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Feature film project "When there's no way out"

A history that mixes past and present, joined by the reality of prostitution and trafficking human beings

Ulises Producciones

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From 9.000€
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From Ulises Producciones we proudly present the feature film “WHEN THERE’S NO WAY OUT”.

We ask for your help in order to spread the news of the film. All the net revenues will be used for social projects that aim for equality, justice, and freedom of the women who are bonded in prostitution and/or suffer trafficking for sexual expotation.

These projects are developed by Congregación de Hermanas Oblatas del Santísimo Redentor, founded by Antonia Maria de Oviedo y Schöntal, one of the main characters of "WHEN THERE'S NO WAY OUT"

The project features the director and screenwriter Antonio Cuadri and, Tono Escudero, as executive producer, who have assembled a magnificent cast and crew to capture three stories based on real events, combining information and emotion, in an independent production but that aspires to reach every audience.

For this last phase of promotion of "WHEN THERE’S NO WAY OUT, we launch this campaign because we would like to have your collaboration to help us spread this project and that the film is known in your circle and social networks, in addition to asking for your contribution by acquiring some of the rewards we have prepared for you. We have 40 days to achieve it! Can you help us?

And you can already enjoy here, in Verkami, the official video clip of the film with the theme song that is part of our magnificent soundtrack "I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free", a song that talks about freedom, in the voice of Toyemi, the actress and singer who plays Sharik, One of our main characters.

Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"
Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"


"WHEN THERE’S NO WAY OUT" tells the story of three women, apparently separated in time and space, but who end up joined in their process to find themselves. The three of them will have to listen to an inner call that requires them to face their fears and be the true protagonists of their lives, opening new paths of transformation and liberation.

Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"
Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"

Antonia María de Oviedo y Schönthal(1822-1898), born in Lausanne, Switzerland, driven by the economic precariousness of her family, at the age of 26 she managed to travel to Spain to work in the Palace as governess of the daughters of María Cristina, the regent queen. There she will spend 13 years of deep dedication to her work and enjoying the benefits of a comfortable life. Love will knock on her door making her doubt her true vocation.

But it will be her encounters with Father José María Benito Serra and his incessant search for truth and his personal mission, which will finally make her decide to give his life to the care of women who are in prostitution.

Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"
Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"

Rebeca, 25, living in Madrid at the present time, works as a teacher in a neighbourhood’s school and is studying the oppositions to get a permanent job. She has been with her partner, Enrique, for a few years, but she still does not feel motivated to commit to him and give more stability to their relationship. In her work she observes and cares for her students and that leads her to get involved in the life of families, beyond school. This is what happens with Alika, a 9-year-old student with an African mother, who leads her to a world unknown to her: that of prostitution and human trafficking. The encounter with that sad reality awakens questions that she had never asked himself before and rethinking the course of his life.

Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"
Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"

Sharik, born in Nigeria and being just a teenager is sold by her father to a man much older than her, a separation that will leave a wound that will mark her forever. She is transferred to Spain to be prostituted as a commodity. She is abused by many men. Pregnant from her pimp, then receives more favourable treatment from him by taking her off the street and putting her to serve drinks in his club. But Sharik's life, at 27, is filled with darkness and unease.

Her daughter and the desire to transform her sad reality, will be the engine that gives her strength and determination to become the brave and independent woman she wants to be. Her encounter with Rebecca, her daughter's teacher, and later, with the Congregation of Oblate Sisters, gave her the strenght to undertake this new path of empowerment.

Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"
Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"


Filming took place in June and July 2022. Lausanne (Switzerland), Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca, Seville, Rome, Madrid, Soto del Real and other towns of the Region of Madrid, have been the spots where our cameras have filmed scenes with consolidated artists such as Ruth Gabriel, Pastora Vega, Roberto Álvarez (Father José María Benito Serra) and Carlos Iglesias, and with the film debut of Toyemi playing the character of Sharik, Alexandra Ansidei as Antonia María de Oviedo y Schönthal, and Paula Iglesias as Rebeca, along with an great cast.

Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"
Fotograma " Si todas las puertas se cierran"

About the rewards

We have designed and arranged a number of very attractive rewards, each with the main themes and values that describe the main characters. Especially the merchandising products that you can get are solidarity and made by women who work in the social entrepreneurship project SUMAK KAUSAY of the Women's Care Center "Al alba" (at dawn) of the Congregation of Oblate Sisters of the Very Holy Redeemer at Seville.


