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Tablerunners ForGeeks

Tablerunners Forgeeks brings closer the fans of rol-playing and strategy games a table linens that can be used as a tactic element for its games, they can be developed in a dungeon, an urban zone a sci-fi scenery or in a natural environment.

Alex Santonja "Kano"

A project of


Created in

From 2.500€
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View project in Castellano

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It’s Friday afternoon. Friends come to play the weekly game. You prepare the table, something to eat, something to drink and as they are coming you sit down. The conversations go from what happened last week to what happens now. The themes are varied. And little by little, you focus.

You assign the chips, they are checked if necessary. You put the screen, choose, with the method you have adopted with the years, the dices will rule the luck of your characters and the game starts.

Conversations, dialogues, questions and statements take place. And it comes the moment. Where do we place ourselves?

*You take that gameboard that you built years ago, printing or copying sheets with a grid, pasted to a cardboard, and laminated to avoid the wear.

You place it on the table, and everyone has to take back glasses, bottles, plates, dices, sheets, pencils, rubbers, miniatures etc. And after a while you are able to put the gameboard in the centre, to continue the game.*

Does it ring a bell?

Tablerunner ForGeeks is a project that wants to bring closer all the fans to a tactic basis to rol games that can be usually used in the games, without forgetting that a big number of that games is produced in an environment in which the gameboard have to share elements, such as plates, bottles, glasses, sheets, miniatures and dices. Normally all these elements are transformed into a nuisance because they occupy the same space.

If all of us hace a tablecloth or oilcloth that serves to protect the table from the actions of your friends (or to protect your books from the state of some tables) and a gameboard more or less big that we often take out as a basis to the games, why not integrate this gameboard in the own tablecloth?

So we investigated about this issue some weeks ago, and we found a necessity that nobody was covering. And this is the result.

We have four design available of tablerunners for all those fans that want it. The designs are the following:

Natural surface: to tactic activities whose acting takes place in environment of limited vegetation, mainly conceived to fantasy environments.

Our lens gives you a close view of each scenary

Urban environment: to tactic activities that take place in open areas of urban environments, such as parkings or asphalt zones.

Our lens gives you a close view of each scenary

Technologic ground: to tactic activities whose acting takes place in spaceships, technologic platforms, orbital stations and so on.

Our lens gives you a close view of each scenary

Dungeons: to tactic activities whose acting takes place under the land, as a basis in which dungeons can be built or similar locations. It is also a basis for temples and big stones constructions.

Our lens gives you a close view of each scenary


As we achieve several levels of financing, we will be able to include the following additional options to our patrons:


When we achieve this quantity we will be able to give the option to the patrons that acquire their tablerunner with the origial grid with hexagonal cell or without any of them.


When we achieve this quantity we will add two new possibilities:

  • Mini tablerunners: 40€ – you obtain gameboards of 80x100 cm of any of the basic designs, with grid, hexagonal cell or without any of them, with paid shipping costs.

  • Mini foreign tablerunners: 65€ – you obtain two gameboards of 80x100 cm of any of the basic designs, with grid, hexagonal cell or without any of them, with shipping costs paid to foreing countries.


When we achieve this quantity we will add two new possibilities:

  • Tablerunner redondo: 55€ – you obtain one gameboard of 160x160 cm of any of the basic designs, with grid, hexagonal cell or without any of them, with paid shipping costs.

  • Round foreig tablerunner: 80€ – gives right to a gameboard of 160x160 cm of any of the basic designs, with grid and hexagonal cell or without any of them, with paid shipping costs for foreign countries.


When we achieve this quantity we will add two new possibilities:

  • Tablerunner Gigant: 70€ – you obtain one gameboard of 200x160 cm of any of the basic designs, with grid, hexagonal cell or without any of them, with paid shipping costs.

  • Biggest foreig tablerunner: 85€ – gives right to a board of 200x160 cm of any of the basic designs, with grid, hexagonal cell or without any of them, with paid shipping costs in foreign countries.


After achieving the goal, we will contact all the sponsors to ask information about the delivery address and the name or pseudonym you want to put in your Table Runner.

In less than 30 days, all the sponsors will receive their personalized Tablerunners.

Who are we?

We are a team of entrepreneurs who think there are more than one way to deal with things. We're the kind of guys that beat orcs and aliens without leaving the table. Indeed, we like to eat well, drink better, and play, play, play… every minute, every day. And, of course, share the table to do it. That's the origin of Table Runner. Help us to make it happen?

Shipping costs

All the levels of reward include shipping costs, to exclusive levels for Spain (Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla included). All those levels of reward for foreign countries are indicated as such. Choose taking into account the destiny of the tablerunners.

