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Playing with Tili

Remember the first day you visited the beach? This is Moni´s story and the magic that happens when she starts playing at the shore. In four languages, PLAYING WITH TILI, is an universal tale, because it doesn´t matter where we live, everybody had had played with a friend like Tili.

Yamile Vaena

A project of

Created in

Medellín, Mexico
From 3.500€
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Playing with Tili

Help us, help her run at the beach again!

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Playing with Tili is an universal story, of a little girl playing at the beach. Due to its simplicity and charm, this tale can be lived and understood ny little kids in several languages. So we decided to make the english version, among with the spanish, french, and german. All the bilingual versions of the combination of this 4 languages, and a special edition with all of them.

My driven force*

This is Kiara.

She is an excepcional girl. Sparkling eyes full of life, full of intelligence. When she was a baby you could see the her eyes full of a world of wisdom to discover.

When she was 4 months old, she looked and behaved as a 6 month-old in size, weight and development.

That was untill the nightmare began...

She was one year and 3 months old when she started seizuring, and life as we know it, just vanished. She started to have some "distracted episodes", and it got worse.

No one knew why.

No one believed us. She was such a pretty, happya and well adjusted little baby.

We had to tape the seizure so her pediatrician took us seriously, and sent us to the neurologist.

It seems we got the wicked prized lottery ticket for a weird disease... West syndrome, is called. It is a very aggressive type of epilepsy.

The diagnosis was not good. Kiara started with 30 -40 seizures a day. She started taking awful drugs in order to stop her electrical brain storms. No one worked. Her "Salam Spam" seizures evolved, transforming her epilepsy in what is known as "the great evil", "grand mal".

Kiara still uses diaper.

She will never talk.

She has developed authistic behaviours due to her condition.

She can not attend school

not even special schools, because her seizures were never controlled. And people is scare that she hurts herself falling down in her brain`s electrical episodes.

She is in constant danger, because her seizures are everytime more intense.

Kiara was taking a couple of hours of particular therapy each day. Never enough.

Everything learned was easily forgot and erased with an unexpected seizure.

She was growing. Her health, her learning ability and her development seems to start delaying. Her condition ruins her sleeping habits. Kiara almost never sleeps, and when she does, her sleeping is light, not enough.

And when she doesn´t sleep, someone has to be up with her.

Her seizures continued and got worse, we lost trace of how many times we ended at the hospital because of her seizures. Awful scars in her beautiful face: the ear, the head, the forehead, the nose, the eye... and the body, the hip, the neck...

The doctor recommender for her to walk at the beach, and that was the momento, that- without even notice it, the story i worte as a kid, started her calling in my heart.

Kiara, my little angel fo broken wings, with all the consequences of years of uncontrolled seizures and bad fallings, was running, laughing and playing free at the beach.

She chatted in her own language with teh waves, played with the sand as it was a living soul, a new and marvelous friend.

It is not usual for her to smile...

That day at the beach, It hit me. I had to bring back to life the story of "Playing with Tili.

Everything was connected. When I convinced Alita to draw the book, the first thing she asked for were Kiara´s pictures. And that how Moni started breathing through the talented pencil of Alejandra.

Kiara is 14 today. A few days ago, she had a seizure and hurt her back badly, ehile the family where sleeping. She couldnt, move, stand or sit.


Kiara had spine cord damage. She was in danger to loose all her movement, and her life.

She had column surgery.

We still dont know if the doctors were in time to right the wrong, but we have hope, and need all the help we can get to see her full recovered, running at the beach again.

It will take time, therapy, money and patience for her to start walking again.

The main percent of sales of this book are intended to help Kiara to walk again.

All the inspiration, my driven force, is seeing Kiara running at the beach again. I need to see her Playing with Tili once more.

The creative process of Alita

*Drawing Tili

The eyes are to big!!! - Yam complained.

And Alita, with patience, tried to understand Yam, and do the drawing again.

But Yam was stubborn and Alita ended deciding she was not going to draw anything else. And that was almost the ending of the story, but little did we know that when a drawing becomes part of Alita ́s inspiration, there is no way to avoid its fate.

So, she thought twice the proposal of getting back to the proyect again, but for Lucky us, she finally did. Her free spirit needed to spread her wings and fly, limitless, and Yam had a fixed idea of this particular story ́s universe. She was

about to quit, but “Playing with Tili” charmed her and Alita knew, just as Yam - that her drawings were the only ones able to give life to this adventure at the beach.

Alita, as you imagined,is Alejandra Aceves and her talented pencil is the one that gave life to the drawings of Playing with Tili. She is a very gifted and giving person,

In her twitter account @Histcotidianas, she illustrates and shares her drawings of the tweets and phrases thats inspires her. She has the ability to turn the daily matter into extraordinary events.

As a creative, and restless artist, Alita has the magic of a little girl which is reflected in her adorable drawings.

So, we have Alita´s drawings, and we already armed th 11 versions of the book, 4 of a single language, 6 bilingual and one multilingual

The idea is to offer all the versions in POD (Print On Demand), and on ebook. But our goal is to see a beautiful hardcover, full color book, in the hands of a smiling child.

