¡This agreement means that "The Lord of the P.I.G.S. - Pata Negra" is a solidary game!
¿But what does that mean? It means that when we finish the campaign we'll gift Ayudar Jugando some copies of the game for their collection, and we'll also donate them a part of the raised money.
So now you know: ¡each contribution counts for double! ¡Make your contribution for a very noble cause!
Tired of the same news day in, day out?
Do you want to leave the 99% and become part of the 1% elite?
Do you like games with simple mechanics and a lot of interaction between the players?
If you've answered YES to any of the above, this is YOUR game!
“The Lord of the P.I.G.S. – Pata Negra” is a card game about the economy, the politics and the society on the fictitious Republic of Meridia. This country embodies the general characteristics of the southern European countries, more exactly the peculiarities of Spain. You and your friends will take on the roles of Meridia's bigwigs to fight for economic supremacy. How? Through public presentations, voting sessions, opinion polls, unexpected events and…obviously: a lot of backstabbing!
“The Lord of the P.I.G.S. – Pata Negra” is the update of the game we funded through Kickstarter towards the end of 2014. Due to the amount of people interested in an updated and developed version of the game, we've decided to launch it on Verkami completely renewed.
“The Lord of the P.I.G.S. – Pata Negra” is a game for 3-4 players, with games clocking in around 30 minutes. The game uses simple mechanics to show how the powerful wheel and deal to mold the economy to their own interests…while occasionally catering to the needs of the vast majority of the population. This is a game for those interested in the socioeconomic news, casual gamers and all who enjoy negotiating and plotting with (and against) their friends.
As a player you'll take the role of one of the pillars of Meridia's economy and you will be able to propose actions with a potential impact in both the interests of the players and the welfare of the masses. However, for those initiatives to be implemented you'll need the support of the players…that you'll have to obtain at any cost. Negotiation, imposition or treason - that's up to you!.
The following video shows the game's mechanics with more detail, even though the cards shown are from a prototype (Video in spanish, thanks a lot to Stephane @5MPJ!) :
• 4 Action card decks, one for each character, for a total of 120 cards
• 1 Event card deck, with 20 cards
• 5 Score markers
• 4 Special Ability cards, one for each character
• 1 Rulebook (Game Manual)
The game has been designed by Jordi Rodríguez and Álvaro Lerma, and we've been lucky enough to receive the graphic design // illustration contributions of Iban Malangré, Alberto Riol, Miquel Samaniego ([email protected]) and Jordi Tura.
IMPORTANT: In all rewards of 20€ or more, you get a 10% discount coupon to use on Check! Aribau shop. Enjoy!
We'll send you the Print&Play file (ready to print!) in PDF format as soon as the campaign is over, and we'll mention you in the rulebook.
EARLY BIRD (20 €) – Limited to 20 backers --> SOLD OUT!
Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) to be picked up locally in Madrid or Barcelona. We'll mention you in the rulebook. Bypass the shipping costs and also we'll be able to thank you in person!
The dates to pick up the game locally will be very flexible, to ensure all backers can have their copy. No one left behind!
THE LORD (25 €)
Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to Europe or the Canary Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to anywhere in the world. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
CLASSY LORD (40 €) – Limited to 10 backers
Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook. You can choose any color between red, black, green and orange
If you missed this pledge, you can add the T-SHIRT to any other reward by adding 20 € to the cost of that reward
2 Physical copies of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
The quote that you choose + your name (if you wish) for 1 card, 1 Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
5 Physical copies of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to your shop. We'll add the logo of your shop to the the rulebook & web. FOR SHOPS OUTSIDE OF SPAIN, PLEASE ADD 10€ FOR THE EXTRA SHIPPING COSTS
Your face + the quote that you choose + your name (if you wish) for 1 card, 1 Physical copy of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
10 Physical copies of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) sent to your shop. We'll add the logo of your shop to the the rulebook & web. FOR SHOPS OUTSIDE OF SPAIN, PLEASE ADD 20€ FOR THE EXTRA SHIPPING COSTS
We'll play the game with you in Barcelona or Madrid. Includes 2 Physical copies of the game (includes unlocked stretch goals) + 2 T-SHIRTS sent to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands. We'll mention you in the rulebook.
