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Diana ShortFilm

Diana is a struggling woman who got their dreams without supports, and now helps his grandson Leo to pursue their own.

Daniel Ramírez

A project of


Created in

From 1.000€
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“Diana” tells the story of Leo, a young man who sets out to come closer to his deceased father, a figure he never understood when alive.

To achieve this, he moves in with his grandmother in Madrid, where a horrible event will reshape his future.

Where does machismo live?

In “Diana” we aim to condemn the many aspects of machismo that still exist in Spanish society through the eyes of a youth in search of himself.

The Machismo experienced by a young man, for not being what his family demands him to be.

The Machismo experienced by a woman, who strives to be more than a mother and a wife

The Machismo experienced by a * daughter*, whose family underestimates for being a woman.

The Machismo experienced by an innocent girl, who is always aware for stalking predators.

The Machismo experienced by an athlete, harassed by the stares that undress her.

The Machismo experienced by a society, which doesn´t see women, but voracious apple-eaters.

“Machismo lives neither within man nor woman. It resides within beasts, and within whoever fears them"

About us

We are a group of young people who work in the audio-visual industry and have joined talents, experiences and passions to create this short film. Because even though we do advertising, events or film spots for different companies, we dedicate our free time to film-making. To tell stories you are concerned about, stories that make you think and that contribute with something special for each one of you.


Daniel Ramírez

Director of Photography

Adrián Fernández

Art Director

Laura Matas

Sound Manager

Alex Marais

Assistant Director

Clara Santaolaya



He fought his whole life not to be like his father, but when he died and there was nothing to fight against, Leo learned to loveand undertand him.

Alejandro Bordanove
Alejandro Bordanove


Didn´t want to be told how to behave.

No one knows the Diana she wanted to be

Not even herself, although she wanted to know her

Mayte Atares
Mayte Atares


We all suffer. Some suffer within. Others make others suffer when they suffer themselves.

José Montó
José Montó


Why can her brother do things she cannot?

Because he´s a man? Because she´s a woman?

Eva Cañadas
Eva Cañadas


She can. She knows. She enjoys. She flies.

But she still lives in a world of beasts.

Nerea Camps
Nerea Camps


When a dog loses its owner, The Light goes off.

But Leo can turn it on againo pierde a su amo, se apaga La Luz.


What do we need the money for?

Our purpose is to produce a product of high-quality standards

To achieve this, we need more resources than those at our disposal: lighting, make-up, catering, transport, permits, broadcasting and dissemination.

Y para ello necesitamos más recursos de los que podemos alcanzar. Desde material de luces, maquillaje, dietas, transporte, permisos o difusión.

We are doing everything we possibly can, and with your help we will make this project come true

Yes but … More info?

Gráfica Presupuesto
Gráfica Presupuesto

Planned Schedule

Filming dates are scheduled to be on the 22nd, 23 ,24th and 25th of March. We estimate post-production to end by early June, so the rewards are expected to be ready by mid-June

Social Media

To keep up to date with our project (news, updates, images and other content), check out our social media accounts.

Para manteneros al día de nuestro proyecto, nuestras noticias, actualizaciones, imágenes y contenido, podéis echar un vistazo a nuestras redes sociales. You can ask us anything here!





Our Producer


Don´t forget to share with your friends and family.

Remember that this project will only be possible with your collaboration!

You can also contact us through Verkami´s query section or via e-mail at [email protected]


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4 comentarios

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  • Luis carrasco

    Luis carrasco

    6 anni

    Mucha suerte...!!!!!

  • Alexsanchez


    6 anni


  • Euro


    6 anni


  • Euro


    6 anni


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