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Subversive Motherhoods

Orgasmic childbirth, pleasure during breastfeeding, multiple fatherhood, motherhood in post-pornography, transsexual and transgender motherhood… these are some of the topics I want to deal with in the book *Subversive Motherhoods*. Because motherhood can and should be revolutionary!

Maria Llopis

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First goal, THE BOOK, done!


We need 7.500 euros as a strech goal in order to fund the documentary film. If we make it, all the people who have contributed to the project will have the chance of seeing the documentary film online. Let´s go!!!


I have been working on pro-sex feminisms, post-pornography and subversive motherhoods for years and have always had the intuition that motherhood has a subversive and revolutionary power. Six months ago my baby, Roc, was born, after two miscarriages, at home, with lots of love and passion. Now I feel it is the time to carry out this project in the shape of a book of interviews.

The topics I would like to deal with in the 13 interviews I intend to carry out are:

  • Orgasmic childbirth, a term I came across during my Reading of the texts by Casilda Rodrigáñez and in which I fully immersed myself in Montreal, during the Artivistic festival, in the course of a workshop called Orgasmic Birth organized by Nicole Pino. There is a documentary produced in the US on the subject with the same name, as well as a book also with the same title published by Rodale. It is my intention to interview several women who have gone through this experience themselves. Those I have the pleasure and honour of knowing live in Barcelona and London.

  • Breastfeeding as a sexual act. Breastfeeding has the potential to be a highly pleasurable experience. In fact, some women even experience orgasms during breastfeeding. The taboo in this context is as powerful as the orgasms themselves. Also the topic of breastfeeding and censorship.

  • Breastfeeding and censorship. The work of visual artist Ana Alvarez-Errecalde.

  • Motherhood and economy, or how women should earn a salary for gestating, giving birth and raising children. Such is the view of activist Alicia Murillo.

  • Multiple Fatherhood. There are numerous cultures which consider that a child has several fathers. In fact, the concept of multiple fatherhood is based on the belief that, in order for a pregnancy to be successful, the semen of many men is needed and that they all contribute to the richness of the child to come.

  • Transsexual motherhood. To talk exclusively of women when talking about gestation is both erroneous and discriminatory, since both men and women can have a uterus. A person may well have been born with a pussy but then have gone through a transition between his/her assigned female identity to a new male assignment. A surgical operation may or may not be performed, choosing to keep his/her genitalia, that is, his/her pussy. Thus, both a man and a woman may give birth.

  • The work of doulas, people who assist in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperal period. The work of Liliana Lammers and Michel Odent is pioneering and revolutionary in this sense. In fact, they were the first to introduce this figure in Europe.

  • The representation of motherhood in pornography and post-pornography. From the porno-documentary Pregnant with Desire, by pro-sex feminist Madison Young to the performances and workshops of Sadie Lune (multidisciplinary artist and sex worker from San Francisco living in Berlin) and the French writer and actress Wendy Delorme. These latter recently carried out a workshop in Paris on sexuality during and after pregnancy.

  • Monogamy as a factor of sub-fertility or the possibility that the imposition of monogamous relations be a handicap for the fertility of our uteruses. I would like to discuss this topic with Erika Irusta, creator of El Camino Rubí, a project on self-knowledge of the menstrual cycle in women.

  • GENDER QUEER PARENTING. Our goal is to raise children who are able to paint their lives using a full colour palette and giving them the tools needed to navigate a misogynist culture. By queer artist Del LaGrace Volcano.

  • Motherhood in matriarchal and matrifocal societies. The Mosuo in China, a society where the words "uncle" and "father" are the same, and the Minangkabau in Sumatra.

  • Parthenogenesis, from the perspective of American doctor Marguerite Rigoglioso, whom I had the pleasure of meeting in London. She studies how Greek women-goddesses, after years of preparation, were able to become pregnant without any male contribution, in rituals of sacred meditation. This is true self-management of the body and the rest is nonsense.

  • Feminism, trans-feminism and motherhood, or how new feminisms integrate (and disintegrate) motherhood in their discourse. Feminist activist Helen Torres has a powerful discourse on that subject as well as a work on post-pornography (Alien Baby) which questions the sexual dimension of the mother-child relationship.

The book will be in english / spanish.

Illustration of the book A Feminist Critique of Marx, by Silvia Federici.


  • First of all, the travel expenses in order to carry out the interviews, as well as other expenses.

  • Babysitter! This is a requirement for the fulfilment of this project which is new in my life, but it is a reality that presents itself suddenly and without compassion. A tribe is needed to raise a child... and in this society nothing helps find a balance between raising a child and carrying out our everyday life, so babysitting expenses will take a good chunk of the budget.

  • Illustrations and photographs that will be part of the book (including the illustration by Joan Turu which introduces the project).

