REPOM is great disc of Toni de l'Hostal First-to-last album of roscan songsinger Tony from the Hostel: ten and a half chansongs cleared by Hector Thrown with a bunch of co-wankers! Songwriter 192% Project crowdfunded on March 18, 2020 🎉 137 Pledges 3.839€ From 2.000€
Lèpoka's new album: Beerserkers! Be a part of the Spanish band's newest album. Become our patron! Metal 113% Project crowdfunded on December 10, 2015 🎉 110 Pledges 2.825€ From 2.500€
"Simetries" First album of TALPS Financing of TALPS's first album Pop / Indie 102% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2014 🎉 81 Pledges 1.943€ From 1.900€