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Adopt a tree!

We want to save 4,000 trees from a tree nursery in Llagostera wich had to stop its activity some months ago. We ask you to adopts a tree, a gesture that will save another 5. Moreover, your cooperation will create two job and maybe give a second chance to the company.


Created in

From 5.000€
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The main activity of the Mediterranean Tree Nursery in Llagostera was growing native trees for public works : parks and gardens, squares, streets , avenues , roads, etc. . From 2004 to 2006 the business invested in exemplary facilities and was buying thousands of trees to " fatten " them until they have the size needed to be sold , a process that takes about seven years on average . Unfortunately , the crisis deeply affected the sector and many works were left in nothing.

As a result, 4,000 oaks, cork trees and holm oaks will not survive next summer if they do not receive the care they need. The loss of these trees not only means losing the environmental benefits equivalent to 40,000 m2 of forest, but that they would lose any chance of success of a company capable of competing with the best tree nurseries in Europe (in its specialty).

We need your help to save these trees.

Hope Projects Foundation, with the collaboration of the employer Emili Raset (nursery owner) proposes to save these trees , creating two jobs and giving a second chance to return the company to create jobs and wealth in environment.

Your contributions will be used to buy fertilizer and substrate, pay workers wages and electricity for irrigation pumps.

Work in progress
Work in progress

The initial contribution made ​​by the Foundation enabled the purchase of the materials and begin work. Your sponsorship will made ​​it possible to continue the care needed until the end of 2016. At that time, the trees will have a size and appearance which will enable their commercialization or transfer to another nursery.

We are planning to organize a party at the same tree nursery in Llagostera. The first will be on October 4th this year. And also the following autumns of 2015 and 2016 (specific dates not available) . In these meetings , the " godfathers / godmothers " will meet the trees and the nursery and also there will be experts who will teach about horticulture and cultivation of mushrooms, you'll see a vegetal charcoal cook and will participate in the festival and have a meal (paying a small fee to cover the expenses of the meeting).

Adopt a tree!

Help us to save at least 4,000!


Fundació Hope Projects
Fundació Hope Projects


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  • Fundació Hope Projects

    Fundació Hope Projects

    almost 10 years

    I tant que podeu!

    Hem rebut altres donacions per altres mitjans que afegirem a la campanya, i arribarem als 5.000 gairebé segur!


    Ricard Hernàndez

    Fundació Hope Projects

  • Balada


    almost 10 years

    Encara que no s'arribi als 5.000 euros proposats, podem fer la donació igualment? Es que la causa s'ho mereix! Gràcies.

  • Fundació Hope Projects

    Fundació Hope Projects

    almost 10 years

    Bon dia, Maria

    Moltes gràcies per la teva proposta, el problema que tenim és que la campanya s'acaba d'aquí uns dies i no se si hi serem a temps! Si et sembla, perquè no em truques i veuem de quina manera podem fer-ho?

    Em dic Ricard, el meu telèfon és 622184761. Avui precisament seré a Llagostera, ara vaig cap allà!



  • Maria Recasens

    Maria Recasens

    almost 10 years

    Puc penjar cartells pel poble? (Llagostera i Cassà de la Selva) si voleu abans us l'envio perquè hi doneu el "vistiplau"

  • Fundació Hope Projects

    Fundació Hope Projects

    almost 10 years

    Bon dia,

    Els arbres per endur els podeu triar, majoritàriament hi ha alzines, però també alguns roures, surers i pins.


  • stuttgona


    almost 10 years


    En les recompenses on es pot endur un arbre o més, de quina classe són ("raça")?

    Gràcies i sort

  • Fundació Hope Projects

    Fundació Hope Projects

    almost 10 years

    Buenos días,

    Disculpa la tardanza en contestar... Sí se puede, con la colaboración de 38 eur tienes derecho a escoger el árbol que prefieras, dentro de 2 años. Si quieres comprar ahora también lo podemos arreglar, pero mejor llama por teléfono y comentamos: 931 808 506. Gracias.

  • Mel espinas

    Mel espinas

    almost 10 years

    se puede comprar alguno , me gustaría un roble.

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