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  • CRMN


    almost 10 years

    ¿como valoras esto? http://asociacionmanonegra.blogspot.com.es/2014/05/cuando-no-quieres-spam-te-insultan.html Gracias

  • Alex Santonja "Kano"

    Alex Santonja "Kano"

    almost 10 years


    Estamos recogiendo los datos concretos para publicarlos como actualización. Este fin de semana pondremos toda la información sobre ellos.

  • elul


    almost 10 years

    ¿Como son las sillas plegables y la mesa?

    Estan en los ultimos niveles, pero no veo que haya muchos datos sobre ellas.

  • Alex Santonja "Kano"

    Alex Santonja "Kano"

    almost 10 years


    Hemos estado haciendo pruebas con varios rotuladores de dicho tipo, y todos dejaban algo de marca.

    Sin embargo, hemos probado con rotuladores de tiza líquida, y hemos de decir que funcionan perfectamente y se limpian con un trapo húmedo.

  • Beliagal


    almost 10 years

    Duda existencial, que creo no haber leído... ¿Se podrá escribir con rotuladores de pizarra blanca sobre ellos, y borrar posteriormente? ¡¡Muchas gracias!!

    (Y suerte con el proyecto)

#07 / Vuestros propios diseños

Tras unos cuantos días de negociaciones con la empresa que nos va a imprimir los manteles, hemos logrado llegar a un acuerdo que nos permite presentar dos nuevos niveles de aportación que estamos seguros os van a encantar.

El primer nivel de aportación, Mi diseño para compartir os permite enviarnos un diseño propio o del que tengáis los derechos, y conseguir cuatro Tablerunners con dicho diseño. El precio de dicha aportación es de 175€ y la cesión de derechos del diseño que nos enviéis.

El segundo nivel de aportación, Mi diseño es mío os permite enviarnos un diseño propio o del que tengáis los derechis, y conseguir diez Tablerunneers con dicho diseño. El precio de dicha aportación es de 430€ y mantenéis los derechos de explotación sobre vuestro propio diseño.

Para ambas aportaciones, solo pedimos dos cosas.

La primera, que del diseño que nos paséis tengáis los derechos, y que las características técnicas cumplan las siguientes condiciones:

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#06 / Haz aparecer una mesa cuando la necesites

Si no quieres verte invadido cada vez que organizas una partida o un torneo de rol. Y, lo que es peor, no sabes qué hacer con tanta mesa o te toca alquilarlas, no dudes en unirte a nuestro crowfunding y hacerte con esta mesa. Sólida, rápida de montar y con el tamaño perfecto para poner tu Table Runner… Y, sí, es de cartón a juego con los taburetes… que nos gusta que nuestros ejércitos y muebles estén bien organizaditos y equipados.

Si buscas algo con más solera, te damos el contacto de quien realiza estas otras mesas… con aire a reconquista de la península. Estas no nos entraban en al crowfunding, pero las tenemos en el objetivo para nuestro futuro espacio.

#05 / Lleva tu partida a donde quieras...

Como prometimos, os adjuntamos un par de imágenes de los taburetes que hemos elegido para nuestro crowfunding. Son de cartón reciclado, plegables y aguantan hasta 700kg, así que no hay excusas… soportarían a un oso polar o a un búfalo, luego aguantarán una partida de rol hincándonos a doritos. Lo mejor es que llevan una asa plegable para poder llevarlos cómodamente a cualquier sitio y pesan menos de 200 gr.

Puedes personalizarlos a tu gusto, no requieren mejor trato que un mueble tapizado y se pliegan cuando ya no hacen falta. Todo un invento, oiga.

#03 / Europa Press y lainformación.com se hacen eco de nuestro mecenazgo

Ayer nos encontramos con esta noticia en la web de Europa Press, noticia que no podemos dejar de compartir entre aquellos que nos apoyan o que se encuentran interesados en el proyecto:

Noticia en Europa Press

Y hoy nos hemos encontrado con otra web donde también se han hecho eco. En este caso, en lainformación.com

Noticia en lainformación.com

Es agradable ver la repercusión que tiene un proyecto como este, y os aseguramos que seguiremos trabajando en ellos.

#01 / Marcador para el Tablerunner©

Una duda que nos han trasladado en las distintas redes sociales es si se puede realizar marcas y anotaciones en el Tablerunner©.

Para realizar anotaciones y marcas, recomendamos especialmente el uso de marcadores de tiza liquida. Otro tipo de marcadores podrían dejar sombra en las zonas más claras.

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