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Art-book «A Fixed Point to Be Oriented» Inma Herrera and Shirin Salehi

A paper publication that compiles the visual documentation of our exhibition at the Miró Foundation Mallorca.

Shirin Salehi

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From 4.500€
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We are happy and grateful for having achieved the minimum funding to publish our book. Having accomplished our first goal days before the end of the campaign, we would like to invite new backers to support our project in order to ensure higher production quality, as well as a greater number of copies. We are confident that we will be able to reach this new objective in the coming weeks. THANK YOU.


«A Fixed Point to Be Oriented» is a paper publication by the artists Inma Herrera and Shirin Salehi, which presents our common practice during the last three years.

The book, edited in two languages -Spanish and English-, and carefully designed by Clara Sancho, brings together the visual documentation of the exhibition of the specific project designed for the Miró Foundation in Mallorca in 2021, the result of the Pilar Juncosa and Sotheby's Biennial Prize for artistic creation 2019. It also includes a poetic essay that arises from an extensive long-distance conversation with the Majorcan artist Mónica Fuster.

The exhibition at the Miró Foundation has been very important for our careers. We opened this campaign with the desire of translating it into a tangible and accessible format, for those who were unable to visit it, given the distance and fleeting nature of the show. The book registers the poetic memory of the exhibition alongside the formal and conceptual concerns that lay beneath it.

The paper publication offers a different reading experience: a slower approach, with new connections, as well as an individual, personal, and intimate encounter with the project exhibited in the museum spaces.

The book facilitates an open tempo together with a multiple reading that allows the reader walking through the past event. The artbook, conceived as an independent body, brings a materiality that connects with the poetics of the artworks -sculpture, printmaking, and video.


As a self-published book project, we are exploring a new way to finance the high production costs of it. The design and translations are finalized, and now we are asking for the support of the people who follow our work, so that the project can see the light with the quality it deserves.

We will be very grateful for your support to make this dream come true.


Mockup of the interior of the publication «A Fixed Point to Be Oriented»
Mockup of the interior of the publication «A Fixed Point to Be Oriented»

The book will have a paperback binding with the spine exposed and a white dust cover with red typography. The content extends to around 144 pages and will be accompanied by a 52-page insert: a visual essay based on the videos of the project.


The contributions will be allocated in their totality to cover the expenses of prepress and printing, as well as the production costs of the rewards and their shipment.


Once we receive the funding, we will start with the prepress phase. The book will go to the printing house in October 2023 and will be presented in Madrid in December, together with a new exhibition of the project at F2 gallery in Madrid. The rewards acquired during the campaign will be sent to you between November and December 2023.


Postcard size digital prints included in options 1, 2 and 3.
Postcard size digital prints included in options 1, 2 and 3.

OPTION 4: A signed copy of the book + a signed fine art print 15 x 27 cm.
OPTION 4: A signed copy of the book + a signed fine art print 15 x 27 cm.

OPTION 5: A signed copy of the book + two signed fine art prints, 24 x 18 cm each.
OPTION 5: A signed copy of the book + two signed fine art prints, 24 x 18 cm each.

Reward GRAND PATRON. A signed copy of the book + mention in the book (optional) + signed fine art print 25 x 44 cm.
Reward GRAND PATRON. A signed copy of the book + mention in the book (optional) + signed fine art print 25 x 44 cm.

Reward SUPER PATRON. A signed copy of the book + mention in the book (optional) + signed fine art print 34 x 62 cm + exclusive screening of videos at the artist
Reward SUPER PATRON. A signed copy of the book + mention in the book (optional) + signed fine art print 34 x 62 cm + exclusive screening of videos at the artist's studio.


Inma Herrera and Shirin Salehi. Miró Mallorca Foundation, 2021. Image credit: Pilar Pellicer
Inma Herrera and Shirin Salehi. Miró Mallorca Foundation, 2021. Image credit: Pilar Pellicer


Inma Herrera is a visual artist and teacher. With Andalusian roots, she was born in Madrid in 1986. She received her Fine Arts degree from the UCM. She was trained as Print Media Specialist at the School of Printmaking and Graphic Design at the Spanish Royal Mint. In 2014, she moved to Finland thanks to a Postgraduate scholarship from La Caixa Foundation to study at Kuvataideakatemia, Uniarts. Since then, she resides and develops most of her artistic practice in Helsinki. Among her artistic recognitions, it is worth mentioning the Ducat Prize 2020, Finland's oldest art prize, presented by the Finnish Art Society, being the first non-Finnish artist to receive it. Herrera was also nominated for The Kjell Nupen Memorial Grant 2017 and The Queen Sonja Print Award 2020, in Norway. She has participated in Circuitos de Artes Plásticas 2018, has been a resident of the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome between 2017/2018, and a guest artist of ARTICA Svalbard, to develop an in-site project during the Summer of 2022.

