Recording Gabrielle's songs to boost her music I've been a singer-songwriter for life, and my songs have helped me heal. This year, my mission is to record them and share them! Songwriter 197% Project crowdfunded on February 03, 2025 🎉 112 Pledges 5.903€ From 3.000€
TRIPLE CD "MIQUEL PUJADÓ CANTA GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR I ANARQUIA" ("MIQUEL PUJADÓ SINGS GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR AND ANARCHY") Edition of a triple CD with the BRASSENS songs that have been translated and adapted by MIQUEL PUJADÓ, sung by him and by other performers. Songwriter 212% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2025 🎉 129 Pledges 4.235€ From 2.000€
Debut Album (EP): Elijah Present Tense is my debut album, the result of everything I know and the record I'd want to hear, I'd love you to love it as much as I do. Songwriter 108% Project crowdfunded on November 05, 2024 🎉 130 Pledges 4.316€ From 4.000€
Albert Freixas's new album, "Personal/Universal" to be released soon. This project is to help with the release and promotion of my new album, Personal/Universal, which will be out come spring 2024. Songwriter 102% Project crowdfunded on January 31, 2024 🎉 58 Pledges 3.065€ From 3.000€
Life Tree VerdCel 2023 2 roots to celebrate: 1. Completely NEW ALBUM (LP+Book) by VerdCel. 2. ReSamara. 15 years of Samara: New EP + Redrawn Comic. Songwriter 107% Project crowdfunded on July 31, 2023 🎉 102 Pledges 4.603€ From 4.300€
E.P AMOR. Songs of the heart. E.P. of sixs songs. Cooked in slow fire, waiting to be delighted. Songwriter 121% Project crowdfunded on May 05, 2023 🎉 108 Pledges 2.800€ From 2.310€
EP Nerea Green Five years ago I started this project with just me, a pencil and a paper. I would love that soon those letters could travel to you. Songwriter 134% Project crowdfunded on February 11, 2023 🎉 46 Pledges 1.344€ From 1.000€
VINYL RELEASE OF THE ALBUM “ATOM” BY ROMÁN Campaign to complete the publication on LP and CD of the album “Atom”, by Román. Edition limited to 300 copies. Songwriter / Vinyl 100% Project crowdfunded on January 02, 2023 🎉 66 Pledges 2.001€ From 2.000€
Una Frase Imaginada - Forthcoming album from Carolina Alabau "Una Frase Imaginada" is an album that speaks of the deepest passions of humanity, sung in the most vulnerable and intimate way. Songwriter 108% Project crowdfunded on November 30, 2022 🎉 95 Pledges 4.338€ From 4.000€
Bendita ilusión, my first solo álbum After 20 years composing songs and being involved in several projects, all of the following has been provoked by a feeling that Songwriter / Flamenco 125% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2022 🎉 153 Pledges 8.123€ From 6.500€
"Corazón del Cielo" & "Corazón de la Tierra" compositions by Gonzalo Paniagua . Through this campaign I would like to request your support to record my new two albums of mantras and medicine songs. Songwriter 107% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2022 🎉 164 Pledges 5.365€ From 5.000€
Let's finish together my debut album "Butterflies" "Butterflies" is more than just an album. It's a quintessence of my whole life and a manifest of the possibility to create a new world. Songwriter 102% Project crowdfunded on June 13, 2022 🎉 67 Pledges 4.095€ From 4.000€
make "elegia" come true: an album to heal wounds. since i was a kid, i want it to share with u this. and now, with 16, i'm ready, but i need your hand. would u help me? Songwriter 113% Project crowdfunded on April 22, 2022 🎉 101 Pledges 6.102€ From 5.414€
VerdSions: Album + Novel 9th WorkAlbum by VerdCel. Book-CD of Catalan adaptations of pop and international song + Fragmented novel with illustrations and photos. Songwriter 123% Project crowdfunded on December 31, 2021 🎉 125 Pledges 4.302€ From 3.500€
DE FOC I DE VELLUT, MIQUEL PUJADO'S NEW CD 40 years after his first LP, MIQUEL PUJADÓ publishes a new album with great musicians like Xavier Batllés. Songwriter 144% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2021 🎉 121 Pledges 3.610€ From 2.500€
Elle León "The Musical" Debut LP funding A collection of punchy, heartfelt, classy and sassy theatrical pop-rock songs that with your support can be let out in the world. Songwriter / Vinyl 103% Project crowdfunded on December 11, 2021 🎉 87 Pledges 3.620€ From 3.500€
Vaivén. The sway of life. Miona opens her heart with a feminine and changing vision of the world, connected to nature; with new sonorities and collaborations. Songwriter 121% Project crowdfunded on November 01, 2021 🎉 134 Pledges 4.829€ From 4.000€
"LOVE ALBUM" by Manu Om Album dedicated to Love through songs to Krishna, Radha, Sita, Rama ... Manu Om's 14th album arrives warm and full of surprises Songwriter 105% Project crowdfunded on April 29, 2021 🎉 323 Pledges 14.665€ From 14.000€