Entavía. Vertiginosa Baranda Humanos haberlos hubo, como haberlos haylos. Con el mismo vértigo vital que da esta vertiginosa baranda que es la vida. Folk 136% Project crowdfunded on July 14, 2024 🎉 217 Pledges 5.561€ From 4.100€
Entavía. Arando Ñieve La última fábula de Entavía es una alegato a la belleza, es un grito a la filigrana... Folk 116% Project crowdfunded on July 05, 2021 🎉 377 Pledges 9.300€ From 8.000€
Arapajoe - Cantando letras, fumando flores (Nuestro primer disco) Tenemos las guitarras cargaditas de nuevos temas y queremos dispararlas a vuestras orejas. Ayúdanos a grabar nuestro primer disco compay. Music / Folk, Flamenco 182% Project crowdfunded on June 20, 2018 🎉 98 Pledges 1.818€ From 1.000€
DBAOTM, new album by LUIS ULLÁN Luis Ullán needs your help to finish his upcoming album, DBAOTM. The LP is being recorded at FranGarcíaAudio under the production of Mauricio Vázquez and Luis Ullán himself. Songwriter / Pop, Folk, Rock 102% Project crowdfunded on August 14, 2016 🎉 49 Pledges 1.227€ From 1.200€
CARBAYO "The Longlook Ride" My name is CARBAYO (Alex Gunslinger) and I am a Spanish musician of country-rock. I am immersed in the recording of my first solo album "The Longlook Ride" presented in digital format and CD. We need your help to get on with this project and we want to reward you for that. Folk 106% Project crowdfunded on September 13, 2014 🎉 95 Pledges 2.860€ From 2.700€