Ànima groovera is my first album. And I really want to share my music and my words with everyone who wants to enjoy it.
For me to record this album is to convey what I carry in my soul through the groove (which is based on emotion and easily contagious), as a communication vehicle.
Because the groove is the connection of the body with music, it is the desire to dance, the desire to enjoy. A way of concentrating towards pleasure and the emotional responses that this may cause.
Ànima groovera is an album of some of my first songs. Soul, pop and funk in Catalan.
Joan Pau Chaves is the musical producer. He and the musicians with whom I am lucky to count, order my ideas and help me to see with more clarity.
I must say that it makes me very happy to work with them, I feel lucky.
And I can anticipate that there will be collaborations on the album that make me very excited! From artists such as Barcelona Gospel Messengers, Doctor Prats and Indee Styla.
I am very happy to be able to count on them. But I need help to carry it out.
It is true that recording and editing an album is a heavy process, especially if the project falls on a single person, as is my case. I count and I have the privilege of having great people and great professionals around me that form and will be a part, for them, for me and for all those who can enjoy it later ... I need your help.
But let me say that just knowing that you want to support my music is enough motivation to keep fighting.
From now on, thanks!
About rewards
The rewards I offer to you are a large part of my person. You can enjoy from the first disc to singing and live concerts.
I did not want to offer a material rewards because if you have come here it's because you're happy to discover my music and experience my way of understanding it.
For the delivery of CD's, I will agree with the patrons to organize collection points. Whether by taking advantage of the concert, any other concert, class, workshop ... If it is difficult to find the point, I will send it to the address provided.
And with regard to classes, workshops and acoustic concerts, I will contact the patrons to prepare everything.
Who I am
I am a singer and a teacher. And I enjoy both things, I would say that without my students I could not be the singer I am.
This is my first record, and to do it, I am lucky to have very close and professional people, because I like to work from trust and respect. They are professionals who know how to understand and what I want to convey and share the desire to experience music through the groove.
What will you allocate your contributions?
It will allocate the contributions to be able to assume a large part of the cost of recording the disc.
And if we exceed the figure, I would use it to dress the project (video clip, web ...) and the physical edition of the disc ..
The album is recorded in April in La Casa Murada in Banyeres del Penedès and I would like it to come out at the end of June if all goes well.
And the presentation concert is on September 20 in the small room of the Kursaal Theater in Manresa.
+ Info
My article on the importance of groove in musical learning
About myself:
About the producer:
Joan Pau
Disc collaborations:
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Laiaaaa a últim moment! Mira que feia temps que volia fer-te una mini col·laboració i avii quen he vist a insta 14h 😱 he dit ara o mai! Muaakis groovera!
T’ho ben mereixes!
jaume Bozzo i Roqué
Que tinguis molta sort i que els vents et siguin favorables a la vida, Laia!
Núria Rovira
Endavant amb molts èxits, crack! Amb moltes ganes d'escoltar el cd, ja!
Felicitats Laia, som amics de "les Serra", amb ganes de veure't al Kursal, Coral i Francesc
Encantats de col·laborar amb el projecte. Una abraçada!!! Esther i Joan Carles
T'ho mereixes !!!
Gina Rognoni Amrein
A disfrutar el projecte!! Amb ganes de sentir-te!!!
Eva Recasens
Una petita aportació en comparació amb tot el que et mereixes. Som-hi!
Sandra Costa León
Anims Laia!! Una miqueta més al teu projecte! Ho aconseguiràs!