So, we need to make it happen, and you can help us.

What will we use the money for:

We will print 1000 hardcover, 60 full color pages books in the four languages.

We will make the official "Book Reading" at the International Book Fair in Guadalajara (FIL)

We will manage to distribute the book in all the main bookstores of Mexico.

We will also produce the rewards and send them.

A percentage of the book sales will be spend in Kiara´s recovery.

If we reach 5000 euros, we will produce a special magnetized edition in four languages of Jugando con Tili

All the money we raise further than 5000 euros, is going to be commited to pay Kiara´s medical treatment.

"Playing with Tili" the Magnetic Version

The "book" has a metalliced scenary, and all the drawings of the book magneticed, with the separated text in paragraphs in each of the four languages. So the kids and their parents, while they read the story, can compare the languages they pick, placing the magnet among with the pics and the words.

About the Rewards

The best way to thank our sponsors, is sharing with them the universe of Tili.

We want to send them the ebook in versiona of one language:

Spanish, English, French, and German

And their bilingual versions:

Spanish - English

Spanish - French

Spanish - German

** English - French**

German - French

English - German

And the full 4 languages version.

We also have some fantastic rewards, the notebook of ideas, the pins, coloring book, the printed book, and some surprises more.


The book is ready to be sent to the printer. As soon as we got the money, it will take a month to produce it.

In the next month we expecto to deliver the book to the main bookstores in Mexico.

The 5 of december of 2014, we have the Book presentation at la FIL in Guadalajara.

As soon as we have the printed book, we will have the other rewards ready for our sponsors.

+ Info

Check Que Kiara vuelva a Correr en la Playa

Meet Alita (Alejandra Aceves): Su twitter: HistCotidianas

Meet Yam: Yamile Vaena

Jugando con Tili en facebook

Check Círculo Próximo

Jugando con Tili, hoy.


There are none published yet.

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  • Yamile Vaena

    Yamile Vaena

    over 9 years

    ¡Hola! Ese es el objetivo. Que Jugando con Tili esté en la FIL, de Guadalajara y luego en todas las librerías de Mexico.
    Te invito a participar para que nos ayudes a hacerlo posible.

  • Ive


    over 9 years

    Hola! Estoy interesada en adquirir el libro en la FIL Guadalajara, crees q ya esté a la venta ahi para entonces? Gracias

  • Yamile Vaena

    Yamile Vaena

    over 9 years

    Hola, el caso de KIARA requería operación inminente porque se fracturó el disco c5 y c6, y la medula estaba comprometida. No podía evitarse. KIARA se operó el 20 de julio, y fue una operación exitosa. Ahora todo depende de la rehabilitación.

  • guillermo ezquerro

    guillermo ezquerro

    over 9 years

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuGUi4Ogz8w te mando un link de algo con que se puede curar la niña sin operarla. gracias:

  • Yamile Vaena

    Yamile Vaena

    over 9 years

    Hola Myriam, es muy fácil, Escoge el nivel de patrocinio que quieres del lado derecho y dale click adonde te pide aportar.

  • Myriam Gomez

    Myriam Gomez

    over 9 years

    Hola. Estoy en México... donde se puede depositar? Perdón si en la página lo dice!

  • Yamile Vaena

    Yamile Vaena

    over 9 years

    Hola, no, la idea es imprimir el libro con el dinero recaudado.

    El libro lo recibirás si eres patrocinador del proyecto.
    (El nivel de patrocinio y de las recompensas se explica del lado derecho de la página.)

  • Gisselle


    over 9 years

    Estoy confundida, ya lo imprimieron??? En dónde lo


  • Yamile Vaena

    Yamile Vaena

    over 9 years


    Podemos mandar a todo el mundo a Tili por correo normal sin costo adicional.

    En caso de requerir mensajería o servicio especial fuera de México, tiene costo extra, dependiendo del lugar.

  • becariaatribulada


    over 9 years

    Hola. ¿Solamente se envía a México? No he visto gastos de envío para otros países (yo soy española). Un saludo.


¡Conseguimos y rebasamos las metas gracias a ti!

Jugando con Tili será realidad. La presentación del libro se hará el 5 de diciembre en la FIL en Guadalajara, y se venderá en el stand, y luego en las principales librerías..

La venta del libro ayudará a Kiara con sus terapias

¡Todo esto gracias a ti!

Alcanzamos los 5042 euros, lo que significa que mandaremos a hacer el tiraje de los 1000 libros y una edición limitada especial del libro magnético, que también se venderá en la FIL.

Lo que pasará ahora es que, a partir de ahora, Verkami cobrará las promesas de aportación que hicieron todos los mecenas. A los 10 días, depositará el dinero y entonces mandaremos a hacer la edición de los libros y la producción de las recompensas.

Calculamos que todo este listo para su envío a principios de noviembre. Los mantendré informados de todo el proceso.

