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El art-brut de Andar de Nones más allá de límites y fronteras

Un libro de arte sobre la obra del colectivo Andar de Nones, compuesto por 14 artistas con diversidad funcional. Versiones: ESP/ENG/FR

Andar de Nones

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Created in

From 11.000€
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Since 2016, more than 70,000 people have visited our exhibitions, taking the works of the Nones from Zaragoza and Aragon to various places in Europe, including Bordeaux, Brussels, Venice, and Lille. Seven years of trajectory have solidified the collective's proposal of 'art brut.'

During these seven years, we have collaborated with dozens of local and international artists. Now, we want to take a step further and create an art book. A book that compiles the best works created by the Nones during our journey, introducing ourselves to the world and, specifically, to the art world.

Andar de Nones

Andar de Nones is a pictorial collective consisting of fourteen individuals with functional diversity. It is not conceived as a therapeutic or occupational proposal but rather as a cultural project with its own identity, where members develop their potential and artistic talent as a tool for social transformation. We carry out our creative activities at Harinera ZGZ, a community cultural center in Zaragoza.

We are part of TEAdir - Aragón, an association of mothers, fathers, relatives, and friends of people with autism, with the aim of promoting a vision of autism that embraces the subjectivity of each individual. We undertake various projects to integrate autistic individuals into social bonds, fully respecting each person's uniqueness and providing families with a supportive framework in this journey.


Impar is already and will be a 120-page full-color book featuring almost 100 works by Andar de Nones artists, accompanied by a critical text on art-brut written by researcher Graciela García Muñoz, translated into French and English. Additionally, it will include design by Isidro Ferrer.

¿Our reasons?:

-Document our work and trajectory over these seven years.

-Introduce ourselves to the world, particularly the art world, with a book that allows us to expand our circle with fellow art enthusiasts like you.

-Seize the opportunity to fill a valuable space in the Spanish artistic landscape within art-brut.

-Contribute to the understanding of art-brut as a relevant form of expression in the history of art.

-Of course, create a fantastic book.

Our Team

For this occasion, the usual Andar de Nones team, consisting of Cristina Laborda in coordination, painter Gejo in artistic direction, and Eli Guillén in communication, has been joined by the best professionals to support this book.

Cisnito in the photographs of the artwork and Hugo Ferrer in portraits of the Nones and our workshop. As you can see, each one has left their mark on Impar, and now we only need your support to bring the book to fruition.

-Isidro Ferrer: National Design Award and National Illustration Award, among others.

-Graciela García Muñoz: Researcher and international curator of art-brut.

-Grassa Toro: Writer, curator, and founder of La Cala in charge of coordinating the book.

-Cisnito in the photographs of the artwork and Hugo Ferrer in portraits of the Nones and our workshop.

Currently, the artists projecting their unusual and genuinely interesting imaginaries in Andar de Nones are: Ana Morós de la Fuente, Beatriz López Matute, Borja Bolea Delgado, Carlos Gutiérrez Ibañes, David Delgado Cabrejas, Enol Blanco Puga, Javier García Roco, Manuel Cereza Turmo, Mª Dolores Tijero Escobar, María Pilar Rey Martín, Martín Giménez Laborda, Nuria Asenjo, Samanta Carolina Gómez Morales, Silvia Roche Pastora, and Yahdih Brahim Abdala. Each of them has already left their mark on Impar, and now we only need your support to bring this project to life.

Get Exclusive Rewards

Here you will find some gifts from Andar de Nones that may interest you and with which you can contribute to the project. When you acquire a reward, you will receive a form in case we reach the goal. Once you receive it, you can indicate the name or alias you would like to appear in the credits and the serial number you desire, in case you opt for this reward.

-Fila 0: Contribute various economic amounts if you want to support the project.

-Totebag: "Cosas de mi cabeza" - Andar de Nones x Simbiosis Shop, from the homonymous exhibition.

-Book "Impar"

-Special Edition Serigraphs Andar de Nones x Isidro Ferrer: 10 limited edition works (50 series of each), resulting from workshops with Isidro Ferrer, Andar de Nones, and students from the School of Design of Aragon. Let us know your favorite through the Form!

How Your Contributions Will Be Used

The budget is designed to cover the expenses of those who initially joined to support this book as well as other costs:

The exceptional design by Isidro Ferrer.

The theoretical texts by Graciela García.

Translations into French and English.

Photographs of the pictorial works by Elmar.

Portraits of the artists by Hugo Ferrer.

Coordination and direction of the book by La Cala.

Printing and distribution of "Impar."

Planned Schedule

After finishing the fundraising on January 24, in February, we will begin the printing. Once the book has been released, we will start distributing copies and rewards in March.

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32 comentarios

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  • Isabel


    4 months

    Me encanta :-)

  • Pepa


    4 months

    Enhorabuena a todos sois unos artistas!!!

  • Isabel


    4 months

    Me encanta :-)

  • Ganas de verlo ya realizado

  • Ana Go In

    Ana Go In

    5 months

    Animo que ya queda poquito!!!!

  • Teresa Baquero

    Teresa Baquero

    5 months

    Que todo salga fenomenal. Mucho éxito!!!

  • Felix Blanco

    Felix Blanco

    5 months

    Ánimo y a conseguir el resto!!!! Deseando tener el libro en las manos!!! Ánimo y a pensar en el segundo!!!!!

  • chusagomez


    5 months

    Estupendo proyecto! Precioso libro enhorabuena !

  • Luisa


    5 months

    Tengo muchas ganas de ver realidad ese proyecto!😍😍👍

  • 17543809V


    5 months

    De parte de mi amiga Josefina Delgado


Desde TEAdir-Aragón queremos dar las GRACIAS A TODOS-AS POR ESTAR AHÍ¡¡¡

Hemos superado nuestro objetivo.

IMPAR será muy pronto una realidad, llego la hora de dar las gracias.

Gracias por apoyar a ANDAR DE NONES con su libro IMPAR.

Gracias al equipo que lo ha hecho posible.

Gracias a toda la comunidad, que cada vez es más grande, que cree en este proyecto y lo hace suyo.

Entramos en otra etapa de esta aventura editorial. Últimas revisiones, maquetación, imprenta, cubiertas, ya no queda nada para tenerlo en nuestras manos.

Estos días, desde Verkami, os han llegado unos correos pidiendo que nos deis vuestros datos a través de un formulario. Necesitamos saber donde, y a que nombre, tenemos que enviaros el libro.

La presentación de IMPAR esta programada en Zaragoza el sábado 06-04 en horario de 17:30 hasta las 20:30, en Harinera ZGZ. Os mantendremos informados-as por nuestras RRSS.


#02 / China chana!

Poquito a poco...

Ya han pasado 20 días desde que comenzamos con la financiación de Impar, hasta ahora hemos conseguido buena parte de los fondos. Cómo bien es visible, sin duda faltan unos cuantos empujones más para que se haga realidad, pero sin duda nos acercamos a nuestro objetivo.

¡Cada vez estamos más cerca de conseguirlo!

Para celebrarlo, hemos adjuntado en nuestra página de Verkami unas cuantas imágenes simuladas de lo que será Impar.

Un abrazo ancho :)

#01 / Toc Toc!

Hola Hola!

Como sabéis somos nuevas con esto del Verkami, estamos flipando con la acogida que está teniendo el libro, tanto por el día de su lanzamiento el día 16 como por haber superado el 20% en los cinco primeros días. Os dejamos unas fotos de lo que fue la fiesta de lanzamiento!

Una retahíla de besos y abrazos de parte del equipo de Andar de Nones

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