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The Val: New Album!!

After all the good experiences we've had with our first album, "Back", we're now recording our second CD and we just can't wait to share these awesome new songs with you. We really want to get you involved with us in this new challenge and we are pretty sure you will enjoy the songs a lot!


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From 4.000€
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During the last year, we’ve been working on new songs for our second album. The first album from The Val, BACK, was released in 2012 and it implied taking forward a project from scratch. We are very satisfied with the final result and the rave reviews received by the media and audience both inside and outside of Spain, so we are determined to continue working on what we feel like something that means a lot to us and also to those who have supported us.

Now the time to bring forward this second album has come. It will have similarities and differences with regard to "Back", and it represents an evolution due to our experiences in common, and to the fact that without really being aware of it, we have reached an identifying and very personal sound and style.

In this new work we have changed the way of approaching the production. In "Back", Alfonso Samos was not only in charge of the artistic production of the album. He also worked as multi-instrumentalist recording and programming all the tracks except the piano and keyboards, which had been taken over by David Erick and the voice and backing vocals by Gabrielle de Val.

This time, the other musicians in the band are recording their own tracks. Alex Morell is playing the bass. He had joined us at the very beginning, even before our first gig, just right after the recording of "Back", and now he’s also become a fundamental element for the studio recording. Rubén Berengena, who fits in perfectly with the songs we have written and the sound we are looking for, is playing drums on the album and Tony Ortega has taken command of pianos and keyboards in The Val. Alfonso Samos is once again dealing with production, guitars and all the musical arrangements and Gabrielle is singing the songs of course. They have both together written all the songs. As in "Back", we have chosen English for the lyrics, written by Gabrielle, because that is what the songs demanded, but we do not rule out the possibility of recording the songs in Spanish later on.

In order to focus on the composition and recording of the album we have not performed with the band for some months and we have worked at the recording studio instead, so that the album is already at a fairly advanced stage. It consists of 11 songs that talk about feelings and sensations you may have had at least once in your life. We just can’t wait to share them with you.

Once we finish recording and mixing the songs, we will still have to do the mastering, the booklet design, the CDs and vinyl records manufacture and the new merchandising articles (t-shirts, etc…). We’re releasing 1000 CDs and 250 vinyl records (limited edition for the vinyl records). The Val is assuming the costs of the recording and therefore the money that we get through this crowdfunding action will be for mastering and manufacturing as well as for shipping your rewards.


We have decided to partially finance the project through crowdfunding for multiple reasons. First, we are convinced that it is a good way to connect with our audience. When we began our adventure as a band over two years ago, we never imagined that we would get to so many places or that we would make so many new friends that have formed part of the experience that "Back" has meant for us. We have connected with you through music and now you are part of our new adventure since its inception. We want you to share the entire process of recording and releasing an album with us, because thus you’ll be part of it. On the other hand your economic aid will allow us to focus on the artistic side without driving ourselves mad with figures or delays.

You will have personal contact with the band and we will, via email, keep you updated on any progress concerning the project.

We’ve got 40 days to reach the goal. Only if we reach the amount of money we’re asking for, payments will be made. In other words: you will not be charged even if you have clicked “ok”, until we reach the final figure.

On this site we can answer all your questions or concerns.

We should like to end by briefly saying thank you for your support in advance, but above all, thank you for supporting us with 'Back' and thus leading us to this second album you will enjoy for sure.


The CDs and other "rewards" will be sent to you from September 15, 2014, but we’ll soon report the dates for the presentation of the album live in different cities inside and outside of Spain.

We’ll keep you updated.We are assuming the costs of the recording and therefore, all the funds raised through this crowdfunding campaign will cover the costs of:

  • Mastering

  • Manufacturing of the CDs (Digipack)

  • Manufacturing of the Vinyl Records (Numbered and Limited Edition)

  • Manufacturing of the T-shirts

  • Manufacturing of the Post-Cards

  • Postage, tax, paypal and bank surcharges, and the 5% fee for Verkami .

If the funds we achieve in Verkami surpass the amount we have initially asked you for (4.000€) we would update this section and let you know what your contributions will be used for


These are the dates for our Project:

Crowdfunding Campaign: It will start on Monday, the 26th of May at 12.00 and finish on Friday, the 4th of July at 12.00.

JUNE: We continue recording guitars and vocals and we start mixing and producing.

JULY: Mastering of the album. Manufacturing of CDs, Vinyl Records and T-shirts.

AUGUST: Scheduling of the postages with your “rewards”.

SEPTEMBER: Shipping of your “rewards”.

OCTOBER: We will be on tour presenting our new record




There are none published yet.

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  • Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    almost 10 years

    Hola, Santi!!! Muchísimas gracias por tu felicitación!! Es un éxito de todos los que estamos implicados, es decir, nosotros y nuestros mecenas y amigos...Muchísimas gracias por tu apoyo y tu ayuda y sí...imagínate...tenerlo entre las manos....estamos deseando que lo tengamos todos!!! Un beso fuerte!!

  • Santi


    almost 10 years

    Realmente no quiero hacer ninguna pregunta, sino felicitaros por el éxito de este crowdfunding. Espero tener pronto el disco entre las manos para poder disfrutar de él . Será muy bueno, seguro.

  • Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    almost 10 years

    Hola, Jose!!! Siii...Habéis confiado en nosotros y en nuestra música y os estaremos eternamente agradecidos!!! Ahora somos un equipo...bueno...ya éramos un equipo de antes, pero ahora lo somos más!!! Un beso muy grade y gracias por formar parte de esto tan importante para nosotros!!

