"SONORA", The New Album of Susan Santos "Sonora" is the 6th album by Susan Santos recorded in 2023 at Black Betty Studios, Madrid. Rock 111% Project crowdfunded on December 31, 2023 🎉 243 Pledges 8.888€ From 8.000€
The Mani-las´ 7 inch singles!!!! Dear citizens of Maniland, we arrrr the Mani-las! This is the first music we publish as a band, get in the swing! Rock 190% Project crowdfunded on October 12, 2022 🎉 376 Pledges 8.728€ From 4.600€
Stellar Elephants: Recording of our first LP 'Argonaut' 3,2,1 ... Argonaut! A new concept album is coming! You are welcome to taste a story between madness and universe. Are you joining us? Rock 115% Project crowdfunded on March 07, 2022 🎉 68 Pledges 2.307€ From 2.000€
Reina Roja: Grabación y edición de nuestro primer disco “Hooligan Folk” Hooligan Folk es el nombre que hemos elegido para nuestro primer disco de estudio. Nos gustaría que formaras parte de él. ¿Subes a bordo? Rock 123% Project crowdfunded on December 23, 2021 🎉 56 Pledges 1.850€ From 1.500€
Nuevo trabajo de BEDLAM QUEEN Hemos grabado nuevos temas, tenemos nueva imagen, y queremos hacerte llegar esta locura: VEN A JUGAR CON NOSOTROS. Rock / #8m 106% Project crowdfunded on April 16, 2020 🎉 38 Pledges 1.061€ From 1.000€
Moses Rubin - "Dreams & Certainties" (LP) I’ve been working for two years in some new songs about my dreams and certainties. Now I need your help to make them real. Rock 114% Project crowdfunded on December 31, 2019 🎉 97 Pledges 3.433€ From 3.000€
Platypus: An old school rock album Remember when the universe used to mean something? This is how that sounded like :) Rock 100% Project crowdfunded on October 24, 2019 🎉 73 Pledges 2.000€ From 2.000€
2º ÁLBUM DE BÁRBARA BLACK-"LOVE, DEATH & FLIES" El apoyo de los amantes del rock y metal es fundamental, hazte mecenas de Bárbara Black en su 2º álbum y ¡¡hagamos esto realidad!! Rock 122% Project crowdfunded on October 23, 2019 🎉 70 Pledges 1.828€ From 1.500€
NEW VIDEO OF RPG-7 We want to record a videoclip of a new song that will be released on February. For that reason we ask for your collaboration. Rock / Punk, Rap, Video clip 113% Project crowdfunded on November 10, 2018 🎉 45 Pledges 845€ From 750€
Big Fuckin' Deal record their first album ChillRock Band in the Studio. Rock / Indie 101% Project crowdfunded on April 25, 2018 🎉 47 Pledges 3.017€ From 3.000€
First Record of Jump for Sugar! If you want to hear the most energetic fusion of funk and the freshest psychedelia, this is your band! The rewards won't disappoint! Rock 107% Project crowdfunded on January 20, 2018 🎉 97 Pledges 3.215€ From 3.000€
SCARS ARE FOREVER - Upside Down Debut Album Help us show the world our new work "Scars Are Forever". Be part of our present and our future. Would you join us? Rock / Punk 106% Project crowdfunded on November 20, 2017 🎉 73 Pledges 2.110€ From 2.000€
Y más allá monstruos. First (and last) album from Billy Bob Dillon, the instrumental-rock band formed in Madrid in 2007. Two 140gm vinyls, one black and one white, both pressed in Holland, inside a cardboard jacket with a 6mm spine. Pre-sale here, prices starting at 15 Euros. Rock / Psychedelia, Illustration, Vinyl 117% Project crowdfunded on May 28, 2017 🎉 144 Pledges 3.405€ From 2.900€
Moses Rubin - LP Debut Some months ago in the north of England, Moses Rubin was born under one premise: being myself through my music. Now I need you all for finally being so. Help me to edit the record I've just made! Rock / Vinyl 103% Project crowdfunded on July 16, 2016 🎉 81 Pledges 2.050€ From 2.000€
Miguel Ramiro first album, "Memorias de un Hombre Bala" When you turn dreams into things . I present my first studio album , Memorias de un hombre bala. Twelve pop -rock songs in Spanish, under the baton of the great producer and guitarist Josemi Sánchez Pop / Songwriter, Rock 101% Project crowdfunded on July 03, 2016 🎉 98 Pledges 6.062€ From 6.000€
Susan Santos ¡New cd "Skin & Bones"! Pre-order now! Hello Patron, I invite you to pre-orden my new cd. With this campaign I want to finance the Recording, mixing,mastering, cover and manufacturing of 1000 copies. I would like you to be part of the record! Thank you for your cooperation. Rock 101% Project crowdfunded on January 23, 2016 🎉 129 Pledges 8.080€ From 8.000€
SEXERCISE, The Criers first's LP. The Criers is the new band of Adrian Acosta. Powerful soul&rock. In the fall of 2015 will be published and presented his first LP, *Sexercise*. Rock / Soul 110% Project crowdfunded on November 17, 2015 🎉 225 Pledges 6.060€ From 5.500€
“FORGET” THE BLACK CAT QUARTET new CD "Forget" is an ambitious project. It will be an album with 10 tracks, 9 of them will be original compositions and the other one a version. A version of what song? You'll see. The style is a mixture of pop, rock, soul, blues, country, folk, something really personal, quality and good taste. Pop / Blues, Soul, Rock 100% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2015 🎉 53 Pledges 2.800€ From 2.800€