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Guspira is an amusing board game, for all the family, based on the world of ‘correfoc’, one of the most spectacular popular feasts of the Catalan culture. The cards show the most typical elements of this celebration: fire, devils, beasts...

Equip Guspira

A project of

Created in

From 5.000€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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Final goal - REACHED!!

After reaching the wooden dice and the summary cards milestones, we are moving to the last goal! If we reach the amount of 7.000€ we will have Guspira with a high quality box. We are working on the prototype, which can be seen on the following picture.

More goals! - REACHED!!

The campaign is still open and for the last days we fix a new goal, to reach the amount of 6.500€. If we get it, we will include 4 summary cards of the abilities of the Special Figures to consult them in any moment.

New goal! - REACHED!!

We move on to the final stages of the campaign with a new goal! This is a simulation of the dice which will include the game if we reach the amount of 6.000€. Take advantage of the exclusive promotion for patrons!


What is Guspira?

Guspira is a funny, quick and suitable board game for all ages, inspired on the world of fire, devils, beasts and everything related to a ‘correfoc’, one of the most gorgeous and spectacular fests of the Catalan culture. Among the game cards there are some characteristic elements of this celebration as ‘Drac’, ‘Víbria’, ‘Guita’, Devils or ‘Tabalers’, without forgetting ‘correfocaires’, brave people who jump and dance under the fire.

The main objective is to win the maximum number of ‘correfocaires’ playing the pyrotechnic cards from the hand. But it is not always as easy as it seems to be, the dice has also its role…

Besides the playful side, Guspira is expected to be a way of promotion for the Catalan culture. The cards show the most characteristic elements of this celebration and they have no text in order to be played anywhere in the world.

Guspira’s Basic Information

  • Games have an approximate duration of 30 minutes.
  • From 8 years.
  • For 2 to 4 players
  • Instructions in Catalan, Spanish and English, with no text on the cards.

Game content

Each game contains 150 cards, a customized dice and a fully colour stapled booklet in 3 languages (Catalan, Spanish and English).

Cards distribution, printed in full colour, is:

  • 74 Pyrotechnic cards:

    32 ‘Carretilla’ cards
    22 ‘Canyardo’ cards
    15 ‘Traca’ cards
    5 ‘Botafoc’ cards

  • 36 ‘Correfocaire’ cards:

    6 cards of 1 point
    10 cards of 2 points
    11 cards of 3 points
    6 cards of 4 points
    2 cards of 5 points
    1 card of 6 points

  • 5 Special Figure cards:

    1 ‘Ceptrot’ card
    1 ‘Drac’ card
    1 ‘Guita’ card
    1 ‘Tabaler’ card
    1 ‘Víbria’ card

  • 20 Devil cards:

    5 purple Devils
    5 black Devils
    5 green Devils
    5 red Devils

  • 14 Street cards:

    1 Starting square
    1 Final square
    4 Crossing street cards
    4 Intersection street cards
    4 Straight Street card

  • 1 ‘Boc’ card

The customized Guspira dice will be initially made of plastic and adhesives. However, if we reach the 6.000€ milestone, it will be replaced by another one made of Wood with engraved laser images.

How to play Guspira?

The objective is to have the maximum quantity of ‘correfocaires’ at the end of the game.

‘Boc’ card represents the hell’s lord. This card is moving from one player to another at the end of each round and shows who starts the next one.

Street cards show ‘correfoc’’s route. Each street card uncovered by a player must be placed, connecting it to the last Street card played, which simulates the passing of the ‘correfoc’ through the streets of the city.

Street cards show the quantity of ‘correfocaires’ remaining on it, which means the number of ‘correfocaire’ cards that have to be uncovered by the player.

Players need to get ‘Correfocaire’ cards during the rounds to win the game. Each ‘correfocaire’ card has a value (score) and a cost (pyrotechnics).

Each player places the pyrotechnics used to get the ‘correfocaires’ cards over the Devil cards. Generally, each devil must have only one pyrotechnic card at the same time.

Pyrotechnic cards are played in order to win ‘correfocaires’. Each player will have 6 cards of this type on his/her hand, which must be used skilfully to score points.

Special Figure cards include ‘Ceptrot’, ‘Drac’, ‘Víbria’, ‘Tabaler’ and ‘Guita’. These cards are won during the game in the same way as ‘correfocaires’ cards but in addition to score, each one has a singular ability that can be used during the last round.

