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Benimaclet conFusión festival

Every person has something that can show to the others... the Benimaclet conFusión festival is the opportunity to do it. In the week-end 18/19 of October, the Valencian neighbourhood of Benimaclet is going to be the stage of an extraordinary event where all of us can be its actor.


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From 1.500€
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We all have something special which makes us unique... if we do not share it, if we do not share ourselves, which is the sense of our walking?

The Benimaclet conFusión festival is you who wants to show your art in the street, organize or host some event in your house, share your person with the others.

Detailed description of the project:

The Benimaclet ConFusiòn festival is an artistic event celebrated in the Valencian neighbourhood of Benimaclet. The base philosophy is share yourself.

There will be artistic performances and expositions in the streets as well as in the private collaborating spaces. During this event, the pedestrian space of Benimaclet will be the meeting point between the public and the artists while the habitants of the neighbourhood will have the opportunity to open their houses and host/organize whatever they want.

This project aims to involve all people who want to share their ideas (musicians, painters, photographers, video directors, actors, authors, poets, jugglers...) or share a their private space (home, terrace, garage, laboratory...). This last category includes cultural centres but excludes any commercial space mounted for profit.

Everybody is welcome to be part of the festival by filling the participation form in the web.

Specific objectives:

  • offer a urban context of artistic/cultural communication;

  • put in touch different artists;

  • motivate creativity;

  • encourage people to share their ideas;

  • promote the potentialities of Benimaclet;

  • give the opportunity to everybody to get known;

  • amaze people;

  • make Benimaclet known by an alternative perspective.

For more information: www.beniconfusionfest.es


How we are going to use your financial contributions

Organizing such a kind of festival requires a lot of time and many efforts. We are willing to do it because we strongly believe in the others, because we are sure that sharing at least ideas, knowledge and skills, is something which may make all of us closer to each others. It is time to open and share ourselves.

We are not interested in any economic profit. Nevertheless there are unavoidable expenses that must be covered. Here the most important:

  • Third party liability insurance (210 €): It is compulsory in order to have the permissions for organizing street events.

  • Printing expenses for flyers and posters (~ 300 €): We want to advertise the festival as much as possible. To this end, we thought to print about 5000 flyers and more than 500 posters that will be distributed in all Valencia.

  • Printing expenses for the festival guides (~ 500 €): Every person of the public will receive for free a guide with the program of all activities of the festival.

  • Staff T-shirts (~ 150 €): It is important that all people, in case of need, can easily identify the staff members.

  • General managing cost: There are always additional expenses like tax payments, telephone calls to artist, spaces or public offices, print of documents, etc.

If everyone who believes in our project contributes with a little drop, soon the glass will be full, everybody will drink and nobody will be thirsty.

About the rewards

The festival does not produce anything but emotions for the public and visibility for the artists. The main idea is share yourself that is participate. And then... why not giving to the people who support the project the possibility to participate remotely?

We want to reward our patrons giving them the opportunity to send us something of theirs that will be shown to the public during the festival. In this way we offer to our supporters the possibility to make them (or at least a part of theirs) known.

Furthermore, we want all people who fund our project to have a memory of the emotions of the festival. To this purpose, we are going to prepare a photo collection, a video documentary and a music CD of the Benimaclet conFusión festival that will be available by downloading.

Planned schedule

The festival will take place in the week-end 18/19 of October 2014 from 3 to 10 pm.

We are now fully immersed in the organization, busy with bureaucracy, logistic management and publicity.

The participation form in the web is going to be available till the week of the 21st of September. In the days immediately after, we will prepare the definitive plan of the festival and print the guides for the public.

Before the end of November we want to have all the audiovisual material promised to our patrons ready. The possibility to download it will be guaranteed till the end of the next month.

+ Info

Web of the festival: www.beniconfusionfest.es

Facebook page: Benimaclet confusión festival

Organizers: Possibility Association, Asociación de Imagen Experimental

Email: [email protected]


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