'La Kosturica' is a cooperative eco farming project that takes place in 'Canovelles' (Vallès Oriental, Barcelona). Created in the year 2000, nowadays produces approx. 170 baskets per week of vegetables of the season which are used to feed all the associates of the Regions of Barcelones and Valles. The consumers are an active part of the project as thanks to their support, they help producing not only helathier food but also a more fair trade, without intermediaries. Hence, local businesses are benefited, transportation and packaging is minimized and all taking into account the rights and priorities of the workers, listening to the recommendations of grandparents, promoting local vegetable varieties or supporting the fight against transgenics. This Symbiosis is what the team of The Kosturica calls Agroecology. This Documentary reflects a year and a half (from 2007 to 2009) of the life of Maria, Jordi & Jose, the Kosturica's team.
Why do we need your financial support?
The documentary is at the moment in its last stage: post-production. All the material has already been recorded and now we need to edit the video and sound - such as mixing the audio and every image. The support that all of you can provide via crowdfunding will also be used for the promotion and creating copies of the doc.
The Characters
Maria (35) is from Barberà del Vallès. She has always had a passion for nature and at age 17 was illuminated when attending a conference of ecological farming. Since that day it was clear in her mind that she would become a farmer. She studied agricultural engineering, and although recognising that her academic years where not very useful, they did contribute to plant the seed which later became 'La Kosturica' Project. Maria is the heart of “La Kostu” and the only one left from the initial project. Maria is very dynamic, full of energy and takes very seriously everything she does. Amongst all, she has an extraordinary didactic vocation to spread the meaning and importance of Agroecology.
Jordi (41) is from Caldes de Montbui, studied professional agriculture and although he began working as a gardener, he already made his first steps as an ecological farmer producing vineyards and olives. Jordi joined La Kosturica in 2005 and is a passionate hot blooded 'straight to the point' type. It is a must for him that eating quality food shouldn't be a luxury but a priority and that the industry shouldn't be in the hands of speculators. Due to this reason he does not admit discussions about the price of the vegetables he cultivates. Jordi has made farming a lifestyle and combines it with his hobby of being the lead singer of a 'rumba' music band.
Jose (32) is from Mas de las Matas (Teruel) and has a more intimate relationship with nature when compared to the rest of the members as his family was in the business of raising donkeys. He came to Catalonia to study agricultural engineering and during university he got in contact with people with the same interests and this is how he met his girlfriend who had been a member of La Kosturica. Jose in a calm person that enjoys the silence that this job entails. Some might say that he is a daydreamer like Maria or a pessimistic like Jordi. Overall is not a talkative person but whenever he sais something he is mostly right. At the beginning he seemed a bit distrustful in front of the camera, but he ended up accepting it and even offering some interesting thoughts.
What does Agroecolgy mean?
Agroecology is as polysemous as unknown, and given the fact that we are living a new social trend of ecological food, it shouldn´t be misenterpreted. Agroecology is much more than vegetables without additives. Maria uses a simple metaphor of a tree with its branches to explain its meaning: the ecological, the social, the cultural & the economical. In a nutshell, it's all about redefining the ecological agriculture taking into consideration a more social approach instead of a solely business model. Agroecology is not only an alternative to the current globalized agricultural model but also a synonym for social justice. At the end of the day, a political option... This is in La Kosturica
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Sergi Moreno
El pla general de les entrevistes tenen força aire per dalt per situar el personatge com a element integrat de l'espai, que també és un dels protagonistes del documental, sigui la casa o el camp.
joaquin rabassa
Es sólo una opinión muy particular, pero las tomas de los planos fijos hay demasiado aire por arriba. Qué te parece a ti.
Jordi Urgell i Montané
Quin dia feu la presentació del documental? Gràcies,
hola sergi! em dic francesc, sóc de Lleida i estic preparant un viatge per catalunya visitant projectes alternatius per després fer-ne un llibre.
vull fer tambe documental i necessito algú que hi vulgui col.laborar.
Daniel H.
Estoy lanzando una campaña de apoyo a proyectos interesantes para que puedan ser grabados en máxima calidad con las nuevas RED SCARLET-X
Ánimo con vuestro proyecto!
Sergi Moreno
Hola Cèsar. Pot contactar amb mi al correu del documental: [email protected].
Moltes gràcies!!
Cèsar Caparrós
Hola Sergi. He col·laborat econòmicament amb el projecte. Com ens podem posar en contacte amb tu per passar-te les nostres dades? Cèsar [email protected]
Sergi Moreno
Hola. Sí que hi ha una manera. Fent allò que se'n diu "aportacions analògiques". Es tracta de donar els diners en mà perquè després s'incorporin al projecte. Jo les consideraré com a vostres però les condicions bancàries aniran al meu càrrec. Si això no us convenç, podrieu fer-me l'aportació en mà igualment i no s'iclourà al contador, sinó que servirà directament per cobrir algunes despeses (còpies, transports, material fungible...).
M'agradaria fer una aportació, i oferir la possibilitat de fer-ho a gent que conec que pot estar interessada. Però no accepto les condicions d'ús de Verkami. Hi ha alguna altra manera de contribuir?