La Dansívora Company presents Dream beneath the window, a dance show for young audiences that talks about solitude among elderly people.
Based on a kids book published by the Editorial El cep i la nansa, with text by Anna Vila and illustrations by Jaume Bonnin, the show is based on a true story.
Emília lives alone, she is now very old and she is not able to leave the house. Her granddaughter, with the help of family, friends and neighbours, organizes a surprise for her: a little dance, theatre and music performance on the street in front of her house for her granny to be able to enjoy it from the window.
Emília will never forget that surprise.
'Dream beneath the window' links dance and music (created specially for the occasion) to transport us to a world full of movement, colors, fun and sensibility.
The show counts with three dancers who play the different characters of the story; we can see on stage some clowns, a magician who carries a huge watermelon, a bussiness woman who blows balloons, granny Emília herself and her granddaughter and grandson.
About the rewards
You can find all the rewards that we offer on the right side of the page.
Thank you for your collaboration to our project!
Who we are
La Dansívora Company was born on September 2021 as a result of the necessity of two professionals of the contemporary dance and ballet scene, Aina Gargallo and Anna Vila, to create from the knowledge gained during all their careers and to share with the society their compromise with the performing arts, which they consider an essential good.
Inspired by the book 'Dream beneath the window', they decide to come together to transform this story to a dance narration that can arrive to a lot of kids and to all of those who want to accompany them.
Cia. La Dansívora
Aina Gargallo
Anna Vila
What will your contributions be for?
We will use your contributions to pay all the artists involved in the show and to cover the expenses for the creation of the scenography.
The second and last part of the creative process, will initiate the second week of September until the premiere day on the 8th of October 2022.
The rewards will be handed from November 2022.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Glòria Vivas
Molta sort! 🥰
Jaume Bonnin Reverter
Molts ànims i endavant.
Serà tot un èxit, de fet ja ho és, com tot allò que es fa des del cor.
Espero que el projecte arribi a bon port i ens feu feliços amb el vostre art
Enric Sala
Molta sort en el projecte!
Que el vostre somni es cumpleixi !! Us ho mereixeu i molt! Endevant i molta merda!
Molta merda! Ànims i a tope amb la cultura!!!
Maria Quero y Marta Serret
A tope! Fa molt bona pinta
Maria Quero
Molta merda! ❤️