20 Physical copies of the game (including unlocked stretch goals) sent to your shop, and we'll include your logo on the game's manual and website. FOR SHOPS OUTSIDE OF SPAIN, PLEASE ADD 30€ FOR THE EXTRA SHIPPING COSTS
If you have an association or web about politics/economy, we'll together make a personalized card (Action or Event) and we'll credit it to you. We'll include the logo of your association on the rulebook and the web. 2 Physical copies of the game (includes the unlocked stretch goals) + 2 T-SHIRTS sent to Continental Spain or Balearic Islands.
5.000€- ¡Done! ¡Thanks to you the game is a reality!
6.000€ - Here cometh the advisors…drumroll
7.000€ - 2 new Event Cards
8.000€ - 1 new Action Card for each character
9.000€ - 1 new Special Ability card for each character
10.000€ - Expansión, chosen by the backers ("Election Year" or "Public Contracts")
???? - ¡More to unlock!
Given that we have envisaged some interactive rewards, mainly on the creation of cards, the go-to print can be delayed a little bit…Our experience tells us that we should be able to start sending the rewards towards 2 months after the ending of this campaign.
26th May – 5th July: Verkami Campaign
6th July - 31st August: Finishing the interactive rewards
1st September - 15th October: Game production
From 15th October: Sending the rewards
Social Networks
Web de The Lord of the P.I.G.S. Here you can download a demo P&P version of the game!
Facebook de The Lord of the P.I.G.S.
The Lord of the P.I.G.S. en Board Game Geek
Forum LaBSKA
Forum Darkstone
El Club del Dado
Consola y Tablero
Misut Meeple
We The Nerdy this one is in English!
Análisis de Juegos
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
El punto de recogida en Barcelona es la tienda Check!Aribau (Carrer Aribau, 74, 08036 Barcelona). Podéis ir a recogerlo en horario comercial.
Además, el miércoles 21 estaremos en dicha tienda enseñando nuestro próximo juego a partir de las 6 de la tarde ;)
Un saludo y muchas gracias!
Cual es la dirección para recoger el juego en Barcelona?
Un saludo.
Buenas! Si sí, tal y como dijimos en la última entrada del proyecto, tendremos los juegos en almacén para el día 30 de este mes. Por lo tanto, deberías tener las copias en vuestras casas un poco antes de lo que estaba previsto :) Ya queda poco!
Hola a todos, solo preguntar como marcha todo y si se va a cumplir el calendario previsto. Ya tenemos ganas de empezar a manejar el cotarro en Merídia . . .
Buenas Raziel!
Lamentablemente, no podemos incluir a los asesores porque necesitamos llegar al monto de financiación requerido (6000€) para poder acabar su desarrollo...Nos gustaría poder haberlo hecho, pero no ha sido posible :)
Sin embargo, si quieres aparecer en las cartas, puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros ([email protected]) para actualizar tu aportación. Ahora mismo estamos empezando el proceso, o sea que no es tarde!
Un saludo y muchas gracias por apoyarnos!
alguna posibilidad de tener los asesores como addon?
Muchas gracias Ángel y Conchi!! Nos habéis hecho cruzar el umbral! Os estaremos eternamente agradecidos!
Dúo Minerva (Ángel y Conchi)
¡¡¡ENHORABUENA!!! Hemos aportado y se ha alcanzado el objetivo. Y nosotros encantados de haber colaborado. Un saludo.
Bones Sangus,
No us preocupeu que quan acabi la campanya, preguntarem a tothom en quin idioma vol el joc!
Merci pel suport!!
On dia he vist que potser el joc es pot triar en català. Si es possible jo tambe el voldria en català