Cría de espirulina artesanal con recuperación de agua y nutrientes Ponemos nuestro granito de arena en beneficio del Medio Ambiente para criar espirulina artesanal a través de la economía circular. Food / Ecology 101% Project crowdfunded on September 24, 2022 🎉 118 Pledges 7.546€ From 7.500€
Innü Vegan Cosmetics Cosmética Ética, Vegana, Natural y Sostenible. Avalada con el sello oficial The Vegan Society. Únete al consumo ético. Únete a Innü. Food / Positive impact 110% Project crowdfunded on December 11, 2019 🎉 83 Pledges 5.502€ From 5.000€
FERMENTATION VALLEY TANK Help us to get a new fermentation tank and nobody will be left without its Ricote Valley. You'll also taste the Sponsors Special Edition.THX Food 119% Project crowdfunded on August 11, 2017 🎉 102 Pledges 4.765€ From 4.000€