Second goal 5,000 €
In just 6 days we have reached the first goal! The photobook The Sacred and the Real will become a reality thanks to the contributions of all backers. Thank you all so much!
Let's go for the second goal: as described in the section What we will use your contributions for and having exceeded the first goal, the next is to reward collaborators who have participated in one way or another in the photobook. If we reach 5,000 euros, they will be remunerated for the work done and they have deservedly earned it in.
Shall we try it?
New lottery!
In gratitude for the warm atmosphere we are receiving, The Sacred and the Real will raffle off a second Fine Art Glicée 24x30cm print of the campaign cover photo among all backers, once the new goal is achieved.
About the project
My name is Gemma Miralda and I am a photographer. In 2014 I started photographing highland shepherds in several areas of the Catalan and Aragonese Pyrenees. I enjoy discovering the ancestral bond linking human beings and nature. Up there at 2.000 or 3.000 meters, the highland shepherds keep herds of 3.000 or 4.000 sheep by themselves during the summer months, when the warmth peaks.
In this context, I wanted to represent the fragile balance between the day-to-day coexistence of people and the natural environment in one of its purest states as a sacred and gathering space.
The Sacred and the Real aims to explore the limits of coexistence in the natural environment and questions the authority of human beings facing nature and other living beings. A personal view of human traffic in the world in close relationship with nature, this book is the result of five consecutive summers working with shepherds and many conversations with friends who have accompanied me throughout the project.
The Sacred and the Real will be presented on March 2021 in the Muncunill Gallery in Terrassa, Barcelona, with a solo exhibition and this photobook. This campaign is expected to raise the needed funds to cover the cost of book production.
What will the book look like?
The Sacred and the Real is a photobook that resulted from many collaborations and from the research on its visual story, and proposes to slowly seek the narrative emerging among the images.
The book will have the following technical characteristics:
Size 16,5 x 22 cm closed and 80 pages color printed Paper Tatami White 135 gr Cover Diptych Woodstock Noce paper 260gr Jacket Cover Flaps Materica Ardesia paper 120gr. Die-cutting Binding Smyth sewn
Photographs Gemma Miralda Epilogue Lluís Calvo Design Opisso Studio Printing Nova Era
Lottery first 48 hours
I encourage you to buy during the first 48 hours of the campaign because you will be entered into a lottery for a 24x30 cm print of the campaign's cover image. The draw will be held live at some point during the campaign, which will be announced in advance.
About the rewards
The rewards range from a solidarity contribution of 6 euros to a maximum of 490 euros. You can buy books and original prints of the project.
The book has a promotional price of 32 euros during the Verkami campaign. Then its cost will be 35 euros.
Photobooks will be delivered signed and, if desired, dedicated to the name of the person you wish.
For shipment of photographic prints outside of Spain, you will need to contact me to specify the size and so the cost.
If you buy a print, you can choose from the following images:
What we will use your contributions for
The total proceeds will be used primarily to cover printing costs as well as shipping and Verkami campaign costs. If we exceed the target, I will be able to pay the collaborators. And if the campaign is a huge success I will be able to make a bigger run.
The Sacred and the Real already has the support of the Visual Arts Department of Terrassa City Council. The campaign aims to complete the funding needed to take on total production.
At the moment the design of the book has been done except for the last adjustments to be completed once the campaign is over, in December. In January the book will be printed and bound. The delivery forecast is due on February and no later than March 2021 coinciding with the presentation of the exhibition at the Muncunill Gallery in Terrassa.
My most sincere thanks to Sergi Opisso and his team for all the attention, care, and creativity they have put into the design of the book. To Lluís Calvo for offering me his ever wise and assertive words in the epilogue of the book. And to the family of El Observatorio for their enriching contributions to the narrative of the project.
Finally, a special thanks to the Visual Arts Department of Terrassa City Council thanks to which the project will finally be able to see the light of day.
With the sum of all of you we have come this far.
Thank you!
+ Info
Graffiti Radio Euskadi
Diari ARA
Grandes Viajeras - La Vanguardia
Informatiu TV Canal Terrassa
El Submarí - Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa
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Molta sort Gemma!!
Anna Rodríguez Purull
Gemma! espero que aconsegueixis el teu projecte! m'agradarà conèixer el teu treball, segur que has fet una bona feina!!
Doribel Herrador
Enhorabona Gemma! Per la feina estupenda i per l'exit d'aquesta campanya! No havia vist el video i m'ha encantat!
eva prats
Enhorabona Gemma! Segur que ho aconseguiràs!
Molt xulo Gemma! esperem que surti!!!
sonia balcells
Moltes felicitats Gemma, un treball preciós! Quines ganes de veure el llibre ja!
Mònica De Miguel
Moltes felicitats, Gemma!! Volem un exemplar dedicat!! ;)
ja tinc ganes de fullejar el llibre!!! Sort Gemma!!!
Miquel Llonch
Ho conseguiràs!!!!!