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Women Working

The guide Women Working is an empowerment tool to promote women’s participation in processes of urban planning transformation, where women are active agents in the analysis and improvement of their communities and neighborhoods.

Col·lectiu Punt 6

A project of


Created in

From 5.000€
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The goal of this crowdfunding is to cover the expenses of the English edition and printing of the guide Women Working. Urban Assessment Guide from a Gender Perspective, elaborated by Col·lectiu Punt 6. This guide has been already published in Catalan and Spanish, but several English-speaking groups and organizations have requested the guide in English.

Origin of this project

Since 2005 Col·lectiu Punt 6 has been feeding its urban knowledge with the shared experiences of more than 1,000 women participating in more than a hundred workshops, participatory processes and activist initiatives to improve the everyday environments of their neighborhoods.

The motivation behind the elaboration of this guide is to provide women with the collective knowledge to analyze their neighborhoods from a gender perspective, and to encourage autonomy and ownership in the betterment of their neighborhoods.

Women usually have a better understanding of what goes on in their neighborhood, of the needs of the community and of the things that must be done to make it a better place. This occurs because, in spite of their involvement in paid productive work, in many regions of the world, women are still in charge of the majority of domestic and care work, accumulating double or triple working shifts. Therefore, women possess crucial knowledge to describe the everyday life of the environments, which we inhabit and can help transmit not only their needs and wishes but also those of children, young people and the elderly with whom they live.

This guide is a women’s empowerment tool that fosters women’s active participation in urban transformations. It is a tool to provide visibility to women’s experiences in the planning field, but also to question the sexual division of work and how the urban configuration has perpetuated this division. This guide can also be used to reclaim living environments where domestic and care tasks are socially shared and valued.

We want women’s groups and organizations, that wish to participate in urban transformations and in the physical and social betterment of their environments, to be able to use this guide in their neighborhoods, towns, or cities.

With your support we will be able to publish this guide in English, expand its use, and foster more participation of women in urban planning processes.

How we'll allocate your contributions

We'll use your contributions to pay the revision of the English version, the adaptation of the graphic design to the English version, printing, ISBN cost, taxes, crowdfunding platforms’ fee and mailing. Once collected the requested amount we will not have benefits, only the needed to cover the expenses.

About your rewards

We will start sending the rewards once all the money has been collected and the crowdfunding campaign is closed. If the reward is the book in English, we will send it once it is printed, approximately a month after the crowdfunding campaign is closed.


The graphic design group needs a week to adapt the English version to the existing design of the guide. Comanegra is the publisher that has produced the Catalan and Spanish version and will also be in charge of publishing the English version. It will take two weeks to print the book. In total, we hope to have the English version printed and ready to distribute a month after closing the crowdfunding campaign.

+ Info

Web: punt6.org

Facebook: Col·lectiu Punt 6 y Punt Sis

Twitter: @CollectiuPunt6


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  • Col·lectiu Punt 6

    Col·lectiu Punt 6

    almost 9 years

    Hola Patricia, claro que sí lo anoto para cuando te hagamos el envío. Me dices el nombre de tu hija y así lo ponemos también en los agradecimiento. Muchas gracias!

  • Patrícia Santos Pedrosa

    Patrícia Santos Pedrosa

    almost 9 years

    Hola, he hecho dos aportaciones. Una de 20€ y otra de 35€. Es posible que me envíen las 2 publicaciones juntas (extranjero) y que la referencia en el libro sea la mía, por una aportación, y otra de mí hija? Demasiado lío?! patrícia

  • Col·lectiu Punt 6

    Col·lectiu Punt 6

    almost 9 years

    Hola David, muchas gracias por tu aportación. Si quieres puedes hacer otra aportación de 10 euros y nosotras anotamos que quieres la publicación y no las bolsas. ¿Te parece bien? Muchas gracias.

  • david


    almost 9 years

    Hola, he hecho una aportación de 10e (por error) me gustaría sumar otros 10 y tener la publicación! cómo lo podemos hacer? gracias! david

#06 / Campaña cerrada, seguimos trabajando/ Campanya tancada, seguim treballant/ Campaign closed, we continue working

Gracias a vuestras aportaciones ayer cerramos la campaña de Verkami con 5.595€ y 170 mecenas! Estamos muy agradecidas y felices!

Continuamos trabajando en la campaña; en esta semana os contactaremos para saber más detalles de donde enviar las recompensas, que seguramente se enviarán en la tercera semana de agosto debido al periodo vacacional y para evitar envíos retornados.