  • Jose oro

    Jose oro

    almost 10 years

    Enhorabuenaaaaaaaaaaa sabia que lo conseguiríais, los mejores

  • Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    almost 10 years

    Hola, Carmelo! En principio sí tiene los mismos temas, pero como el espacio en vinilo es más limitado si queremos conseguir un sonido óptimo y son 11 canciones, es posible que alguna de ellas no entre en el formato vinilo. De todos modos vamos a intentar que entren todos, igual que en el CD. Muchas gracias por tu pregunta! Gaby

  • Carmelo


    almost 10 years

    El vinilo tiene los mismos temas que el cd??

  • Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    Gabrielle De Val Koenzen

    almost 10 years

    Hola, José!!! Muchísimas gracias por tu aportación. Significa muchísimo para nosotros y estamos deseando que tengas tu disco firmado!!! Un beso enorme de todo el grupo!!! :-) Gaby

  • Jose oro

    Jose oro

    almost 10 years

    Tenia que ser el primero en aportar por este proyecto, ojala salga todo bien, un abrazo para todos

#11 / Vídeo promocional - Promotional Video

Hola, amigos!! Os dejamos el primer vídeo promocional para nuestro nuevo álbum, "Heading for the Surface"… y como aperitivo, una pequeña parte de "Roses & Chains", que es el corte 4 del disco. ¡Esperamos que lo disfrutéis!

Hi, friends!! Here is the first promotional video for our new album, "Heading for the Surface"… with a little opener included, which is a part extracted from track number 4…"Roses & Chains". We hope you'll enjoy it!!

#10 / Comunicado importante.... al fin!!!

Queridos mecenas,

Por razones ajenas a nuestra voluntad, como ya sabéis, hemos sufrido algunos retrasos y queremos pediros disculpas por ello. Os escribimos para comentaros varios asuntos:

1- Nuestro disco lleva ya unos cuantos días en fábrica, por lo que es previsible que podamos realizar los envíos de vuestras recompensas en la semana del 17 al 23 de noviembre. Para ello necesitamos que nos proporcionéis la siguiente información al correo [email protected] o bien desde Verkami.

  • Nombre completo y dirección de envío del paquete

  • Si el disco lo queréis firmado (hay que abrir el encefalonado de fábrica para ello) o sin firmar y con el encefalonado de fábrica intacto.

  • En caso de que hayáis pedido camiseta, la talla que necesitéis

2- El envío de los vinilos se retrasará debido a que en la fábrica (al igual que en todas las fábricas… read more


Hola, amigos! Las mezclas del disco ya están casi terminadas y ayer pasamos una tarde perfecta eligiendo el vinilo perfecto!! Aún quedan algunas cosas por hacer pero nos acercamos al resultado final!!

Hi friends! The mixing process for the record is almost finished and yesterday we spent the perfect evening choosing the perfect vinyl record!! There are still some things to be done, but we're getting closer to the final result!!


Hoy podemos al fin deciros que ya hemos terminado de grabar todas las pistas de "Heading for the Surface" … y nos encanta lo que tenemos!!! Ahora estamos ya mezclando… Luego a masterizar y fabricar!!! Os mantendremos informados!!! Os dejamos dos fotos…una con el tablero en el que vamos marcando todo lo que se hace y otra nuestra celebrando la finalización de la grabación!!

We have finished recording all the tracks for the record…"Heading for the Surface" is almost ready!!! Now we have started mixing, and once we have finished we'll wait for the master recording and then send it for pressing…. We will keep you informed!! Here are two pics … one with the board on which we mark the tracks once they have been recorded and one of the three of us celebrating the end of the recording works!!!


Hola, queridos amigos y mecenas de The Val!!! Hoy os damos la feliz noticia de que no solo hemos ALCANZADO NUESTRO OBJETIVO EN VERKAMI, sino que incluso lo hemos superado, y ha sido gracias a vosotros!!! Aún quedan 26 horas de campaña de crowdfunding, pero ya podemos vivirlo más tranquilos!!! Nosotros seguimos trabajando para haceros llegar vuestras recompensas en septiembre. Os mandamos un fortísimo abrazo, pero una vez más, y por encima de todo...GRACIAAAAAS!!!!!! The Val

Hi, dear friends and patrons!!! Today we are excited to officially announce that we have REACHED OUR TARGET ON VERKAMI, and only because you have supported us !! We've still got 26 hours left, but we will face these hours much more relaxed!!! Now we'll keep on working in order to have your pledges ready in september. We send you our best wishes, but, above all, THANK YOUUUUUU!!! The Val

#05 / Hoy es día de estreno/ New track in advance

Queremos compartir con vosotros un pequeño anticipo del disco " Wreckage of My Heart", tema en el que seguimos trabajando esta semana con las voces

Here is a little track for our new song "Wreckage of My Heart", in advance. The song is still in progress.

#02 / Esto es lo que estamos haciendo....

Hola, amigos!!! Os invitamos a echar un vistazo a cómo empiezan a sonar las canciones... Y aprovechamos para presentaros a Tony Ortega, que se ha hecho cargo de los teclados, ya que David Erick, como muchos ya sabéis, ha estado en Miami durante los últimos meses y esto le impide formar parte del grupo en éste segundo disco. Como veréis, aún falta mucho en el disco....las guitarras, las voces, la producción....pero queremos que lo viváis paso a paso con nosotros...!!! Un beso muy fuerte para todos!!!


Os presentamos a Rubén Berengena, que ha grabado la batería en éste segundo disco… ¡¡¡No tenemos palabras para decir lo que ha hecho!!! No se puede tocar con más feeling y energía… Gracias, Rubén, por formar parte de éste disco, por tu amistad y por tocar como tocas!!!

We want to introduce Rubén Berengena, who's recorded the drums fir this second album. ¡¡ We are so amazed with his work, full of energy and feeling!!

Thank you, Rubén, for being a part of this record, for your friendship and for playin' drums the way you do!!

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