Her work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally in places such as Barjola Museum, the Federico García Lorca Center, the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, ARCO Madrid, F2 Galería, the International Print Center in New York, the B7 LG de Kamel Lazaar Foundation in Tunisia, Kunsthalle Exnergasse in Vienna, EKA Tallinn, Amos Rex Museum, HAM Helsinki, and ForumBox Gallery in Helsinki, among others. She teaches and mentors at the Fine Arts Academy of Helsinki, as well as at Helsinki Healing Arts Center, Finland.


Shirin Salehi is an Iranian-Spanish visual artist living in Spain and New York. She emigrated from Tehran in 1999 and after a few years obtained Spanish citizenship. With a first academic training in the field of science (graduated as technical Engineer in Telecommunications), she left her job in 2009 and completed her artistic training as Printmaking Specialist at the ArteDiez School of Art and Design, the Center for Contemporary Printmaking CIEC and the master’s in Art and Research at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid. She teaches artist's book workshops at the Center for Book Arts (New York) and poetic reasoning at the LENS School in visual narrative projects. She has been a lecturer at the Reina Sofía Museum, the Museum of Málaga and the Prado Museum (within the program Enfoques and Comparativas incomparables). Her work has received, among others, the first prize of the Ankaria Foundation for Artist’s Books (2015), the Special award of Combat Prize (Livorno, 2015) and the second prize in the Carmen Arozena International Print Award (2017). In 2022 she was nominated for The Queen Sonja Print Award in Norway. She has been resident at the Academy of Spain in Rome (2021), the Academy of France (Casa de Velázquez) in Madrid (2014) and Fondazione Il Bisonte in Florence (2016). Her work has been exhibited at Ana Serratosa gallery (Valencia), Astarté gallery (Madrid), La Neomudéjar Museum (Madrid), the Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio (Rome), MARCO Museum (Vigo), MAC Naturgy Museum (A Coruña) and the Center for Book Arts (New York).



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8 comentarios

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  • Mayia Mañas

    Mayia Mañas

    10 months

    Todo un lujo querida Shirin

  • Chema Vera

    Chema Vera

    10 months

    Un abrazo fuerte¡¡

  • LuisST


    11 months

    Gran proyecto, deseando tener el libro.

  • Rosario de Sena Espinel

    Rosario de Sena Espinel

    11 months

    Estamos deseando ver vuestro proyecto.

  • Muriel Romero

    Muriel Romero

    11 months

    Maravilla de proyecto¡¡¡

  • Marina Meyer

    Marina Meyer

    11 months

    Precioso proyecto de Shirin Salehi e Inma Herrera

  • Artica Svalbard

    Artica Svalbard

    11 months

    What a beautiful project, very happy to support. Hugs from Artica

  • cristina manzanedo

    cristina manzanedo

    11 months

    Preciosa iniciativa, ¡felicidades!

#02 / ¡Ya casi estamos! We're almost there!

Queridas amigas y amigos:

Os escribimos para contaros que vuestros libros están empezando a imprimirse en Tallin. A partir de aquí estamos en las buenas manos de una imprenta de Tallin que según conocemos trabajan con mucha delicadeza. Nos ha llevado algo más de tiempo del deseado, pues los infinitos ajustes, entre Helsinki, Madrid y Tallin, exigían cierta lentitud y mucha paciencia.

Esperamos haceros llegar a cada uno vuestro ejemplar, así como las recompensas que ya están preparadas, lo antes posible. El envío llevará algún tiempo, al venir del extranjero, por lo que os pedimos un poco más de paciencia. ¡Ya casi estamos!

Os envíamos un cariñoso abrazo

Shirin e Inma


Dear friends:

We write to inform you that your books are starting to be printed in Tallinn. From here on, we are in the capable… read more

#01 / ¡GRACIAS! ¡Lo conseguimos! – THANK YOU! We made it!

Queridas amigas y amigos:

Ayer, sábado 2 de septiembre, marcó un hito muy significativo para nuestra campaña. No solo alcanzamos nuestro objetivo mínimo, sino que lo superamos con creces. Hoy os escribimos, después de dos meses de dedicación y esfuerzo, para transmitiros nuestra profunda gratitud a cada una de las personas que creísteis en nuestro proyecto y brindasteis vuestro apoyo. Este logro es un testimonio del poder del trabajo en equipo y la determinación colectiva, y os agradecemos sinceramente formar parte de ello.

La noticia emocionante es que nuestro libro está ahora en la etapa final previa al envío a la imprenta. Os haremos llegar vuestras copias y recompensas tan pronto como tengamos el libro en nuestras manos.

También queremos extender nuestro agradecimiento al equipo de Verkami por su excelente apoyo por hacer posible proyectos como el nuestro.

Os enviamos un cariñoso abrazo, inmensamente agradecidas.

Inma y Shirin

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