Initial target of 3,000 euros, achieved! Thank you all and everyone!
We set a new goal, 3,500 euros. Both the patrons who have already contributed and the new ones will receive a new copy of the documentary DVD if we reach the new goal !!!
About the documentary
A human towers group is much more than people lifting human towers in their free time. This unique plot of people and personalities elevate their activity to the category of beautiful metaphor giving meaning, perhaps only intuitively, in a society in which its members feel part of everything. A society with a common goal, which shares with the same intensity, good and bad things, a society of many beats, without proper names... A corporation.
Imagine a place where people go and feel necessary, they will feel part of a whole, sharing the good and the bitter. One organism and many beats.
To which we will allocate your contributions
We will allocate 100% of the contributions to finish the production of the documentary film "Sociedad Anónima", written and directed by Ramon Tort and Raimon Benach.
About us
We are the Xicots of Vilafranca. A human tower's group with 37 years of history and that almost three years ago commissioned Ramon Tort and Raimon Benach, to make a documentary casteller. We gave them absolute freedom on a creative level, and the result is surprising. Startling. The casteller world in its purest form. They have managed to capture the interior of the people who make castles.
The Xicots of Vilafranca participated in the documentary, but those responsible are:
DIRECTORS: Ramon Tort and Raimon Benach
PRODUCERS: Ramon Tort and Raimon Benach
WITH THE COLLABORATION OF: Vilafranca del Penedés Town Hall
VOICE-OVER: Marta Angelat
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ramon Tort and Rai Benach
COLORIST: Jordi Canchales
PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS: Tiffany Ruoz, Daniel Sáez
CAMERA OPERATORS: Jordi Canchales, Romano Caba, Jordi Roca, Raimon Benach, Ramon Tort
DIRECT SOUND TECHNIQUES: Raimon Benach, Romano Caba
SOUND MIXING: August Alustiza
PIANIST: Jordi Castilla
TRANSLATIONS: Sandra Urpí, Steve Philips, Tiffany Ruoz
The rewards
The rewards are focused on obtaining tickets for the pre-premiere that we have scheduled at the Kubrik cinema in Vilafranca del Penedés on September 15.
You can also find other types of rewards.
What the creators say, Ramon Tort and Raimon Benach
Three years of shooting have been. Three intense years in which we have set out to explain the castle event in the world. And doing it ended up feeling us part of this whole thing, that is a colla castellera. Beyond human constructions, which circulate virally through networks, castles involve a way of life and a specific social organization, which allows us to understand the society that welcomes them. The world, little by little, is discovering this fact, as a sympathetic, eccentric singularity, as a staged curiosity in the form of men, women and children who crowd up to erect constructions of certain heights, which sometimes fall, stand up to be erected again. But the truth is that, behind all this, a truly complex universe of human relationships is hidden, details and concretions that do this exercise much more unique, eccentric and curious than one could imagine.
The human towers group of the Xicots de Vilafranca is the example of a group where all the members are essential. From the rush to the last casteller of the pineapple, all the members need to be added to build up the buildings. Although its goals are a little more modest than those of the big groups, they are also a challenge that must be overcome and this is one of the important issues that we want to portray: despite the rivalry between groups, each colla castellera competes against herself. The gangs as people have their roof, their challenges, their limits and the success of each season, from each stage of their lives, depend in a certain way on themselves. The epic that involves the construction of a castle, without the need to be compared, is the essence of castles.
We do not think of a self-consumption documentary, we want to export the casteller, as a phenomenon that can portray the Catalans, the Spaniards, the Vilafranquins socially and culturally. This mixture of calculus and laughter is so singular, that it is part of our character. This integrating social operation, which will surely dismantle many stereotypes that give us the impression of being a fragmented society concerning roots, culture and ideology.
Calendar scheduled Pre-premiere: Sunday, September 15, 2019, at 12:30 p.m. Premiere: later, date to be specified.
Calendar scheduled
Pre-premiere: Sunday, September 15, 2019, at 12:30 p.m.
Premiere: later, date to be specified.
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[Vaja, s'ha enviat accidentalment. Perdoneu! Deia que: ]
Acabo de tornar de la preestrena del documental, i vull deixar-vos les meves impressions. Bé, començaré pel resum: m'ha encantat, però amb comentaris. Ara us els explico.
En primer lloc, la vostra humilitat i modèstia ens ha enganyat. Ens havíeu dit que "Societat anònima" és un documental sobre els Xicots de Vilafranca, però no ho és. És, en realitat, un documental sobre el Penedès i sobre els penedesencs. Sobre els nostres paisatges, sobre la nostra gent, sobre el que pensa i sent, sobre com viu i treballa, i sobre la importància que els castells tenen a la vida d'un bon grapat de les persones que formen aquesta meravellosa vegueria que em té el cor robat des de fa molts anys. No només Xicots: també els verds, els Xiquets, els Bordegassos (la meva colla, visc a Canyelles), els Nens del Vendrell... Tots hi som en aquest documental. I, naturalment, també els que no pertanyen a cap colla però treballen a les vinyes, a les fàbriques, a les escoles i hospitals, i quan acaben la feina surten a fer esport, córrer, fer escalada... en una paraula, a viure el Penedès.
En segon lloc: és un documental molt poc "a l'ús". Tota la càrrega poètica que té, les pauses, el tempo, el fan anar més enllà del que és una obra purament informativa, és a dir, un "documental". "Societat Anònima" és una cosa estranya, un cant d'amor informatiu. Oi que sona estrany? Doncs ja m'enteneu! L'estètica i realització em recorda molt la d'algunes pel·lícules japoneses, i també la de la televisió pública japonesa. Penseu que allà, quan és l'època dels cirerers en flor, un "Telediario" es pot passar trenta segons oferint imatges a càmera lenta de les flors de cirerer flotant en el vent, sense més. Aquesta passió per l'estètica l'he trobat (o crec que l'he trobat) en el vostre documental. Estic casat amb una japonesa des de fa més de quinze anys i vaig al Japó cada any, així que sé el que em dic :-)
Bé, ja no us dono més la murga. Moltes felicitats i, sobre tot, MOLTES GRÀCIES!
Acabo de tornar de la preestrena del documental, i vull deixar-vos les meves impressions. Bé, començaré pel resum: m'ha encantat, però amb comentaris. Ara us els explico.
En primer lloc, la vostra humilitat i modèstia ens ha enganyat. Ens havíeu dir qparlat d'un documental sobre els Xicots de Vilafranca, però no ho és.
Lourdes Ràfols Nieto
Gràcies per confiar amb les Xicotes i Xicots de Vilafranca.!
Lourdes Ràfols Nieto
Gràcies per confiar amb les Xicotets i Xicots de Vilafranca.!
Ja estic esperant el dia 15 per veure el documental.
Gràcies als que l'han fet possible.
Albert Sivill
Que sigui un exit!!!
Ho farem!
Som-hi Xicots! Xicotes! ho aconseguirem !
Sera tot un exit !!!
Esteve esteve
Incloure els noms als credits.Sara Cebriân Andrês i Esteve Esteve