Don't miss out on your promotional item from the movie: mugs, cloth bags, mouse pads, t-shirts, bracelets, rope backpacks, badges and magnets.

Electronic Rewards: You will receive them via a link sent to the email you registered with.

Physical rewards: either through the page, or ourselves through an email, you will be asked for your postal address to send you the shipment.

Tickets for the premiere in your city: If the film is not screened in any theater in your city, we will exchange it for merchandising products.

In the case of the online viewing of the feature film it could be done through a link that requires registration on a secure platform.

We cover shipping costs in the Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands. For outside Spain, the shipping expenses would be charged to the recipient's account.

Who we are

Ulises Producciones began its journey in 2000, in Madrid, with the purpose of making it work on a challenging journey: contributing, offering technical and artistic means, to develop audiovisual content committed to the social reality in which we live.

For more than twenty years, in Spain and other countries, we have provided audiovisual services for film productions, television, documentaries, video clips, and other formats for producers, television networks, advertising agencies with experienced and creative professionals. Screenwriters, producers, editors, directors, technicians, actresses and actors, who have accompanied us on this journey.

Our director and screenwriter, Antonio Cuadri has a career of more than 30 years between film and television.

Foto fija "Si todas las puertas se cierran"
Foto fija "Si todas las puertas se cierran"

The film is promoted by the la Congregación de Hermanas Oblatas del Santísimo Redentor that nowadays are present in 15 countries around the world. The Hermanas Oblatas Congregation have been carrying out a mission for more than 150 years, which commits them to the defense of rights, in the search for opportunities for promotion and inclusion of women who are in contexts of prostitution and / or are victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

One of our most important financial collaborators, the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), deserves a special mention. Thanks to their trust and support from the first moment to this project.

What will we apply your contributions for

In this moment in the project, we have already shot the film we wanted to make, but we need your contributions to bring this exciting story of three women, three paths and three answers, to as many people as possible. In order to do this, we plan to allocate contributions to these concepts:


  • Festival fees

  • Visibility of the trailer in networks

  • Production of promotional materials

These actions are part of a strategy to involve as many people as possible.

Planned schedule

Once the campaign is over, we will contact you in the following month, so that both physical and electronic rewards are received, to ensure that all rewards are received during the month of April 2023.

+ Info

You can get more info about the project in the following links:

Ulises Producciones
Congregación de Hermanas Oblatas del Santísimo Redentor
Facebook Ulises Producciones
Facebook Hermanas Oblatas
Twitter Hermanas Oblatas
Artículo Canal Sur
Articulo Europapress
Artículo Panoramaaudiovisual
Artículo Cope

  • To know the team better

Antonio Cuadri
Ulises Producciones


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  • Ulises Producciones

    Ulises Producciones

    almost 2 years

    ¡Juntos lo hemos conseguido!. Gracias por vuestras aportaciones

  • Elvira


    almost 2 years

    Gracias a vosotros por vuestra labor

  • Jose


    almost 2 years

    Enhorabuena por el trabajo y la implicación de tod@s!!

  • Ulises Producciones

    Ulises Producciones

    almost 2 years

    y nosotros de mostrarlo Fernando. Gracias por vuestro apoyo!!

  • Fernando Blanco

    Fernando Blanco

    almost 2 years

    Deseoso de ver este hermoso proyecto !

  • Inma Troyano González

    Inma Troyano González

    almost 2 years

    Qué bien!!!

  • Teresa Cardenes

    Teresa Cardenes

    almost 2 years

    Tengo muchas ganas de verla, he podido darle publicidad y creo que muchas personas se alegrarán y estarán felices por todo lo vivido y aprendido con la Familia Oblata.

  • María Dolores Borrego Ramos

    María Dolores Borrego Ramos

    almost 2 years


  • Ulises Producciones

    Ulises Producciones

    almost 2 years

    Gracias, ¡ya falta menos!

  • Irenaida


    almost 2 years

    Queridos, es un proyecto precioso que estoy deseando ver :-)


Gracias querido/a mecena por ayudarnos en esta campaña que ha conseguido con creces su objetivo. Pronto recibirás otro correo para tramitar el envío de tu recompensa.

Os demos las gracias de todo corazón de parte de todo el equipo de Ulises Producciones por colaborar en este proyecto.




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