What do we do?
"Sin (Con)Texto" (Without (With)Text) initiated the need to publicize our work painting and sculpture, and do it in an appropriate space.
This that seems so simple, it's really complicated today. We are three artists, three women from different backgrounds: a Catalan, a Cantabrian and Switzerland, we understand that if we do not speak of art, and therefore it seems as if no one make art. Not true. Some people make art, good art, but nobody speaks it. This is the origin of this whole event: What if art exhibits, while talking about art?
The theme of the meaning of art is a recurring theme and present in our day to day, but you do not look at every day of all. ** We have to believe that most are not "gifted" the ability to understand art. ** We would like you to help us a little break this dogma. And if it were not necessary to understand art? And if anyone has told us that the true art does not have any meaning? It is not a new topic, but it is a topic which is discussed shortly, carrying only test ... but maybe it is new to you and many others.
Not everyone will agree, and that is fine too. It may not reach any consensus, but only made sure we speak provide the opportunity to enjoy art without many complex imposed.
That's all that "Sin (Con)Text" includes a set of actions (plastic art exhibition, live arts (performance) cultural debate, children's workshop).
Why organize a fundraising micro-patronage?
Today it is very difficult to create. There are many activities and things difficult way, but I must say that all the creative, artistic and cultural, is in really precarious situation ... The materials are expensive, slow processes, space to work and no longer say to keep the backlog is a luxury ... and it does not have ability to show it to anyone, not even thinking ... When we sell it is an act of faith, not to dramatize but without faith, you probably do not paint or sculpt anyone.
And we have a lot of faith in our work, particularly in the art, and culture in general, and for this and the precarious situation in which we live (artistically speaking) we need the cooperation of citizens to to carry out projects like this. We need you, and this is not a slogan.The event will exist, but only if we collect these contributions, we can do it with quality and promoting more appropriate in order to talk about art and culture and also because the voices of so many anonymous creators reach the ears many.
Many people believe that art is a luxury, not a necessity, but without art and culture ... where we would go to stop? We believe that if we talk about art, if we talk about culture, creates art, generated culture. And do not "understand". Just need to "feel".
The art process by Coral Rivero
The art process Tanja Rinderknecht
The art process by Ade Marcos
The meaning is part of the art is a imposture or required by a company short-sighted? The meaning of the artwork comes through language and, therefore, the text often accompanies the works and exhibitions grounds, relating, literaritzant meaning. Often the meaning subsequently joined the work and not always comes from the same creator ... The art work is by itself artifact or artefact and text are another category of work that transforms in art? In addition to the text, another factor that determines and sometimes even transforms the device into a work of art is the context in which it appears. The question arises again: the device by itself is art or art is the sum of the device and text, or text device is even located in a particular context that shapes the work of art? Hence the pun that forms the title of the proposed event: With / Without text With / Without context.
How we want to do?
To create a body, a form, to explain all these scattered thoughts, we have developed a kind of map, an itinerary of actions once they are woven between them (the word text comes from the Latin word "tissue" ) form a tapestry that will become the body of this debate. Do not argue no particular meaning, but we hope that it will provide every sense. These actions are:
- Exhibition plastic art of these three artists, the sculpt-paintings by Ade Marcos, paintings by Coral Rivero and sculptures by Tanja Rinderknecht, all of these specially selected for this event, and all of these are created from the perspective of not meaning nothing, but yes sense. The installation of the works looks for the more authentic gaze of each viewer, less distorted by the prejudices of education, and general trends of society we live in. Like naive gaze of the child within us. We will try to implement virtual technology so that you will enjoy an experience for exciting your senses, and without text and context ... Get ready!
Artwork by Tanja
Artwork by Coral
Artwork by Ade
Little tast of a few works:
Publishing and printing 50 copies of the Book - Catalogue SIN (CON)Texto, comprising the works on display and incorporating texts by different authors and rhetorical context that complements the speech without unset it. Good quality paper (170gr, semi-hard cover 350gr, matt laminated and bound). Some of the authors who contribute with wa text:
• Ramon Ballester
• Joan M Minguet Batllori
• Pere Josa
• Ade Marcos
• Tanja RinderknechtAction of Butoh dance, by two great artists, the painter and dancer Roger Solernou and the dancer Leslie Lenfant.
Artistic Action of the dismemberment of realities and senses. Virtual Reality technology. (Under Confirmationd)
Discussion between five prodigious minds really wise, which provide a fertile universe of possibilities for addressing this interesting debate (subject to last-minute availability):
• Antoni LLena (painter, sculptor and writer)
• Gabriel (sculptor )
• Jesús Martínez Clarà (art critic)
• Joan Maria Minguet Batllori (whiter and art critic)
• Juan Bufill (poet, art critic, multidisciplinar artist)
Vídeo documental sobre el debat i el conjunt del esdeveniment amb un treball d’edició creatiu i atractiu que ajudi a crear interès sobre el debat.
Vídeo promocional de curta durada per compartir amb les xarxes socials i generar interès sobre el debat.
Visites guiades i comentades a l'exposició i presentació del llibre-catàleg.
Taller Infantil on intentarem situar els infants en una situació ser capaços de gaudir de la "lliure creació" sense cap intenció de significació, sense la responsabilitat de "copiar del real", tal com els venim imposant des de l'educació tradicional occidental.
Difusió del Vídeo documental en centres docents i de pensament sobre art i cultura.
Video documentary about the discussion and the whole event with a creative and attractive editing work to help create interest in the debate.
Promotional short Video sharing with social media and generate interest in the debate.
Guided tours of the exhibition and presentation of the book-catalog.
Children's Workshop where we will try to place children in a situation to be able to enjoy the "free creation" without any intention of significance, without the responsibility "to copy the real" as the imposing come from the traditional occidental education.
Diffusion the Video documentary on teaching and thinking about art and culture.
To devote your contributions?
To give you a great life experience on art and thinking about art. Make you to participate also of collective dream: to create an short and intenseexperience that awakens discusse and that as of this moment can reveal, see and enjoy, many artists have created works that and in recent times however, silenced their sleep studies.
About rewards
So will all the affection you feel really rewarded / da for your contribution. We are grateful and proud of believing in people and the incredible value we will create in a society so little accustomed.
The event will be from 23 to 26 February this year. The rewards can be delivered nearly from the time during and immediately following.
c/ Riera Coma Fosca, 42, Alella (Barcelona)
The program
Thursday 23 from 19: 30h: Opening, Performance and Action.
Friday 24: 11-14h in the morning you can visit the exhibition and will be guided visit by the artists.
In the afternoon you can visit the exhibition from 17h. In the evening from 20pm. the party be celebrated debate.
Saturday 25: 11-14h in the morning you can visit the exhibition and will be guided visit by the artists.
Sunday 26: 11-14h in the morning you can visit the exhibition and there will be children's workshop from 12am. (1 hour approx. Length)
+ Info
Sin (Con)Texto
Tanja Rinderknecht
Ade Marcos
Coral Rivero
Thanks you!!
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