LITERAL is the bookfair for radical books & ideas of Barcelona. Publishing houses, bookstores, authors and readers will meet to share, discuss and dream the world we live in and how to change it. We will enjoy the best critical literature, culture and thinking, sharing it with those who create it. This will be our 4th edition.
May 11th, 12th and 13th.
At Ateneu L'Harmonia (Fabra i Coats, St. Andreu)
We celebrate this year the 50th anniversary of the May 1968 events, a global revolt that encompassed the streets in Paris and the squares in Mexico, changing a whole generation and the generations that came after them.
We paraphrased the well-known motto of the French 68 'Sous les pavés, la plage' (Under the cobblestones, the beach) and revamped it to our bookfair. Because we know that under the cobblestones there will be books. Always.
We understand under the concept of radical book all those publications that no matter what genre and format, pass radical ideas on. Radical ideas to think and to change the social order.
When a radical publishing house publishes key texts of critical thinking, it help us to think and radically change our societies.
We want our event to fully embrace literature. This is why you will find plenty of activities in our bookfair, namely:
A BOOK MARKET. More than 80 publishing houses will display their books. Readers will be able to meet with the authors and get their books signed.
A CENTRAL STAGE. For interviews, round-tables and presentations of the books with the authors. Five journalists will moderate the events.
CONFERENCES. There will be 6 main conferences from the most relevant authors of the bookfair, dealing with hot topics of our societies.
TAVERN. Xarxa de Restauració i Cultura Cooperativa will offer a cafeteria service, craft beer and food to the assistants with affordable prices. All the produts will be 100% ecological, coop and from the region.
LITERAL KANALLA. After the pilot test in our 2017 edition, we will organize again a 'Literal' for the little ones. A space where children from 0 to 99 years will enjoy several activities.
READING ROOM. So you can read calmly and comfortably your books and enjoy them, taking a break from the fair.
Culture and social economy are the mainstay of our fair. 'Literal' is a professional project with a budget of 70.000 EUR. It generates 13 workplaces and benefits indirectly several other projects.
We finance ourselves through 5 ways:
Inscriptions from publishing houses and bookstores.
Advertisers (cooperatives)
Ticket sales for the show on Friday
This way we can secure the viability of the bookfair and the implication of all the participants: publishers, bookstores, projects from the social economy, the public administration and the assistants.
If you want to buy the tickets for the show on Friday 11th at 10 PM you could buy them here, outside our Verkami (crowdfunding) -> TICKETS
All the activities in our bookfair are free. But you can book a chair and the simultaneous translation to ensure that you will have a place. We are introducing this option after visitors from outside from Barcelona asked us to do so in the last edition.
Rewards will be given on the May 12th and 13th at the information point of l'Ateneu L'Harmonia. We will send all the rewards that should be shipped during May and June.
All the information could be found on the Web / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram
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Joan Prat
María José i Joan
Nai Naiarara
Vinga Literal! :)
Nai Naiarara
Vinga Literal! :)
gloria justel justel
una empenta per sumar esforços, la Fira Literal s'ho val
Noemí Tudela
Visca la cultura que va a l'arrel!!! ;)
Glòria Massana