¡Muchas gracias!

#07 / ¡Todo es Posible!

¡Nos ayudaste a volar! ¡Con tus alas, todo es posible!

No sabemos lo afortunados que somos hasta que algo sucede y ya no es tan fácil movernos, entonces nos damos cuenta que muchos de los límites que nos poníamos, eran imaginarios. Basta ponerse unos segundos en los zapatos de alguien que no puede usarlos, para darnos cuentas el largo camino que tienen que recorrer todos los días.

En estas circunstancias conoces verdaderamente a las personas, y puedes ver toda su luz.

Gracias a todos ustedes, hoy alcanzamos la segunda meta de este proyecto. El proceso de recuperación de una angelita de alas rotas ha comenzado. Les comparto una foto de su hidroterapia.

No sólo contribuiste a cumplir un sueño, dándole vida a un lindo libro.

¡Gracias a ti, Kiara volverá a correr en la playa!

¡Muchas, muchas, muchas gracias!!

¡Con tus alas, todo es posible!

#06 / ¡¡Ya casi llegamos!!

Gracias a ti, ya casi llegamos.

¡Es la recta final! Corre con nosotros a la meta!

Kiara ya mueve sus manitas, y ya puede sentarse sola. Falta aún para que pueda caminar, pero con tu ayuda lo logrará.

#05 / Hi Kiara, How are you today?

Hi Kiara, How are you today?

Her eyes are sparkling.

  • I am hungry mommy, I want to get off this bed, and run today. Can we go to the beach? - Her eyes asks, while she tryes to sit by her own means. Is amazing how she fights everyday, restless. How she keeps trying and trying and trying and trying... I admire her so much. I see her deal with frustration when she can not move right, when her body doesnt respond as a few months ago.

No one have told her what doctors fear. No one had told her she will not stand up and walk. So, she will prove wrong all the stadistics.

We keep her encouraging her, trying to protect her, but pushing it further in each physical therapy. SHe enjoys the attention, is playful, happy, as she understands that from each day it depends all her future.

She started using her hands and fingers again. Not much, very clumpsy, but she… read more

#04 / ¡29 días más, para alcanzar a la meta! ¡Cada día somos más! ¡Participa!


Hay pequeños placeres en la vida que damos por hecho.

Una sonrisa, la brisa del viento a través de una ventana, mientras viajas, una carretera sombreada con árboles, el sonido de las olas del mar, sentir la arena entre los dedos. A veces olvidamos lo valioso de todos esos tesoros.

Todos los días vamos reuniendo "gotitas de mar", granos de arena. Todos los días nadamos un poco más.

Todos los días Kiara presenta otro reto más, otra montaña. Gracias por acompañarnos en este camino.

Jugando con Tili es un cuento de libertad. Tú puedes ayudarnos a que sus páginas inspiren y acompañen a otros niños a través del mundo.

Tú puedes ayudar a que Kiara vuelva a caminar.

Cuéntale a dos amigos, comparte el proyecto e invítalos a participar. Es más fácil si somos más, y todo suma.

Una montaña a la vez.

#03 / Una Montaña a la Vez.

Cuando miras de frente a la montaña, quizás, la cima no está tan lejos, tienes que concentrarte en el siguiente paso.

Nos quedan 36 días para alcanzar la meta, pero, como dijimos el día que Kiarita tuvo su accidente: Una montaña a la vez.

Resultaba muy abrumador pensar en todas las implicaciones dolorosas que esta caída tendría en la vida de la nena. Lo complicado de las decisiones. Primero fue diagnosticarla correctamente, entender que requería una operación inminente o su vida peligraba, y después, decidir dónde, con qué recursos $ y quién haría el procedimiento.

Temer pedir ayuda y finalmente recibir el amor de mucha gente.Tener miedo de los riesgos, y curarlo tomando acción y hacer lo que había de hacerse.

Su médula estaba aplastada por la fractura en el disco C5-C6. Kiara necesitaba unos tornillos de titanio para sobrevivir:

Es increíble ver esto en la radiografía. Te sientes en una película de ciencia ficción..

read more

#02 / Dos días en Campaña para correr en la Playa ¡Vámonos virales

No hay nada más libre que el mundo de un niño descubriendo el mar. Todos sucede como sucede normalmente, pero, a diferencia de como lo vemos nosotros, para ellos, es mágico.

La primera vez que Kiara corrió en la playa no podíamos alcanzarla... corría tan rápido y estaba tan contenta que mirarla hacía que saltara el corazón.

Cuando la nena tuvo su accidente y no podía ni sentarse, fue tan abrumador, que lo único que yo podía pensar era en el siguiente respiro, el siguiente paso, la siguiente decisión. Así, hemos ido escalando una montaña a la vez...

la cima,
Así nos iremos aquí, tenemos 40 días para llegar a la meta.

Empecemos a difundir en twitter y en facebook. ¡Vámonos virales!

¡Conócenos, comparte, participa!

¡Vamonos virales, por todas esas montañas que aún nos faltan!

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