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arquitectura mini

This is a project of modeling and experimental teaching architecture using participative play, in order to allow an active reflexion about the possibilities of contemporary domestic spaces.


Created in

From 1.500€
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We are a team of architects from Barcelona. We work on the culture of domestic spaces and we are interested in producing new educational and creative forms of play.


This is a project of modeling and experimental teaching architecture using participative play, in order to allow an active reflexion about the possibilities of contemporary domestic spaces.

In recent years various initiatives have used the wide range of product catalog © Playmobil to historical disclosure. This has led us to combine the scale and proportions of these products with the working model that the professional offices make, (traditionally abstract, delicate and inconspicuous) in order to experiment with the possibilities of symbolic play about contemporary architecture.

The outcome is a kit house, of simple execution. Designed for assembly in small workshops or family. An object for play, compact, useful and handy, with proper proportions so that you can incorporate the playmobil furniture and accessories you like the most.

Most "playhouses" in the market are away from domestic reality now, many are quite bulky. We wanted to make a simple, modern house, which could be easily customized to individual taste.

The house is made of wood, cardboard and vinyl siding. It is intended as a box that can be closed. Once opened, consists of two parts: the interior living spaces that are inside the box, and the garden, which unfolds with the lid.


We will distribute it in three formats:

The graphic instruction booklet

The booklet with drawings and assembly instructions. In this option, thou must buy wood panels and cut as directed, glue them and mount them to have the house finished. This option enables you to make changes on the base. It is suitable if you like marquetry works and have the tools to make them.

The casa-mini kit

The booklet with graphic instructions + wooden box mounted, including: wooden walls cut to size, underlying template for assembling and paving, wall cladding and garden ready for gluing, with basic furniture mounted (mini-kitchen and bathroom). This basic module can be easily mounted with white glue and a bit of patience.

The mounted casa-mini

The wooden box with the house, including floors, walls and tiles already in place, with basic furnishings (mini-kitchen and bathroom). This is the fastest option and you can play immediately.

To produce these casa-mini we thought in Verkami to finance the project. Your contribution can help to take it forward and be able to produce a limited edition of 40 mini-kits of houses and 20 finished houses.


We need 1,500 euros to finance the production of the project. And to pay the cost of the 60 houses. The materials, cutting, assembling and editing craft instruction booklets.

Once established this initial step, the mini architecture project aims to grow, first extending the offer to more types of housing, with other provisions and sizes, with different types (row houses, apartments, superimposable in height ...) with unit design criteria and always within a box format where the house can be collected and can store compactly. Afterwards by offering the ability to group homes to form mini small neighborhoods and expand the possibilities of relationship to broader social scales.


Because the "casa-mini" is a very good tool for learning and fun.

With these boxes we want to offer to anyone who may be interested in an educational game to learn playing with the possibilities of relationship and family life within a contemporary domestic space. As architects we believe it is very good for everyone, big and small, to be aware of how our lives are affected by the quality of the spaces where we live and where we carry out our daily activities.

Marketed toys, even willing to have a contemporary appearance, usually offer simple and banal spaces. We architects consider that scale models let you play real spaces and are a very important tool for our work. We thought that combining the values of the model architecture with some of the Playmobil@ catalog we get a participatory game that can entertain as well as teach something about how the provision of quality spaces can help us to live, facilitate our relationships and even to give satisfaction by themselves, by their size, the way light enters them or the colors they have.


We start with a limited edition of 40 kits and 20 models already assembled. This means to buy the material, cut to size, prepare the wall and floor coverings, craft assembly, packaging and publishing a book with all the explanations for mounting.


There are none published yet.

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  • parramon + tahull arquitectes

    parramon + tahull arquitectes

    over 11 years

    Hola Beatriz, gracias por tu interés.

    Todavía tenemos algunas casas mini en nuestro estudio. Podemos ponernos de acuerdo para enviártela a tu dirección o si estás en Barcelona, podemos quedar para que la recojas.

    Puedes encontrarlas también en la tienda de la Cooperativa de Arquitectos (en la plaza de la Catedral).

    En cualquier caso, puedes mandarnos un correo a [email protected] o llamar al 934422806. y te resuelvo encantada cualquier duda.

