Bakarr¿k Deskonfiantzaren mugak marra gorriak ditu Short movie 124% Project crowdfunded on July 02, 2023 🎉 67 Pledges 1.555€ From 1.250€
ZUZENEAN Sare sozialek gure bizitzetan izan dezaketen eragina eta arriskua islatzen duen film laburra. Short movie 131% Project crowdfunded on June 24, 2023 🎉 53 Pledges 1.965€ From 1.500€
PROSOPAGNOSIA Une batez gelditu eta nor garen hausnartzera gonbidatuko gaituen film laburra. Short movie 142% Project crowdfunded on June 02, 2023 🎉 254 Pledges 14.200€ From 10.000€
Jaula de Vapor A love triangle on a gay sauna Short movie / Lgtbiq 100% Project crowdfunded on April 03, 2023 🎉 69 Pledges 5.410€ From 5.400€
"Muskil" film laburra 1988. Euskal Herriko landa eremua. Egunerokotasun eta indarkeriaren infernutik irtetzeko beharra duen adineko emakume baten istorioa. Short movie 119% Project crowdfunded on May 26, 2022 🎉 126 Pledges 3.565€ From 3.000€
A Kid Doesn't Know Los tres besos de Milo deberán permanecer en su mejilla toda la noche. Sin besos, Enea atacará. Short movie 103% Project crowdfunded on February 26, 2021 🎉 82 Pledges 2.570€ From 2.500€
“La abuela” es un corto de ficción que cuenta la vida diaria con su nieto en la sociedad del Covid-19. Este cortometraje rinde homenaje a todas las abuelas, a las que se han ido y a las que están, luchando por sobrevivir ante esta pandemia. Short movie 100% Project crowdfunded on November 25, 2020 🎉 73 Pledges 3.500€ From 3.500€
LARRUA JO Obsesioaren eta ezkutuko maitasunaren inguruko istorioa. Short movie 110% Project crowdfunded on December 02, 2019 🎉 100 Pledges 5.515€ From 5.000€
'Odolusteak' laburmetraia Dwingi Dwingik sortzaile ezberdinekin elkarlanean burutu nahi duen laburmetraia. ...eta gauzak ez balira zuk beti uste izan dituzun bezala? Short movie 208% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2019 🎉 102 Pledges 2.606€ From 1.250€
Gordeleku Cortometraje sobre un pequeño pueblo escondido en un valle. Una historia de vacas y de venganza. Short movie 103% Project crowdfunded on September 08, 2018 🎉 35 Pledges 975€ From 950€
PIL PIL The film mixes humour, surrealism and gastronomy and, at the same time, analyses the power relationships. Short movie 102% Project crowdfunded on July 30, 2018 🎉 93 Pledges 3.305€ From 3.250€
EZUSTEKO TALKA - film laburra Aitziber Garmendia eta Jose Ramon Soroiz buruaz beste egitera doan gizon baten misterioan murgiltzen dira film labur honetan. Short movie 110% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2018 🎉 31 Pledges 2.200€ From 2.000€
No me despertéis No me despertéis es un cortometraje final de carrera de escac dirigido por Sara Fantova que habla sobre un momento concreto de la adolescencia que vivió la directora en el año 2009 en Bilbao. Short movie 105% Project crowdfunded on July 03, 2017 🎉 65 Pledges 3.150€ From 3.000€
NORMAL∀, help us change the point of view. NORMAL∀: a series of 5 short films with gender perspective and loads of humor, created to raise awareness about sexism in our daily lives. Short movie 109% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2017 🎉 141 Pledges 6.075€ From 5.594€
ZIREN laburmetraia “Ziren” is our thesis short film project. The story begins in a future Bilbao. Carol can’t get over a tragic life changing event, and a doctor will offer her something that will help her recover what she lost. Short movie 100% Project crowdfunded on April 30, 2017 🎉 29 Pledges 800€ From 800€
Night Shift This will be Izaskun Arandia's first time as a director in a professional short film. With a social subject matter, the script won the Screen Academy Short Script Competition (2008) in the UK.The short film will be shot in San Sebastian in September. 75% of the crew is made up of women! Short movie 104% Project crowdfunded on September 23, 2016 🎉 41 Pledges 2.590€ From 2.500€
Bestealdetik "Bestealdetik" (“From the other side”) is the adaptation to the big screen of a brief essay written by Joseba Sarrionandia, included in the book “Ez gara gure baitakoak” (“we don´t own ourselves”). We are students from the Universidad de Navarra. Short movie 105% Project crowdfunded on April 03, 2016 🎉 35 Pledges 2.100€ From 2.000€
Txoria-Txori Tres protagonistas. Tres historias. Tres generaciones. Tres momentos. Txoria-txori nos muestra a tres miembros de una misma familia (abuelo, hijo y nieta) en tres situaciones adversas, y cómo el amor finalmente los ayuda a superar esos obstáculos, ya sean físicos, morales o emocionales. Short movie 113% Project crowdfunded on June 17, 2014 🎉 31 Pledges 1.130€ From 1.000€