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MY NORTH by Enriqueta Vendrell

My North are feelings, as drawings, result of some weeks living in an artist residence in Iceland.

Enriqueta Vendrell

A project of


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From 2.900€
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My North is the result of the work done last July (2919) in the artist residence of Isafjördur, Iceland. In the small village from the West fiords I was almost been hypnotized by the fog that, lots of days, in an imponent manner shows but also hides....

Isafjördur (Iceland)
Isafjördur (Iceland)

Big and small natural phenomena, complete or not finished drawings, plants inspiring videos, fauna, tourism, lines and stains, huldufólk (special characters from the Icelandic imaginary)… triggered off an intensive work and an artbook.

My North _original drawing
My North _original drawing

My North _original drawing
My North _original drawing

With Verkami you have the opportunity to enjoy the creative work reproduction from the Icelandic experience. Do not let yourself spend another second and take part in it!

Why Verkami?

I need to share my work, so I’ve decided a start a crowdfunding campaign. You can give an amount of money and take part in the campaign to have the possibility to edit the book, you also get a proportional reward to which you have contributed

About rewards

Rewards is what you get instate of your economic contribution if the project goes on. Your economic contribution will be effective only if I get the goal.

You can pick your reward up at Som d’Art, Lleida (See calendar below). In case I should send it, you should choose the reward related to shipping, too.

These are the rewards you can choose:

A signed print reproduction:

A signed reproduction (45x15 cm) on Fedrogoni Old Mill premium paper, 300 g. You can choose one of six reproductions.

Photos of originals to be reproduced
Photos of originals to be reproduced


Book reproduction

Closed size: 15 x 22 cm 

Open size: 15 x 44cm 

72 pages

Paper Munken Pure (150 grams)

Binding: hardcover book binded with seen thread

Book + Signed reproduction:

Book closed size: 15 x 22 cm 

Open size: 15 x 44cm 

72 pages

Paper Munken Pure (150 grams)

Binding: hardcover book binded with seen thread
+ A signed print reproduction (45x15 cm) on Fedrogoni Old Mill premium paper, 300 g. You can choose one of six reproductions.

Book + "Memento" original:

Book closed size: 15 x 22 cm 

Open size: 15 x 44cm 

72 pages

Paper Munken Pure (130 grams)

Binding: hardcover book binded with seen thread
+ Original drawing (you can choose from 3 drawings) in 150 gr Basic paper.

A Memento is a souvenir. In the artistic residence in ArtsIceland I worked also drawing small works of art like souvenirs inspired in some drawings from the book.

"Memento fauna"
"Memento fauna"

"Memento flora"
"Memento flora"

"Memento house"
"Memento house"

Who am I?

My name is Enriqueta Vendrell I’m a visual artist, I live in Lleida (Catalonia).

My latest art productions are related with travel, and what consequently that experience give to me like knowing other places, landscapes, people. It's because of that, three years ago I decided to combine travel and art residence as a creative project. In 2016 I went to Japan. Last July, I travelled to Iceland and here you have part of the result.

Pàgina web Enriqueta Vendrell


Schudeled calendar

By the end of October the Verkami campaign will finish. If I get the goal, in November I take the book to press to have it ready in December. You will have the possibility to pick it up personally or to get it by mail by Desember.


A part from you, that you are in the campaign as a backer, I count on two more complicities: Txell Tehas from Som d'Art and Ignasi López from La Bibliografica.

Som d
Som d'Art

La Bibliogràfica
La Bibliogràfica


  • When will the credit card be charged?

    Your credit card will be charged only when we achieve the goal.

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  • Enriqueta Vendrell

    Enriqueta Vendrell

    over 5 years

    Gràcies, Glòria!!

  • Glòria Jové

    Glòria Jové

    over 5 years


  • Enriqueta Vendrell

    Enriqueta Vendrell

    over 5 years

    Això!!! Gràcies, Imma!

  • Imma Gonzalez

    Imma Gonzalez

    over 5 years

    Ajudeu a una amiga meva, gran artísta!

  • Enriqueta Vendrell

    Enriqueta Vendrell

    over 5 years

    Tant de bo, Eugènia ;)

    Moltes gràcies!!

  • Eugènia Besora

    Eugènia Besora

    over 5 years

    Enriqueta, puguis dur a terme el teu projecte, molts bons desitjos

  • Enriqueta Vendrell

    Enriqueta Vendrell

    over 5 years


  • Mª Lluïsa

    [email protected]

    over 5 years

    Ara molta sort!

  • Enriqueta Vendrell

    Enriqueta Vendrell

    over 5 years

    Moltes gràcies, Anna!!

  • Anna Guillaumet

    Anna Guillaumet

    over 5 years

    Felicitats per aquest projecte!

#06 / Objectiu aconseguit!

Tot i que encara queden unes hores per cloure el projecte, HEM ACONSEGUIT L'OBJECTIU!! Agraïments infinits a les i els mecenes!

Si encara no sou mecenes i voleu gaudir a casa de la reproducció signada i numerada del llibre My North, ara és la vostra ocasió perquè l'edició està limitada als exemplars demanats durant el micromecenatge.

#05 / Dimarts 22 projecció en exclusiva dels vídeos islandesos

Queden pocs dies per fer possible el projecte My North que, com ja sabeu es tracta de la reproducció signada i numerada del llibre d'artista creat a Islàndia; fet que el fa un producte exclusiu!

Dimarts 22, a partir de les 7 de la tarda a la botiga Som d'Art, podreu fullejar de nou l'exemplar original i fer-vos mecenes, si encara no ho sou.

A més a més podreu visionar els vídeos creats també durant la residència artística a Isafjördur.

Data: dimarts 22/10/2019

Hora: entre 7 i 8 de la tarda

Lloc: Botiga Som d'Art

Avda. Prat de la Riba, 75


#02 / Dijous 3 re-presentació de "My North", el llibre original, a Som d'Art

Si no vas poder venir la setmana passada, aquest dijous dia 3, tens una altra oportunitat de veure i fullejar l'obra original i fer-te una idea de com quedarà la reproducció del llibre i de les còpies signades. Si tens algun dubte seré allí per resoldre'l.

Aquest cop, amb música en directe!!!

Data: dijous 3/10/2019

Hora: entre 7 i 8 de la tarda

Lloc: Botiga Som d'Art
Avda. Prat de la Riba, 75

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