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EMIGRA2 is a documentary film about the emigration issue of spanisch people in Europe, directed by the filmmaker Álvaro Delso, also emigrated from Spain.

Álvaro Delso

A project of


Created in

Graz, Austria
From 5.000€
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The film documentary EMIGRA2 was created with the idea of spreading the reality of most migrants from Spain that since the outbreak of the economic crisis did not have another another alternative but to try their luck abroad, leaving behind a lifetime for a better future.

In the last century Spain has been both a destination country for immigrants and a source country of emigrants to other states. Economic and political circumstances have almost always been a deciding factor of these population movements.

Currently, following the global economic crisis that began with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in the U.S., Spain is experiencing an untenable situation of youth unemployment that has led many young people to seek their future in other European destinations less beaten by this failure of our economic model.

But there is another side of immigration not translated into figures that draw the attention of readers on the cover of a newspaper. It is the face of the deep feelings experienced by leaving the familiar surroundings to venture into new universes, customs, languages and silences, companies and loneliness, in search of a future where you do not depend on the grandmother's pension, for some, or that allows a decent professional projection capacity and preparation, for others.

This documentary film will tell the story of many Spaniards who found themselves forced to emigrate (some not so forced), but that ultimately leaved Spain in search of the possibilities that their own country does not give them.

Where is my Erasmus grant?

What makes this generation of emigrants different to those of the twentieth century?

What are the main feelings in the thought of emigrants?

What makes us differents from immigrants coming from North Africa?

And if our emigrants never return to Spain?

These are some of the questions we want to share with you , and we would also like you to send us your questions, and I mean it. I'll explain: the documentary has been thought to be organic. As it hapens to the emigrants, the first months we spent in our "host " country we are a bit lost , and we gradually adapt to the environment, the language, the character of the people, etc... until we find ourselves in this entirely new situation. We want our patrons may be involved in the content and the creative process of preproduction and production.

EMIGRA2 will show a trip by train around Europe (as many of our ancestors did to the destinations of the time, some of them quite inhospitable), where we will check the situation of some Spaniards in different parts of the continent, and see how they live, how they feel and ultimately, how are we all affected by the situation in our country fromafar.


Your contributions will be directly aimed at the production of the documentary:

  • Part of the crew and post-production.

  • Travel and subsistence.

  • Taxes and Verkami commission.

  • Promotion and distribution at festivals .

  • Rewards for our patrons.


This documentary is in the process of scriptwriting and open, as noted above, to suggestions from our patrons if they wish. The shooting will start the 5th of May 2014 in Sevilla (Spain) and then through Barcelona, Paris, London, Munich, Vienna and Graz. After that, from Graz as a base, we will do new trips by train to get to cities in other countries as Fribourg, Zurich, Krakow, Budapest, Maribor, Hamburg, Berlin, Salzburg, etc.

The end is scheduled for the first quarter of 2015, so that rewards for our patrons will arrive in the middle of the year.


Agon Productions is a small independent production company with extensive experience in the audiovisual sector both with it's own projects that has always been self-funded projects, and other professional productions.

The founding members are Miguel Gutierrez and the writer Alvaro Delso, and we are lucky to count with great professional as the writer and director José Luis Ordonez, Chief Carlos Ruiz sound, the musician and composer Jesús Calderón, and Raquel Gallego, who I am writting the screenplay for this film with.

Due to the size of this project, it is the first time we try to finance a part of it through crowdfunding system.

Some of our work are:

ROMANTI-CAM (short film - comedy - 3:30 - English - Austria - 2014) Short film comedy currently participating in the Notodofilmfest .

FAMILIE (short film - thriller - 5:12 - German - Austria - 2013 ) horror short film , which has been in the official section of festivals in Spain, Chile and Argentina .

MATERNIDAD (short film - thriller - 16:28 - Spanish - Spain - 2014). Thriller in the official selection at the 23rd Arizona's festival of this year 2014.

ANIVERSARIO (short film - comedy - 7:37 - Spanish - Spain - 2013). Comedy short film that won the official selection at the 22rd Arizona's festival in 2013.

PEPE, DONDE VAS? (short film - comedy - 3:30 - Spanish- Spain) Short comedy

MI LOLI (short film - comedy - 11:20 - Spanish - Spain) Short comedy that has won the Audience Award at the Short Film Festival IX Caracoles. Sevilla .

CALISTO EL TAROTISTA (half-length- comedy - 32:00 - Spanish - Spain)

[Audiovisual Fundation of Andalucía: Algo más que "Emigra2"


[CineAndCine: La realidad española

2014-04-20] (http://www.cineandcine.tv/panoramas/andalucia-documental/1460-emigra2-la-realidad-espanola.html)

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#02 / ¡Ya hemos empezado a grabar material previo!

El viernes salí desde Graz (Austria) a Zúrich (Suiza) a las 22:24h en tren, allí me esperaba uno de los protagonistas del documental, Esteban, que me contó su historia mientras viajábamos juntos hasta Granollers en su coche. Posteriormente seguí mi camino hasta Barcelona en un cercanías para hacer noche y al fin, el domingo a las 14:30h llegué a Sevilla en el Ave.

¡Estas son solo algunas fotos del periplo! :)

(fotos tomadas con el móvil)

#01 / ¡Ha llegado nuestros primeros mecenas!

Muchísimas gracias a los primeros mecenas por apoyar el proyecto, espero que haya mucha más gente que se interese por EMIGRA2 y podamos lograr nuestro objetivo.

¡Gracias de corazón!

pd: Haciendo la maleta para el viaje a Sevilla desde Graz en tren, este viaje no lo comento en la página del proyecto, pero forma parte del documental para grabar material y documentar.

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