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Lèpoka's new album: Beerserkers!

Be a part of the Spanish band's newest album. Become our patron!


A project of


From 2.500€
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View project in Castellano

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Who we are and what we do:

We are Lèpoka, a folk metal band hailing from Castellón de La Plana (Valenciana, Spain). Late 2014 we released our debut album Folkoholic Metal, and having reached the end of its lifespan, we come to you again with our latest work! In our new album Beerserkers you'll find a completely renewed melodic landscape, joined with neck ravaging riffs ready to blast some holes in your skull. We are not giving our beloved folk base away, rather making each song unique from any

other we've made. But anyway, we want you to have your own opinion, and thats THE reason why you are here. This is the real deal.

How to get your very own Beerserkers copy:

The process (shown on video) is as simple as it gets. You just have to click the reward which better suits you and follow the steps required to make yor pledge. When everything is A-OK and ready to go, we'll start shipping the rewards,
(it might be sooner than you are thinking, actually!).


Shipping to other countries than Spain is not included, therefore, we'll contact you as soon as the campaign is over to inform you of the shipment price. If you are not happy with it, we'll accept your shipping suggestion or giving back to you your reward's price. The expenses will come to 5-12 € depending on the country.

Why crowdfunding:

Releasing an album means huge expenses, which can be difficult to confront, especially when they are all packed together. Those expenses are the cost for the studio, the physical copies, advertising ourselves, the making of other merchandisinng (such as t-shirts, picks, stickers...). The list goes on and on.

Regrdless, we are aiming above the stars for this album. Yes lads, that means a shitload of money and time. That is why we need you to help us in this crowdfunding campaign (or either break us out from a maffia basement or pay our debts). The result of your help, therefore, is doubled. You'll have the best music we can create, and you'll be in peace with youself having avoided the kidnapping and further death of 7 young musicians. ;)


The campaign will only last 40 days, from October 31 until December 9.

What will be the destination of your pledges:

We'll mainly spend all of the money in paying the studio and producers, which will allow us to get on with the rest of the work and speed up the process.

About the rewards:

As you see, we have low price options, such as the new album Beerserkers, our old album Folkoholic Metal and T-shirts with an all new design, and other more expensive ones, such a paella hosted by ourselves. Regarding this reward we'll have to set a day with those of you who choose this option. It will be held here in Castellón, and you'll have an exclusive acoustic show!

The last options refer hiring prices for full gigs (both acoustic and electric). Should you find yourself interested in this reward, so not hesitate contacting us so we can set the terms right.


Facebook: Lèpoka - Twitter: @LepokaFolk - YouTube: Lèpoka Folk Metal - Instagram: lepokafolk - Bandcamp: Lèpoka - Management: On Fire


Here you can listen to us. Cheers and folk you!

Full Folkoholic Metal album:

Beerserkers recording videos:

Atseif (2015 version):


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

#03 / Blog Beerserkers #3

¡Hemos logrado el objetivo! Gracias a vosotros, la campaña de micromecenazgo de nuestro disco Beerserkers ha sido un éxito. Algunos ya habéis recibido un mensaje donde se os solicita vuestro correo postal para enviar las recompensas; a aquellos que no lo hayáis recibido, os llegará en breve un formulario para rellenar con la información.

Pronto escribiremos otro blog con más noticias acerca de los envíos. De momento os dejamos con los tres últimos [Barba A Barba]:







¡Que os folken!

We achieved our target! Thanks to you, the crowdfunding campaign for our new album Beerserkers has been a success. Some of you received a message which asked for your adress so we can send your rewards. A new form will arrive to those who haven't received it yet.

Soon we'll post another blog with more news about the shipment. Meanwhile, here are the three latest [Beard By Beard]:


read more

#02 / Blog Beerserkers #2

¡Muchas gracias! El proyecto va viento en popa, no podríamos estar más contentos. Ya queda menos para terminar, y por tanto, para que tengáis vuestras recompensas. Os dejamos tres vídeos nuevos de [Barba A Barba] —donde los miembros de Lèpoka nos estamos presentando uno a uno—.







¡Que os folken!

Thank you so much! The project is going quite well, we coudn't be happier with it. Time is running out and soon you will get all your rewards. Today we upload three more [Beard By Beard] videos.







Folk you!



#01 / Blog Beerserkers #1

¡Hola a todos! Verkami nos habilita un blog en el que ir poniendo noticias acerca de la campaña de crowdfunding, así que vamos a utilizarlo para manteneros informados a todos los mecenas y a quien quiera acceder.

Hoy os presentamos el primero de una serie de vídeos que hemos titulado [Barba A Barba] y dónde los miembros de Lèpoka nos iremos presentando uno a uno, para que nos vayáis conociendo mejor en persona.

¡Aquí tenéis el de Zarach!


Hello everybody! Verkami has enabled this blog, where we'll publish news about the campaign and will keep you informed.

Today we present the [Beard By Beard] series, in which we introduce ourselves so you can know each one of us better.

Now it's Zarach's turn!


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