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Manu Om - New album

Recording of the new album from Manu Om . "Bhakti" is a project dedicated to devotional singing. With prayers for Mother, Guru, Shiva and Radha, among others. In collaboration with Sukhdev Prasad Mishra and his friends in Varanasi and produced by "the room Barcelona" with Jordi Navarro.

Manu Om

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Production of the sixth album by "Manu Om"

Album dedicated to the concept of devotion. The song for each of the 8 devotional figures: The Guru, Mother, Krishna, Radha, Shiva, Kali, Guru Ramdas and Bhagavan.

Western Style (pop / folk) with the eastern part of instrumentation recorded from the city of Varanasi (India).

Album Title: Bhakti

Duration: about 80 minutes

Printed in digipack with 16 page booklet


  • Voice, guitar and composition: Manel Mèlich Solana

  • Second voice and guitar: Pau Mèlich Solana

  • Bass, guitar and production: Jordi Navarro

  • Second Female Voice: Caro Falcone

  • Tabla: Jaume Catà

  • Violin and Production (India): Sukhdev Prasad Mishra

  • Flute: Atul Sankar

There will be other instruments (Sitar, kartal, harmonium, ...).

How we will allocate your contributions

The contributions will go to finance the production of the album, from the foundation to the final print. Since the study takes, takes in India, through editing, mixing, mastering to the final stage of design and printing.


  • October: Production of bases (bass, guitar, tabla and vocals). First editing and mixing.

  • November: Production India (more voices, harmonium, violin, flute, tampura, sitar, kartal). Second editing and mixing. Mastering. Print.

  • December: Presentation of product and delivery of rewards.

+ Info

Om Manu page on Facebook
Manu Om Web site


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  • Manu Om

    Manu Om

    over 9 years

    Moltes Gràcies

  • Toni


    over 9 years

    Gràcies per la resposta. Recolzo el teu projecte, sort i endavant!

  • Manu Om

    Manu Om

    over 9 years

    La verdad, esta es una pregunta algo dificil de responder. Dependiendo de si conoces ya algo de mi trabajo o si lo desconoces por completo; eso hace la respuesta mas larga o mas corta. Para resumir te puedo responder que el proyecto BHAKTI nace de un impulso. De la necesidad de profundizar y ayudar a otros a profundizar sobre el concepto de la devoción espiritual y la aplicación de esta práctica (la del Bhakti) desde un punto de vista Advaita.

    Lo hago desde la música, porque es mi mejor herramienta de comunicación con la gente.

    Gracias por el interés.

  • Toni


    over 9 years

    Perquè t'ha sorgit la idea de gravar aquest CD?

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