  • Editing expenses, which include printing, correcting and layout. We will have a self-published edition limited to the number of copies sold, or a larger one, with an alternative publishing house. Shipping costs.

  • To the Verkami team, which make all of this happen. Also, revenue and Paypal expenses.

Photograph by Meg Allen for Masculinity is a Trait, Not a Gender.


  • Your name on the Thank-you section. Each contribution to the project is crucial to its realization and is thus a part of it. Your name for Posterity and my gratitude always.

  • The book of Subversive Motherhoods, the star prize and final aim of this project.

  • The book El postporno era eso, by María Llopis, published by Melusina in 2010. The book is a subjective and personal view of the post-porn movement in Barcelona, an autobiographical work on my diatribes between feminism, pornography and activist art.

  • Doula sessions.

The work of doulas consists in assisting during each of the phases of motherhood. It is an accompaniment to pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperal period. I was trained in London, at the Paramana Doula UK school, by Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers.

Each session will last 50 minutes, online via Skype. But there is also the possibility of carrying them out in-person if you can schedule the sessions in Benicàssim or Barcelona.

For more information, visit:
Paramana Doula Uk

  • Goddess Oracle session.

This reward is inspired on the work of Marguerite Rigoglioso and that of the doula who accompanied me during my pregnancy, childbirth and puerperal period, Ana Claramonte. It is a free, personal and playful interpretation of Amy Marashinsky’s Goddess Oracle.

  • Workshops of Subversive Motherhoods.

I have been offering workshops on post-pornography and pro-sex feminism for years and, more recently, on subversive motherhoods as well. I conducted the first workshop on this latter subject in May 2013 in Valencia, when I was five months into my pregnancy. The workshop took place at La Mandrágora social centre, with the contribution of Rous Hernández. Travel and other expenses are not included. The Price offered in this pack is a special offer (half price) on the occasion of the publication of the book.


I would like to carry out thirteen interviews, two per week, so I shall need two and a half weeks to finish. Then there is all the editing work to be done, which will take approximately one month. My aim is for you to have the book in your hands by late summer or mid-autumn.

Of course, those rewards which can be presented immediately, such as online consultations, will be carried out as soon as a date is set.


The archive on Subversive Motherhoods on Girlswholikeporno

The archive on Subversive Motherhoods on the blog Maria Llopis desnuda

At mariallopis.com

Hip Mama Magazine Cover º55, with a self-portrait by Barcelona-based artist Ana Alvarez-Errecalde.


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Maria González Olmo

    Maria González Olmo

    over 8 years

    Hola, María,

    Me gustaría saber si habéis empezado a mandar los ejemplares... Gracias.

  • Pepa-pepita-pepa


    over 8 years

    Como va la criatura? :)



    over 8 years

    hola soy Lucía de la Fundaión Eomaia, ya logré entrar en la página de verkami, voy a intentar mandarte la encuesta realizada para que me mandes la recompensa. Saludos

  • Maria Llopis

    Maria Llopis

    almost 9 years

    pues se publicará en el otoño con la editorial Txalaparta :-)

  • Irene Adiego

    Irene Adiego

    almost 9 years

    Me gustaría saber si ya se ha editado el libro, y en ese caso dónde puede adquirirlo. Gracias y enhorabuena! besotes

  • Maria Llopis

    Maria Llopis

    almost 9 years

    pues está a punto pero todavía no está..

    dadme un par de meses !

  • Ranas Rebeldes

    Ranas Rebeldes

    about 9 years

    Hola! somos un colectivo transfeminista de Salamanca y nos gustaría organizar una actividad para el día de la madre con un colectivo de aquí de parto respetado y también distribuir o difundir este libro, ¿cómo podemos hacer? estará ya? GRACIAS!

  • Maria Llopis

    Maria Llopis

    about 9 years

    estoy trabajando en ello... falta poco!

  • Isidora


    over 9 years

    hola quería saber cuando publicaras tu libro, estoy ansiosa de poder leerlo ya q acá en Chile esos temas están saliendo a la luz porq mujeres como yo estamos en las mismas q tu... Suerte en todo y q se cumpla la meta besos

  • Maria Llopis

    Maria Llopis

    over 9 years

    estoy en ello!!!!

#09 / Artículo en PlaygroundMag

“Existen mujeres que han tenido orgasmos durante el parto y mujeres que se corren mientras dan de mamar. El embarazo, el parto y la crianza son estadios sexuales. Negarlos supone una pérdida de nuestro potencial sexual”. Esto lo escribió la artista y activista valenciana María Llopis en 2010.

Su trayectoria es un nutrido cóctel de investigación sobre feminismos pro-sex, postpornografía, identidad y género, y en su obra, la sexualidad y la intimidad son poderosas fuerzas de creación y armas políticas necesarias.

