This is your Falla 2: "La replantà" "La replantà" is a children's falla, an animated forest, which pays tribute to Valencia's European Green Capital status for 2024. Popular festivals / Events 100% Project crowdfunded on March 08, 2024 🎉 61 Pledges 3.880€ From 3.880€
Black Barcelona Encuentro 2020 5º ANIVERSARIO🎂 Un espacio para nuestra visibilización,el reconocimiento y unión como comunidad afrodescendiente y africana, y con aliadxs. Community / #8m, Positive impact, Events 108% Project crowdfunded on April 05, 2020 🎉 177 Pledges 5.386€ From 5.000€
Skin seams A photo exhibition of women affected by breast cancer. Aiming to increase awareness of the disease, this project is rooted in solidarity between patients, survivors, and family members. Photography / Community, Exhibitions, Events 103% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2013 🎉 218 Pledges 10.075€ From 9.750€
¡This is YOUR Falla! Falla Plaza de Honduras gives you the opportunity to be part of a unique project: "plant your Falla". Give support to our project and live with us the creative process of developing our monument: come to Valencia and also follow it "online". Be a "Fallero"! Feel like any member of our community! Popular festivals / Events 102% Project crowdfunded on July 03, 2013 🎉 200 Pledges 4.990€ From 4.888€
#SomCanVies Currently the Can Vies CSA (Autonomous Social Center) with over 15 years of life is under threat of being evicted by the property owners, TMB. So we turned to the social network of the neighborhood to launch the #SomCanVies campaign to stop this action. We call for solidarity and support 2 help us. Community / Events 119% Project crowdfunded on November 26, 2012 🎉 73 Pledges 1.781€ From 1.500€
RT #15M A portrait book about #15M Books / Free licenses, Cooperative, Community, Photography, Events 130% Project crowdfunded on July 27, 2011 🎉 448 Pledges 13.025€ From 10.000€