Ombuaren Itzala | Biopic sobre la Vida y Obra del bertsolari-poeta Pello Mari Otaño Otaño, icono de la cultura vasca, hoy caído en el olvido. Un viaje por la nostalgia del emigrante y el resurgir de un pueblo. Feature film 101% Project crowdfunded on March 31, 2024 🎉 148 Pledges 40.535€ From 40.000€
Minbera Fitz and Lur deal with the sudden death of their parents. Lur responds with violence and Fitz will use a stranger to feel something again. Feature film 106% Project crowdfunded on December 30, 2023 🎉 68 Pledges 8.490€ From 8.000€
"Argi" film "Argi" is a drama based in the 60´s and 80´s in a Baque village. Through the eyes of a girl we see the social situation of the era. this girl, Argi, feels imprioned in a society that seems to excluide her, she struggles to find her place. Feature film 118% Project crowdfunded on June 28, 2015 🎉 118 Pledges 5.905€ From 5.000€
Zuloak At the beginning of this year Arrate Rodríguez created the musical group ZULOAK and recorded all their movements. A few weeks ago he decided to abandon his "experiment" and all the material she had recorded she gave to Fermin Muguruza. With all this material we plan to make a documentary film. Feature film / Music 100% Project crowdfunded on July 07, 2012 🎉 43 Pledges 19.712€ From 19.712€