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SARIMA is a love story, the prequel of short film Molina´s Borealis. One morning, as he walks around Gibara´s eolian park, Raúl, an actor who has been invited to the film festival, sees a beautiful young woman coming out of the sea, she is wearing a yellow dress and her hair is covered by algae…


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On the few occasions I have traveled abroad my friends do all they can to take me to dinner or to a bar and, yes, it´s a great experience, we meet again, talk about our memories, we laugh, cry, talk about our projects, etc. Then we say good bye with the promise that we will meet again. Some hours later the food is defecated and the beer or wine is urinated in the toilet of a hotel room. How much can a friend spend when he takes me out for lunch or dinner? Well, yes, I am hungry! But hungry for making films! If they would give me that money to tell a story they would make me incredibly happy! At least the result would be more lasting. Films, as friends, last forever or almost.

This campaign is aimed at getting funds to finish my last film, SARIMA a.k.a Molina´s Borealis 2 a love story with a fantastic tone inspired by Molina´s Borealis and the magic of Gibara, a village in the East of Cuba, a place I visited during the last Non-Budget Film Festival where I was honored with a film retrospective and also invited to be part of the jury. I went there with some of the members of my crew and in a genuine fit of creativity we created a love story, the most pure instant cinema style, inspired by films like Portrait of Jennie, Laura, Fedora, Bobby Deerfield and Betty Blue.

The film was shot in three days with a small crew, guerrilla style, with almost no budget. It is starred by Leticia León (Molina´s Borealis), the versatile Raúl Capote (Ferozz the Wild Red Riding Hood) and René de la Cruz (Molina´s El Hombre que hablaba con Marte). SARIMA a.k.a. Molina´s Borealis 2 is a prequel of the beautiful short film Molina´s Borealis, shot in 2013 thanks to the generosity of a group of patrons that donated their money through the crowdfunding platform Verkami.

The story takes place in the small coastal town of Gibara, in the East of Cuba, during the International Non-Budget Film Festival. Raúl, an actor who has been invited to the festival is walking around the eolic park when he sees a young woman coming out of the sea, she is wearing a yellow dress and her hair is covered by algae…

In these times of economic crisis it is harder and harder to get money for cultural purposes. In my country, independent productions do not get support from state institutions, and finding funds through cultural institutions, NGOs, cultural representatives in embassies, or others, is becoming an impossible mission.

I believe crowdfunding to be safest way for filmmakers like me to get funding from people who support audiovisual production, people like you, people who love films and do not see them as business. I need you to post produce and complete this short film.

As I always say, SARIMA a.k.a. Molina´s Borealis 2, is a piece I would like to share with those who love films and if any skeptical person would ask me what holds it together, I would answer with the coolness of a Sam Spade: “The stuff that dreams are made from”.



We are a group of lovers of audiovisuals, technicians and actors who have graduated from different schools and academies and have gathered around the professor and cult director Jorge Molina, a.k.a Molinator, director of the classic bizarre film Ferozz the Wild Red Riding Hood. Molina is also an actor and has performed in films like the internationally acclaimed Juan of the Dead.


José Manuel Braña Álvarez is a cinephile borned in Avilés (Spain). Debt to him is the claim and the recovery of the cult asturian film by Mario Menéndez "The living Portrait". He recently collaborated in the book edited by Jaume Esteve "Obsequium" about the video game "The Abbey of Crime" based on "The Name of the Rose". He received in 2013 the honorary short film award of his hometown.

Raúl Capote Braña is a versatile cuban actor and filmmaker with a interesting career in theater and film. With his small production company La Manigua Cooperativa Audiovisual he is dedicated to support any alternative protect that appears. His acting spectrum in the theater covers several pieces of authors such as Chekhov and Ibsen, and he is a regular contributor to the theatrical norewian group Bergen Byspill Apropos Teater. His latest audiovisual work, the avant-garde short film Café Templado, has been selected in major festivals

worldwide, including Cannes 2014.


