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Help us to get a new fermentation tank and nobody will be left without its Ricote Valley. You'll also taste the Sponsors Special Edition.THX

Cervezas Ricote Valley

A project of


Created in

From 4.000€
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We need a new fermentation tank to satisfy the high demand of our selling. We started only with the basic equipment and with an important limitation on the production which sometimes made us be run out of beer. This is why we strongly believe that with a new fermentation tank, the production would raise and our clients did not have to listen again what we hate to say: ”We do not have beer”

In addition, we would also like our creativity flies and brew new and surprising beer styles. Right now, we have three kind of beers in our catalogue and due to the lack of production, we are not able to try new styles.

About the rewards

The “Pick up at the Brewery” rewards will be gathered at our premises located in San Pedro Street Number 3, in Ricote, Murcia.

Every Sponsor will be welcomed to our prestigious Club ”Valley Friends” and will get beer discounts and priority attendance to our events at the brewery. You will also get your customized fellow card.

On the other hand, Every sponsor will help us select the beer style of the Sponsor Special Edition. You will choose between these styles.

  • Imperial Stout 10% - To feel the Galway freeze falling down your throats.

  • Belgia Trippel 9% - To transfer yourself to a Belgian monastery.

  • Double IPA 7,5% - To fill our veins with hops.

This is the T-shirt.

Beer Description:

  • La Pale del Valle 4,9% Smooth Pale Ale with citric notes. Perfect for light dishes and refresh at the shade. Our Flagship.

  • La Blanca del Valle 5,3% Vanilla WIT. Belgian wheat beer with a hint of vanilla that increases its sweetness. Innovative beer getting a great acceptance.

  • La Flor del Valle 5,1% Session IPA with orange blossom. Just the right bitterness with a sound of flower smell Softness and Power equally balanced

This is the plan for the event ”Exploring Ricote”:


  • 9:00 Meeting at the Brewery

  • 9:30 Lets Hike. We will walk down ”Moriscos way”, which is 8 km long and with low difficulty.

  • 12:00 Back at the Brewery. We will explain the brewing process beer in hand to be refreshed.

  • 14:00 Barbecue for Lunch, with exclusive meat and plenty of our draft beers.

  • 19:30 A walking down local fields, gardens and streets.

  • 21:00 Tapas dinner at La Plaza Restaurant/typical restaurant/bar.

  • Accommodation at our house beside the Brewery. You can choose between double or single room.


  • 9:30 Breakfasts

  • 10:00 Second hike. ”Timberland way” passing by the forest monitoring site of “La Calera”. Which is 6 km long and with low difficulty.

  • 13:00 Party farewell giving the rewards.


  • BREWING BAPTISM Attendance to a batch brew having a barbecue for lunch. 30 September

  • EXPLORING RICOTE All included hiking weekend. 14-15 October

  • LET’S CELEBRATE!! Sponsors Special Edition Beer Presentation Party 28 October

Even more, the new fermentation tank will be marked forever in life with all the sponsors names. We will make a band that will be stuck to the fermentation tank ;-D.

Destination of the contributions

The rewards will be set aside to:

  • Build up, delivery and payment of the 600 L isobaric fermentation tank tailor-made and its cold equipment.

  • Costs associated to the crowdfunding (rewards, taxes, commissions, etc.)

Expected Calendar

Once the crowdfunding period has ended and we have fulfil our aim, we will ask the manufacturer tank to start is building. The survey for the Sponsors Special Edition will begin while the tank gets ready. It will take about 5 weeks to have it ready to brew. Adding the fermentation and maturation time as a whole, it will take around 8 or 9 weeks from the end of the crowdfunding period to the beginning of the rewards delivery.

Follow all Ricote Valley news:

OUR WEB ricotevalley.es
INSTAGRAM #RicoteValley
FACEBOOK @CervezasRicoteValley




  • Is the price of the reward "Exploring Ricote" per person?

    Yes, it is the price per adult. In case of willing to come with kids we will study the case with the concerned.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Cervezas Ricote Valley

    Cervezas Ricote Valley

    over 7 years

    Como agradecimiento vamos a incluir en todas las recompensas un vaso serigrafiado. Es lo mínimo que podemos hacer por nuestros queridos mecenas. Y ya si nos ayudáis en el segundo objetivo compartiendo la campaña con algún amigo ya sería increíble. ¿¿OS HEMOS DADO LAS GRACIAS YA?? JEJEJEJEJEE ¡¡¡MUCHAS GRACIAS COMPADRES!!!

  • Cervezas Ricote Valley

    Cervezas Ricote Valley

    over 7 years

    CONSEGUIDO!!! Muchísimas gracias a todos los mecenas por vuestra confianza. Esto nos da confianza para seguir deleitando paladares cada día con mejores cervezas. Y ahora a ver si alcanzamos algún objetivo más que tenemos muchas cosas que mejorar del equipo. NUESTRO MÁS SINCERO AGRADECIMIENTO MECENAS

  • subni


    over 7 years

    Mi enhorabuena señores, buen trabajo y ahora a fermentar!!!

  • Roy Petter Dyrdahl Torgersen

    Roy Petter Dyrdahl Torgersen

    over 7 years

    Muy bien chicos, enhorabuena por el éxito de la campaña, ahora a por el siguiente reto: más y mejores cervezas!

  • Javi Almeria Köln

    Javi Almeria Köln

    over 7 years

    Todo un placer colaborar con los compatriotas de la Huerta. SAludos desde Roquetas, Almería.

#02 / ¡¡¡¡CONSEGUIDO!!!!

Gracias a todos vosotros hemos conseguido nuestro objetivo de 4.000€ para el fermentador. Ahora a ver si llegáramos al segundo objetivo de 5.000€. Un molino profesional que haría que nuestras cervezas quedaran más redondas de sabor y nos ahorraría un montón de tiempo. Un poco de difusión extra nos vendría genial.


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