** Guspira Dice**

The dice has always the last chance when getting ‘correfocaires’, adding random and thrill to the game. Players must throw the dice every time they want to get a ‘correfocaire’ to see if they win it or something unexpected happens…

If you prefer, you can also get used to the game rules watching the following video by 5mpj.

What will your contributions be used for?

The requested amount will be used entirely to support the game production.

About the rewards

    > If you contribute to this reward, we will send you by email Guspira’s Certificate, designed specifically for the occasion, with your name and surname highlighted. In addition, we will mention you on the game’s website.


    We will deliver by hand the game Guspira to our relatives, friends and close people who contribute to this reward. Our idea is to organize a party to deliver the game to our closest friends, to thank their collaboration and where they can collect it personally (date and place to be defined). In addition, we will mention them on the game’s website.


    If you are one of the 20 fastest ones, we send you a Guspira game and ‘correfoc’’s Kerchief - 100% cotton with Guspira’s design - at home (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands). In addition, we will mention you on the game’s website.

Guspira’s Kerchief simulation:


    We will deliver by hand the game Guspira and the ‘correfoc’’s Kerchief - 100% cotton with Guspira’s design - to our relatives, friends and close people who contribute to this reward. Our idea is to organize a party to deliver the game to our closest friends, to thank their collaboration and where they can collect it personally (date and place to be defined). In addition, we will mention them on the game’s website.

  • *20€ - YOUR GAME AT HOME! *

    We send your Guspira game at home (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands). In addition, we will mention you on the game’s website.


    This pack is specially designed for those who love and participate regularly in ‘correfocs’. It is composed of Guspira game and ‘correfoc’’s Kerchief - 100% cotton with Guspira’s design – and sent at your home (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands). In addition, we will mention you on the game’s website.


    We send you a Guspira game at home (Canary Islands + Europe). In addition, we will mention you on the game’s website.


    If you want to share the game with a friend, we send you at home 2 Guspira games and 2 ‘correfoc’’s Kerchief - 100% cotton with Guspira’s design - (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands). In addition, we will mention you on the game’s website.

  • 72€ - GROUP'S PACK

    If you want to give Guspira as a present to your friends or family, or if you want to save on shipping costs, this is your Pack! We send you 4 Guspira games at home (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands). In addition, we will mention you on the game’s website.

  • 170€ - SHOP'S PACK

    We want to reach as many people as possible and we believe that you can make it real. If you have a shop and you think the game can be well received by your clients, this is your pack. We ship 12 Guspira games to your store (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands) and we come to do a demonstration! Currently, we only have availability to move around Catalonia but if you want us to come to your store and if it is in another region, do not hesitate to contact us. In addition, we will mention your store on the web page and also as a selling point. VAT included.


    If you are a member of a cultural entity related to the world of ‘correfocs’ and / or board games, do not look further! We send to your official address 15 Guspira games and 15 ‘correfoc’’s Kerchief - 100% cotton with Guspira’s design - to be distributed among the members of your entity (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands). In addition, we will mention your cultural entity on the game’s website, including your logo!


    For those who have lots of friends, for big cultural entities, companies or just for those who have not enough with the previous rewards, we designed the Honorary Member’s Pack. We send you 20 Guspira games and 20 ‘correfoc’’s Kerchief - 100% cotton with Guspira’s design - at home (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands). We also come to do a game’s demonstration wherever you want! Currently, we only have availability to move around Catalonia but if you want us to come to your store and if it is in another region, do not hesitate to contact us. In addition we will mention your institution/company/yourself on the game's website (including the logo for businesses / cultural institutions) and on the game booklet of all the printed copies.

Additional goals

We prepared a list of additional goals that, if we successfully reach and exceed the initial campaign’s target, can be helpful to improve some aspects of the game:

  • If we reach the amount of 6.000 €: the dice will be made of wood with laser drawings

  • If we reach the amount of 6.500 €: summary cards for special abilities

  • If we reach the amount of 7.000 €: the box will be carton-made with cover and background

Expected Schedule

The game is almost finished so, if the goal’s campaign is successfully reached, the production can be started immediately. Which means that the rewards may be available in early January, just for the arrival of the Three Wise Men.

Who are we?

The creators of this project are three young from Manresa, David, Jordi and Nuria, big fans of board games and also of the fire culture. Guspira is the result of combining these two passions with many doses of enthusiasm and hard work. There have been many months of testing and together with the illustrator Xavier Cáliz, we shaped this project that has reached the crucial stage where we need your help. You can make Guspira a reality!