    Un saludo,

    Emma Tahull

  • Beatriz San Miguel

    Beatriz San Miguel

    over 11 years

    ¿Es posible adquirir en algún sitio el kit para el montaje de la casa? veo que el crowfunding se cerró hace un año, pero ¿hay algún sitio donde sea posible adquirir alguna? O en su defecto, el Mini Jardín de Infancia también sería un regalo fabuloso


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  • parramon + tahull arquitectes

    parramon + tahull arquitectes

    over 11 years

    Hola María,

    Gracias por tu interés.

    El precio sería el mismo de las "recompensas" de Verkami (36€ para el kit y 56€ para la casa montada).

    Ese precio no incluye el transporte, pero si nos das el distrito postal dónde estas, hago la consulta a MRW del coste y te la madamos contra reembolso.

    Para cualquier duda, puedes ponerte en contacto en el 934422806 (Emma) o el correo [email protected]

  • Maria


    over 11 years

    Estaria interesada en adquirir una casita, es posible? Y el precio? La enviarias fuera de Barcelona? Muchas gracias y un saludo.

  • Carme


    about 12 years

    Que guapa la foto....i que be que s'ho pasa la nena......

  • miguel


    about 12 years

    molt bona idea, accés garantitzat a pares concienciats...

    molt xulo el picat de la Raquel!

#07 / 40 Cases mini - 40 casas mini

Tots heu rebut ja la vostra recompensa!

A hores d'ara les 40 cases resultat del procés de verkami estan en mans dels mecenes (vosaltres).

Sabem que alguns ja les heu muntat i n'esteu gaudint...altres haureu de superar la mandra post-nadal i trobar la calma necessària per fer-ho.

Ens agradaria veure les vostres fotos...o un dia reunir-les totes...un barri de cases mini.

podeu seguir-nos a facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/arquitectura-mini/267190646716767

Seguim endavant!

¡Todos habeis recibido ya vuestras recompensas

Las 40 casas resultado de proceso de verkami estan en manos de sus mecenas (vosotros).

Sabemos que algunos ya las habeis montado y las estais disfrutando...otros tendreis que superar la pereza post navidad y encontrar la calma necesaria para hacerlo.

Nos gustaría mucho ver vuestras fotos...o un día reunirlas todas...un barrio de casas mini.

podeis seguirnos en facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/arquitectura-mini/267190646716767
¡Seguimos adelante!

#06 / Llestos pels reis mags! - ¡Listos para los reyes magos!

Ja queden només 24 hores i quasi ho hem aconseguit!

Estem treballant de valent perquè tots els que ens heu fet confiança tingueu la vostra casa mini abans del dia de reis!

A totes i tots: moltes gràcies!

¡Ya quedan sólo 24 horas y casi lo hemos conseguido!
¡Estamos trabajando a tope para que todos los que habéis confiado en nosotros tengáis la casa mini antes de reyes!

A todas y todos: ¡muchas gracias!

#05 / Nova recompensa: mobles per la casa

Com alguns ens ho heu demanat, hem decidit afegir una nova recompensa: un conjunt de mobles de fets a mida per la casa mini: llitera, llit doble, sofà i taula de menjar amb cadires. Perquè ho tingueu tot a punt per jugar!

Como algunos nos lo habeis pedido, hemos decidido añadir una nueva recompensa: un conjunto de muebles hechos a medida para la casa mini: litera, cama doble, sofá, mesa y sillas. ¡Para que lo tengáis todo listo para jugar!

#04 / Per Nadal, Tota joguina val?

Participem a l'exposició de jocs i joguines amb assessorament a les famílies que organitza l'ajuntament.

Vine a veure la casa mini en viu!

Estarem a l'Auditori del Centre Cívic de les Cotxeres de Sants

el 28,29,30 novembre de 17 a 19:30

i el 1 desembre de 11 a 13:30

#02 / Nova recompensa per les escoles

Hem afegit una nova recompensa pensant en les escoles:

4 kits de casa mini, per ser muntats pels nens i nenes de cicle mitjà i superior de primària i que en puguin gaudir els seus companys més petits d'infantil!

Tots n'aprenen:

  • els grans fan manualitats, aprenen l'escala, entenen l'espai i personalitzen les seves cases.

  • els petits tenen una nova joguina especial de joc simbòlic pels seus "clicks", un regal fet a mà pels seus companys més grans.

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