - para alcanzar la meta de los 3100 euros!

Gracias a todxs!!! Comparte esta buena noticia!!! Y si aún no has colaborado, date prisa, solo quedan 14 días para que termine la campaña.

#05 / Las cuentas claras

Para que las cuentas sean transparentes a todos quienes han colaborado y lxs que están por venir... un update de la previsión de gastos básicos y la incorporación de variables de recaudación de campaña hasta el día de hoy, 24 de marzo de 2015. Incluye nueva con item recompensas + envío, calculado en base a lxs recompensas que habeis elegido y los destinos (nacional e internacional).


#04 / Habemus local!

Hoy es un día MUY especial: hemos firmado el contrato del alquiler con Foment de Ciutat Vella. El local es grande, espacioso, y con un patio maravilloso! Os dejo unas fotos.

#03 / 1 euro reward

We've created a new reward for 1 euro! Really, is not a reward but a philanthropic way to support WapaDeKartôn. We'll back soon here with a nice surprise!

Hemos creado esta recompensa por 1 euros pero en realidad no es una recompensa al uso, sino una forma filantrópica de apoyar a WapaDeKartôn. Pronto volveremos aquí con una sorpresa!

#02 / Nueva recompensa New reward

Algunas personas me han preguntado sobre como colaborar de otra forma que no sea con una recompensa física. Bien, pues la respuesta es esta: hemos creado una nueva recompensa pensada para quieren quieran ser patrocinadores/as.

Quienes deseen colaborar de esta forma, podrán hacer su aportación seleccionando la recompensa llamada "Patrocinador".

Pondremos vuestro logo y/o nombre + la web de vuestra empresa en nuestro sitio web, de manera permanente y sin caducidad. Esa será nuestra forma de agradecer la confianza que depositéis en WapaDeKartôn.

Para ello, hemos abierto la página en nuestra web http://wapadekarton.org/patrocinador-sponsor/

Some people have asked me about how to collaborate disclaiming physical rewards. Well, this is the answer : we have created a new reward called "Sponsor".

If you want to contribute in this way, you'll able to select the reward "Sponsor".

read more

#01 / Empezamos! We've started!

Y ha llegado el día: 4 de marzo y comenzamos juntando euro a euro para poder hacer de WapaDeKartôn una realidad!

Nada más comenzar ya tenemos la primera aportación, gracias Saqura Gontar! Esperamos que esto anime a la gente y vayan llegando, aportando e ilusionándose con este proyecto tanto como nosotros!

Animaros, colaborar!!!

And the day has come: March 4! We've started gathering euro to euro to make WapaDeKartôn a reality!

We have the first contribution: thanks Saqura Gontar! We hope this will encourage people and they come, provide and be a kind a groupiof this project as much as us!

Encourage to collaborate !!!

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