More information

You can find more information about the game and the latest news on our:

Website: http://www.guspirajoc.com/

Social networks:


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


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  • Antonio ML

    Antonio ML

    about 10 years

    Hola! Volia preguntar-vos què tal va la producció del joc. Aprofito per desitjar-vos un Bon Nadal.

  • xivisara


    about 10 years

    Participe en el proyecto, pero no os habéis puesto aun en contacto y quería saber si el juego finalmente estará para reyes?

  • Equip Guspira

    Equip Guspira

    about 10 years

    Moltes gràcies Pinxo!! En resposta a la teva pregunta, si, el joc es podrà trobar a algunes botigues i també a la nostra web. Un cop hagi acabat la campanya, publicarem a la web de Guspira (www.guspirajoc.com) els punts de venda on podràs trobar-lo.

  • Pinxo


    about 10 years

    Bon dia i moltes felicitats!! Ja he participat al Verkami però oldria saber si es podrà trobar el joc a les botigues. Moltes gracies!!!

  • Equip Guspira

    Equip Guspira

    about 10 years

    Hola Pancho! Gracias por tu felicitación. Por el momento estamos completamente centrados en Guspira, pero más adelante quién sabe... ;) Si quieres ver todos los medios en los que ha salido el juego puedes dirigirte a nuestra página web www.guspirajoc.com y a '¿Qué dicen del juego?'. Allí encontrarás noticias, vídeos e incluso algún archivo de audio. Un saludo!

  • Pancho Gamez

    Pancho Gamez

    about 10 years

    Felicidades por su proyecto! ¿Piensan en el futuro sacar otras "festividades" relacionadas a los fuegos pirotécnicos?

    ¿En que medios han mostrado el juego? blogs, ferias, etc.

    Otra pregunta

  • Marta Teixidor

    Marta Teixidor

    about 10 years

    És una consulta d'autor a autor. No se si em podríeu ajudar, dons com vosaltres tinc un projecte de joc. Tinc dubtes sobre els passos a seguir en referència al registre. Quins passos heu seguit i si ho heu fet abans de presentar-ho en werkami.

#07 / Moltes gràcies!! / ¡¡Muchas gracias!! / Thank you very much!!

Volem donar-vos les gràcies a tots i totes els que heu cregut en Guspira. A falta de 2 dies del final de la campanya, hem arribat a l'últim dels objectius que ens havíem marcat i és per això que creiem que ha estat tot un èxit. No podem estar més contents ja que tindrem Guspira tal com l'havíem imaginat. Tenim clar que sense vosaltres Guspira no hagués estat possible. En aquests moments estem treballant en la fabricació del joc perquè arribi el més aviat possible. Us mantindrem informats.

Una vegada més, moltíssimes gràcies a tots i totes!!!

Queremos daros las gracias a todos y todas los que habéis creído en Guspira. A falta de 2 días del fin de la campaña, hemos llegado al último de los objetivos que nos habíamos marcado y es por eso que creemos que ha sido un éxito. No podemos estar más contentos ya que tendremos Guspira tal como lo… read more

#06 / Objectiu final / Objetivo final / Final goal

Després d'aconseguir el dau de fusta i les cartes resum, anem a per l'últim objectiu! Si arribem a la quantitat de 7.000€ podrem tenir Guspira amb una caixa de qualitat superior. Estem treballant en el prototip que pots veure a continuació.

Después de conseguir el dado de madera y las cartas resumen, ¡vamos a por el último objetivo! Si llegamos a la cantidad de 7.000€ podremos tener Guspira con una caja de calidad superior. Estamos trabajando en el prototipo que puedes ver a continuación.

After reaching the wooden dice and the summary cards milestones, we are moving to the last goal! If we reach the amount of 7.000€ we will have Guspira with a high quality box. We are working on the prototype, which can be seen on the following picture.

#05 / Més objectius / Más objetivos / More goals

Gràcies a tots vosaltres hem aconseguit una nova fita i ja tenim el dau de fusta gravat a làser! La campanya no s'atura i entrem als últims dies amb un nou repte, arribar als 6.500€. Si ho aconseguim, inclourem 4 cartes resum de les habilitats de les Figures Especials per tenir-les a mà i poder-les consultar en tot moment.

