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Beyond truth (Authorless Cinema)

At the age of 79 years a common man becomes the director of his own movie to take us to the limits of truth and further. During eight months Gioacchino Di Blasi has been working with the "Authorless Cinema" collective at Matadero de Madrid to submerge himself in the memories of his intense life.

Cine sin Autor

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From 5.000€
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A person can become a filmmaker at the age of 79 when he never has been in contact with cinema? Gioacchino Di Blasi has shown that it is possible.

We got to know him the 29th of May 2012 when our small team of "Authorless Cinema" were walking around the streets of the neighborhood of Madrid, Arganzuela, asking whoever we met "And you, which movie would you make?"Gioacchino answered "one about my whole life". And suddenly he had the title: "Let's see if we tell the truth". Gioacchino dared more than anyone else to go through the cinematographic adventure the "Factory of authorless cinema" proposed to so many people during its residency at Intermediæ (Matadero Madrid). Actually we could state that he build that factory for us and he presented it to us.

We have been working with him during eight months, many times several days a week in exchange for delicious food he prepared. Important episodes of Gioacchino's life were revealed: his childhood between priests, his orphanage, his past in the french foreign legion in indochina and Argelia, his love relationships and the biggest one: with a woman 30 years younger than him during 30 years raising two beautiful daughters with Isabel.

What we have filmed is not only a simple documentary. Without ever having been in contact with cinema, Gioacchino understood really fast how filming, editing and even putting in scene work. All in service to a story, his story. Together with him we managed to film scenes, many times with himself as protagonist, that keep thrilling us even after seeing them an infinity of times in the editing room.

In 2013, back from the christmas vacations, Gioacchino called us. He had been in the hospital for more than a week already with terminal cancer. He didn't call us before to "avoid ruining the vacations". But the last week of his life he asked us to make him company with our cameras to finish the movie with him. Gioacchino died the night of 18th January of 2013. He left with a legacy and a gift: together with his wife Isabel and his two daughters, Giovanna and Ana, we are finishing this great film. Gioacchino changed the title the last days of his life: "Beyond truth". And he teated us how to live and die with dignity.


The 15th of October the first public intervened viewing of the complete movie will have taken place at Cineteca (Matadero Madrid). The aim is to create a debate between the public and the family of Gioacchino to determine the last changes of the edition for its later diffusion.

The aim of the crowdfunding campaign is to obtain the resources to be able to finish the editing and postproduction of the film and make real the legacy Gioacchino left us: accomplish that the film and it's message get to everyone in the world.

If you want to read more about the film we invite you to visit our website


Till now "Beyond truth"has been possible thanks to the voluntary work of the "Authorless Cinema" team and another hundred people who have supported the project in script sessions, filming and editing for more than a year. Now the moment has arrived when we have to ask for the help of external professionals for postproduction of image and sound.

Editing: 2.000,00€

Image-postproduction: 750,00€

Sound-postproduction: 750,00€

Music: 300,00€

Physical copies: 600,00€

Postage and handling: 600,00€

Total: 5.000,00€

This budget is for minimal necessities. Luckily we can count on the support of professionals for the project who will accept minimum wages for their work. If we manage to brain more than 5.000,00€ we'll be able to assure better wages for them.

Also we are searching for professional traducers to traduce to film to english, french, italian and german.


We expect to have the final version of the film at the end of March of 2014. The editing should take place between October and December of 2013, the postproduction and editing of subtitles between January and February of 2014.

After that it will take us two months to edit a DVD-Book including photographies and texts about the process of creation of the film.

We'll be able to deliver the contributes depending on their nature. Some of the contributes allow you to participate in the process of creation of the film (editing, postproduction, preview…). Those contributes will be delivered during the period of editing and postproduction. The rest of the contributes will have to wait until the months after the finalization of the film.


Authorless Cinema starts of in 2005 as a cultural theory that encourages an artistic cinematographic practice. A new way of producing cinema. The process of creation is horizontal, which means that all decisions about preproduction, script, filming, editing, postproduction and distribution of the finished work are taken collectively by an assembly.

The collective is composed of professional from the audiovisual sector, educators and from cultural institutions. They have published two manifests and have been working for seven years in diverse cinematographic projects in the town of Madrid. They already finished two feature films which have been premiered at Medialab-Prado and the Reina Sofía Mueseum. Since May 2012 the Factory of Autherless Cinema is installed at Intermediæ (Matadero Madrid) where they consolidated their cultural model. During more than one year at the factory there have been going on five processes of films which have been presented every month at Cineteca (Matadero Madrid) with the assistance of the production collectives of each one of the open film processes. Open to everyone.



There are none published yet.

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  • desuqzfoiv


    about 9 years

    N4eI8W qucbdyjmrkcp, [url=http://voqqhmrrwjvf.com/]voqqhmrrwjvf[/url], [link=http://wxcmvocwhdgj.com/]wxcmvocwhdgj[/link], http://ooclbnzucobq.com/

  • Cine sin Autor

    Cine sin Autor

    about 10 years

    Hola Catalina!

    Muchas gracias, ya lo hemos corregido.

  • catalina sherwell

    catalina sherwell

    about 11 years

    La mía no es una pregunta. Por si os sirve de algo, sólo quiero aclararos que autor en inglés es author. Por lo mismo, cine sin autor en inglés es authorless, y no autherless como lo habéis escrito.

#02 / Enlace al primer montaje de la película / Link to the first cut of the film

Hola patrocinadoras/es!

Algunas personas nos han comentado que no les ha llegado nuestro mensaje con el enlace al primer montaje de la película.

Si habéis donado un mínimo de 10€ y no habéis recibido ningún mail os pedimos de contactar con nosotros a través de [email protected]

Muchas gracias y un saludo de todo el equipo!


Dear sponsors,

Some people told us that they haven't received our mail with the link to the first cut of the film.

If you pledged at least 10€ and have not recieved our message we would like to ask you to contact us through [email protected]

Thank you and best regards from the whole team!

#01 / Trailers y foro

[English above]

Hola comunidad de "Más allá de la verdad"!

¿Ya habéis visto los tres trailers de la película? Desde hoy están online en versión subtitulada.


Os seguimos animando a participar en el foro de debate del proyecto: http://masalladelaverdad.forogratis.es

Gracias por vuestro apoyo!


Dear community of "Beyond Truth",

Have you already seen the three trailers of the film? Now you can watch them with english subtitles.


We also keep encouraging you to participate in the forum of the project: http://masalladelaverdad.forogratis.es

Thank you for your support!

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