Muchas gracias por apoyar el urbanismo feminista!

Gràcies a les vostres aportaciones ahir vam tancar la campanya de Verkami amb 5.595€ i 170 mecenes! Estem molt agraïdes i felices!

Continuem treballant en la campanya; aquesta setmana us contactarem per saber més detalles d'on enviar les recompenses, que segurament s'enviaran a la tercera setmana d'agost degut al periode de vacances i per evitar enviaments retornats.

Moltes gràcies per donar suport a l'urbanisme feminista!

Thanks to your contributions yesterday we closed the campaign in Verkami with 5,595€ and 170 patrons! We are very happy and thankful!

#05 / Lo conseguimos! Ho hem aconseguit! We made it!

Gracias a todas vuestra aportaciones hemos conseguido superar los 5.000€! Estamos muy felices y ya estamos trabajando en la impresión de la guía Mujeres Trabajando en inglés!

En las próximas semanas estaremos preparando las recompensas y recibiréis noticias nuestras para saber donde podemos enviar las recompensas o en que idioma queréis la guía, en caso que forme parte de la recompensa.

Sin vuestro apoyo, confianza y compromiso no lo hubiéramos conseguido

Mil gracias!!

Un abrazo colectivo de todas las punt 6

Gràcies a totes les vostres aportacions hem aconseguit superar els 5.000€! Estem molt felices i ja estem treballant en la impressió de la guia Dones Treballant en anglès!

Al llarg de les properes setmanes estarem preparant les recompenses i rebreu notícies nostres per saber on us podem enviar les recompenses o en quin idioma voleu la guiam en cas que aquesta sigui la vostra recompensa.

Sense la vostra ajuda, confiança i compromís no ho haguèssim aconseguit

Mil gràcies!!

read more

#04 / A 12 días del cierre llegando a los 3.700€/ A 12 dies del tancament arribant a 3.700€/ 12 days left and almost 3,700€

Gracias a vuestra generosidad, apoyo y difusión vamos acercándonos al objetivo!

Aquí una muestra de una de las recompensas: la nueva bolsa lila de Mujeres Públicas

Gràcies a la vostra generositat, suport i difusió estem apropant-nos a l'objectiu! Aquí una mostra d'una de les recompenses: la nova bossa lila de Dones Públiques

Thanks to your generosity, support and distribution we are getting closed to our objective! Here an example of our rewards: the new purple bag of Public Women

#03 / Superamos los 2.000€! Hem superat els 2.000€! We surpassed 2,000€!

Gracias a ti y al conjunto de 68 mecenas ya hemos superado los 2.000 euros. Quedan 18 días, necesitamos mucha ayuda! Pero tenemos esperanza de conseguirlo! Por favor síguenos apoyando difundiendo el verkami! vkm.is/womeworking

Gràcies a tu i al conjunt de 68 mecenes ja hem superat els 2.000 euros. Queden 18 dies, necessitem molta ajuda! Però tenim esperança d'aconseguir-lo! Si us plau segueix donant suport a través de la difusió del verkami! vkm.is/womeworking

Thanks to you and all 68 patrons we have surpassed 2.000 euros. 18 days left, we need a lot of help! But we hope to make it! Please continue giving us support by sharing the verkami with your networks! vkm.is/womenworking

#02 / ¿Cómo será la guía Mujeres Trabajando en inglés?

Aquí os dejamos una muestra de como será la guía en inglés!

Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo

Aquí us deixem una mostra de com serà la guia en anglès!

Moltes gràcies pel vostre suport

Here you can see a excerpt of the guide in English!

Thank you very much for your support!!

#01 / Muchas gracias/Moltes gràcies/Many Thanks!

Muchas gracias a todas y todos que habéis contribuido al proyecto! Nos quedan 30 días de Verkami! Te queremos pedir que nos sigas apoyando compartiendo el enlace del verkami con tu familia, amistades y redes sociales!


Moltes gràcies a totes i tots per haver contribuït al projecte! Ens queden 30 dies de Verkami! Et volem demanar que ens segueixis donant suport compartint l'enllaç del verkami amb la teva família, amistats i xarxes socials!


Thank you very much to all of you for contributing to this project! 30 days left to contribute to this Verkami! We want to ask you to continue your support by sharing the Verkami's link with your family, friends and social networks!


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