Gracias a todos vosotros hemos conseguido un nuevo hito y ya tenemos el dado de madera grabado a láser! La campaña no se detiene y entramos en los últimos días con un nuevo reto, llegar a los 6.500€. Si lo conseguimos, incluiremos 4 cartas resumen con las habilidades de las Figuras Especiales para tenerlas a mano y poder consultarlas en todo momento.

Thanks to all of you we have reached a new milestone and we already have the laser engraved wooden dice! The campaign is still open and for the last days we fix a new goal, to reach the amount of 6.500€. If we get it, we will include 4 summary cards of the abilities of the Special Figures to consult them in any moment.

#04 / Últims dies / Últimos días / Last days

Ja podem dir que Guspira serà una realitat. Moltes gràcies a tots i totes els que heu cregut en el projecte i heu fet possible que aquest tiri endavant.

Però això no s'ha acabat! Seguim amb la campanya i ens marquem com a nou objectiu arribar als 6.000€ per poder incloure el dau de fusta gravat a làser. Ho aconseguirem??

Ya podemos decir que Guspira será una realidad. Muchas gracias a todos y todas los que habéis creído en el proyecto y habéis hecho posible que éste salga adelante. ¡Pero esto no ha terminado! Seguimos con la campaña y nos marcamos como nuevo objetivo llegar a los 6.000€ para poder incluír el dado de madera grabado a láser. ¿¿Lo conseguiremos??

We can already say that Guspira is going to be a reality. Thank you very much to everybody who has believed in the project and has made it real. But this has not finished yet! We continue with the campaign and we want to reach the amount of 6.000€ in order to include a laser engraved wooden dice. Will we reach it??


#03 / Nova entrevista! / ¡Nueva entrevista! / New interview!

Hem afegit l’entrevista que ens va fer Miquel Jornet per al podcast sobre jocs de taula “Reservoir Jocs” que ell mateix dirigeix. Pots trobar l’entrevista on hi dedica un espai a Guspira en l’apartat “Per a més informació”, a partir del minut 43 i mig.

Hemos añadido la entrevista que nos hizo Miquel Jornet para el podcast sobre juegos de mesa “Reservoir Jocs” que él mismo dirige. Puedes encontrar la entrevista donde dedica un espacio a Guspira en el apartado “Para más información”, a partir del minuto 43 y medio (sólo en catalán).

We have added the interview by Miquel Jornet for “Reservoir jocs”, a podcast about board games and directed by him. You can find the interview which pays attention to Guspira in the section “More information”, from the minute 43 and a half (only in Catalan).

#02 / Nou vídeo! / ¡Nuevo video! / New video!

Acabem d'afegir un vídeo a l'apartat "Com es juga a Guspira?" on, amb l'ajuda de l'Stephane de 5mpj, expliquem el funcionament general del joc. Si tens ganes de saber les regles bàsiques o simplement vols passar una bona estona veient com l'Stephane i el David juguen una divertida partida, no te'l pots perdre!

Acabamos de añadir un video al apartado "¿Cómo se juega a Guspira?" donde, con la ayuda de Stephane de 5mpj, explicamos el funcionamiento general del juego. Si te apetece conocer las reglas básicas o simplemente quieres pasar un buen rato viendo cómo Stephane y David juegan una divertida partida, ¡no te lo puedes perder!

We have just added a video to the section "How to play Guspira?" where, thanks to Stephan's help, we explain the game rules. If you would like to know the basic plays or if you only want to have fun watching how Stephane and David play a funny game, you cannot miss it!

#01 / Ampliem el pack botiga! / ¡Ampliamos el pack tienda!

Creiem que les botigues són un element clau per poder fer realitat el projecte i aconseguir que Guspira arribi al màxim de gent. És per això que hem ampliat la quantitat de jocs d'aquest pack destinat als establiments, mantenint el preu per fer-lo més atractiu. Ara oferim 12 jocs a 170 euros (IVA inclòs). A més, amb aquest pack, venim a fer la presentació del joc a la botiga i incloem el logotip a la web de Guspira com a punt de venda.

Creemos que las tiendas son un elemento clave para poder hacer realidad el proyecto y conseguir que Guspira llegue al máximo de gente. Es por eso que hemos ampliado la cantidad de juegos de este pack destinado a los establecimientos, manteniendo el precio para hacerlo más atractivo. Ahora ofrecemos 12 juegos a 170 euros (IVA incluido). Además, con este pack, venimos a hacer la presentación del juego a la tienda e incluímos el logotipo en la web de Guspira como punto de venta.

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