Title: SARIMA a.k.a Molina´s Borealis 2

Genre: Fiction short film. Drama/Fantastic/Erotic

Director: Molinator

Producers: Manuel Alejandro Rodríguez Jong, Reinel García

Executive Producers: Javier Pérez Avila, Raúl Capote, José Manuel Braña Álvarez and Jorge Molina

Scriptwriter: Alan González in collaboration with Jorge Molina

Director of Photography: Javier Pérez Avila

Editor: Miguel Lavandeira

Art Directors: Jorge Charón, Annie Boza

Costume Designer: Annie Boza

Make-up: Angélica María

Production Sound: Manuel Alejandro Rodríguez, Claudia Pando

Sound Designer and Mixer: Leo Dolgan, Sheyla Pool

Assistant Director: Eylin Abreu Mas

Cast: Leticia León, Raúl Capote, René de la Cruz.

Recording Format: HD

Produced by: La Tiñosa Autista / La Manigua Cooperativa Audiovisual



The money will be used for post-production and completion of this short film. It will be used to pay the rent of the editing room, the editor, the rent of the mix room and the mixer and the soundtrack designer. It Constitutes the only source of



August: Editing

September: Sound design and mix.

October: Completion of the project.

Delivery of rewards: After the project is completed.

Release: December 2014, Havana Film Festival, tour around festivals, and eventually the web.


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  • Antonio


    almost 9 years

    Buenas, como hago para ver este corto? Saludos cordiales.

  • molinator


    over 9 years

    José Manuel fue mecenas de la primera parte, y a partir de ahí ha quedado una amistad. Al enterarse que estaba desarrollando una segunda parte de Borealis se brindó para apoyarme nuevamente, y le propuse que me ayudara en la producción. Eso lo emocionó mucho porque es un hombre que ama el cine con pasión. Y así son las cosas. El corto por supuesto que irá a festivales europeos y de cualquier otro lugar donde sea aceptado. Un saludo

  • Víctor Domínguez

    Víctor Domínguez

    almost 10 years

    Buenas noches. ¿Como han conseguido ustedes que José Manuel Braña Álvarez se implique en este proyecto? ¿Tienen pensado prestentarlo a los festivaales europeos de cortometrajes? Saludos cordiales

  • molinator


    almost 10 years


    en principios, aún no tengo contemplada música insidental o score para la película. Solo depués del montaje sabré si necesita música.

  • Andrés M.

    Andrés M.

    almost 10 years

    Buenas. Estuve leyendo sobre este proyecto y quería consultarles si tienen a alguien en el crew (o tienen previsto tener) para la musicalización original para la banda sonora del corto? Saludos a todos.



Aunque el proceso de terminación de SARIMA a.k.a. Molina´s Borealis 2 se ha dilatado un poquito por cuestiones ajenas a mi voluntad, les cuento que ya estamos en el proceso de post producción de sonido. Faltan algunos detalles para enriquecer la banda sonora pero todo va saliendo bien. Estoy trabajando con los sonidistas Victor Quintanilha quien está haciendo el diseño sonoro y Checho Bravo quien se encarga de la mezcla. La película estará lista para el festival de la Habana como se había previsto en principio. Se está intentando que esté en Mórbido, festival de cine fantástico de México pero las fechas están muy cercanas y el proceso de mezcla se está dilatando un poco. Aquí unas still que incluyen el primer diseño de poster hecho por Angelica Marrero Loucraft.

El diseñador de sonido Victor Quintanilha trabajando en el estudio.

Checho Bravo B. premezclando el cortometraje.



Entre los días 18 y 24 de agosto estuve en México entre el DF y Puebla editando Sarima a.k.a. Molina´s Borealis 2 proyecto que se va haciendo realidad gracias al apoyo de todos ustedes. Aquí un pequeño resumen de este proceso.

Molinator y el editor Miguel Lavandeira trabajan en el primer corte de Sarima a.k.a. Molina´s Borealis 2 de próximo estreno en noviembre durante el festival de cine fantástico Mórbido.

El editor Miguel Lavandeira trabajando sobre un primer corte de Sarima a.k.a. Molina's Borealis 2. Borealis 2 cada vez más cercano.

The "compaginatore" Miguel Lavandeira working alone in the editing room. Sarima a.k.a. Molina´s Borealis 2 is almost here!

En la sala de edición después de ver el primer corte; Molinator y el editor Miguel Lavandeira con los amigos Lex Ortega, Luis Alcozer y Miguel Ravelo.

Ya está el corte… read more

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