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VOXALBA's 25th anniversary CD recording

Voxalba commemorates a quarter of a century since its creation. Through all this year we have been celebrating the anniversary with different concerts and activities and, to culminate it, WE WANT TO RECORD A CD to collect the work done and to pay tribute to the job done during these 25 years.


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From 3.500€
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What do we wish?

Voxalba commemorates a quarter of a century since its creation. Through all this year we have been celebrating the anniversary with different concerts and activities and, to culminate it, we want to record a CD to collect the work done and to pay tribute to the job done during these twenty-five years.

The CD we are going to record will rememorize characteristic works of the choral world and of our group. Songs from everywhere and of the most diverse peculiarities could be listened to: sacred, popular, 20th century music, etc. composed by authors like Sergei Rachmaninov, György Orbán, Javi Busto, Alberto Grau, Eric Whitacre and Bob Chilcott and furthermore the Agnus Dei of the recognised composer Miklós Kocsár, that he has written expressly for us as an anniversary gift!

If you want to enjoy a taste of the CD’s repertoire, we hope you can accompany us in the 25th anniversary commemorative concert, on the 13th December, at the Basilica of Santa Maria del Pi.

In this concert we will also have the collaboration of other protagonists of the choir: the first conductors Lluís Vilamajó, Xavier Puig and Xavier Sans, and the singers that have been with us before. Our beloved pianist Josep Surinyac, who has accompanied us in innumerable occasions, will not miss the appointment and will also be with us at the concert and on the CD’s recording.

In Voxalba we have a thrilling project and we could only make it possible thanks to your collaboration. We want to approach our music to you all!

To what will your contributions be destined?

For the celebration of the 25th anniversary we have thought that it was the moment to record a new CD that could spread the last works of the formation. Moreover, we want to take advantage of the occasion by making a special re-edition of the old CD. All the contributions received through this campaign will be destined to:

  • the recording and edition

  • the renting of the recording space

  • the piano renting

  • the pianist fees

  • the design

  • the execution

  • the sending of rewards (if necessary)

  • the re-edition of the old CD

  • etc.

If the contributions surpass the necessary amount to carry out this project, we will use them to update our Web portal.

Will you help us to make it possible?

About rewards

For this micro-partnership we have created different kinds of rewards. From the one hand, those consisting in seats for the special presentation of the CD; from the other, those offering musical and promotional objects of the choir; and finally other more philanthropic rewards, for people that would like to help us for the love of art and music.

Look at the different options, choose and select, you will surely find the pack that most interests you!

ATTENTION! Do not forget the campaign “Qui No Corre Vola”! where we offer the possibility to have reserved seats to the best places for the concert of the 25th anniversary (just until the 13th December).

Planned Calendar

On Saturday, 13th December, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary with anybody that will like to be with us in the concert. It’s a special event where we will show the pieces protagonists of the CD.

The recording will be done on a weekend at the end of February, with a specialized technical team and in a place chosen for the occasion.

Once we have finished the CD, at the beginning of March, we will present it and we will give the rewards. It will be an act in Barcelona, with a date still unfixed, in which we will celebrate with everybody that has helped to carry out the project, where there will be music and all our thankfulness for having been a part of it.


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#03 / ...fent XUPXUP

Aquest passat cap de setmana hem fet l'enregistrament del CD, que esperem que pugui veure la llum molt aviat!

Agraïm la feina feta pels nostres tècnics, la directora, els músics que ens han acompanyat, i una vegada més, un agraïment especial a tots els nostres mecenes per creure en nosaltres!

#02 / Gràcies Gracias Thankyou

Benvolguts amics i amigues,

Us volem agraïr tot el suport que ens heu fet arribar per al nou projecte de Voxalba: gravar un segon CD. A dos dies del tancament de la campanya ja vam assolir la xifra que volíem aconseguir, i encara queden 26h per ajudar-nos!

Moltes gràcies per confiar en el projecte de Voxalba i esperem veure-us ben aviat amb el CD a la mà!

Queremos daros las gracias por todo el apoyo que nos habéis hecho llegar para el nuevo proyecto de Voxalba: grabar un CD. A dos días del cierre de la campaña ya llegamos a la cifra que queríamos conseguir, y aún quedan 26h para ayudarnos!

Muchas gracias por confiar en el proyecto de Voxalba y esperamos veros muy pronto con el CD en la mano!

Cor Voxalba

#01 / El concert de demà

Ja falta molt poc pel dissabte, i per això tenim ganes de desvelar en primícia el programa del concert. Si encara no ho has fet, encara ets a temps d'aprofitar la promoció "qui no corre vola" i assegurar-te el teu seient al concert!

Moltes gràcies a tots els qui ja heu col·laborat!

Ya falta muy poco para el sábado, y por esto tenemos ganas de revelar en primícia el programa del concierto. Si aún no lo has hecho, aún estas a tiempo de aprovechar la promoción "quien no corre vuela" y asegurarte tu asiento en el concierto!

¡Muchas gracias a todos los que ya habéis colaborado!

Not long now 'till Saturday's concert! That's why we'd like to give you a sneak preview of the programme. If you haven't donated yet, you're still in time to 'catch the worm' with our Early Bird promotion which offers prime reserved seats at the concert.

Huge thanks to all who have contributed to our Verkami crowd funding campaign already!

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