Hace seis meses, después de dos abortos naturales (o pérdidas gestacionales, como ella se refiere a los mismos), Llopis tuvo a su hijo Roc. Para entonces, ella ya intuía que la maternidad tenía un poder subversivo y revolucionario, pero el parto hizo que se decidiera a poner en marcha el proyecto editorial Maternidades Subversivas, para el que… read more

#08 / Trans Women and Breastfeeding: A Personal Interview

Fantastic interview published in Milk Junkies, you can read it here.

"So far, this blog has exclusively addressed issues faced by transmasculine folks. I started writing it from my personal experience, and I am transmasculine. However, I've received several questions from trans women who are interested in breastfeeding. After doing some Google searches, I realized that just as there is little to no information for trans men on this topic, there is not much written for trans women. In particular, I haven't found any personal accounts or interviews. I will try to do my part to fill a little bit of this gap. This is part one of a mini-series on trans women and lactation. Enjoy!

Trans women, individuals who were assigned male at birth but identify and live as women, CAN breastfeed. It is possible, and totally awesome! Health care providers, volunteer breastfeeding counsellors, and trans women themselves need to learn this important, empowering fact.

read more

#07 / "El feminismo debe trabajar la maternidad como experiencia de gozo", dijo una servidora

Aquí os dejo el link a la entrevista que me ha hecho Patricia Manrique para el periódico Diagonal a raiz del Verkami.

"¿Qué conceptos enmarcan las maternidades subversivas de la que habalrás en tu libro financiado por crowdfunding?

Una maternidad empoderada, una maternidad consciente, una maternidad no sometida a modas y leyes. Una maternidad plena, que sea vivida como lo que es, un estadio sexual más del cuerpo. Que no nos nieguen eso. Somos libres de decidir cómo queremos parir, pero si no tenemos toda la información, no lo somos tanto. Yo he trabajado con el tema de sexualidad y feminismo queer durante años, en el movimiento postporno, y siempre me ha sorprendido que la maternidad se dejara de lado, como si ese potencial de los úteros no fuera pertinente. Parece como que sólo a las mamás les incumbe y esto me parece una tragedia, porque todos hemos nacido de un útero.

read more


"EWA had the pleasure of interviewing Maria Llopis, the brilliantly fascinating and piquant Spanish renowned feminist activist, on her current project of writing a book and making a documentary film on subversive motherhoods. Having worked on pro-sex feminisms, post-pornography and subversive motherhoods for years, Maria sees motherhood with a revolutionary power. With talks of orgasmic birth, sexism, failures to properly assist mothers with giving birth, and accompanied by many laughs, be ready to revolutionize your own thoughts."

Maria Llopis picture by Laura Rosal.

Read the interview by Sarah Hurtes here

#05 / Brillante Federici en El diario

"La ilusión de que el trabajo asalariado podía liberar a las mujeres no se ha producido. El feminismo de los años 70 no podía imaginar que las mujeres estaban entrando al trabajo asalariado en el momento justo en el que éste se estaba convirtiendo en un terreno de crisis. Pero es que, en general, el trabajo asalariado no ha liberado nunca a nadie. La idea de la liberación es alcanzar la igualdad de oportunidades con los hombres, pero ha estado basada en un malentendido fundamental sobre el papel del trabajo asalariado en el capitalismo. Ahora vemos que esas esperanzas de transformación completa eran en vano. Al mismo tiempo sí vemos que muchas mujeres han conseguido más autonomía a través del trabajo asalariado, pero más autonomía respecto de los hombres no respecto del capital. Es algo que ha permitido vivir por su cuenta a muchas mujeres o… read more

#04 / Paternidad múltiple

Cuando Paul Le Jeune, misionero jesuita del siglo XVII, semoneó a un indio montañes del Canadá sobre los peligros de la infidelidad desenfrenada que el jesuita había observado, recibió en respuesta una lección de paternidad bien entendida. Recordaba el religioso: Le dije que era deshonroso que una mujer amara a otro que no fuera su marido, y que, habiéndose extendido entre ellos este mal, él mismo no podía estar seguro de que su hijo, que estaba presente, fuera su hijo. Él me contestó: “Dices necedades. Vosotros los franceses sólo amáis a vuestros hijos; pero nosotros amamos a todos los hijos de nuestra tribu”.

En el principio era el sexo: Los orígenes de la sexualidad moderna.

Christopher Ryan y Cacilda Jethá.

Paidós. Barcelona 2012.

Son muy numerosas las culturas que consideran que un hijo tiene múltiples padres. De hecho el concepto de paternidad… read more

#03 / The M word

I got this book recommendation, but I think this is far form the book I want to write, less rigorous, more about magic, transformation and impossible orgasms...

#02 / Ginecología natural

Me ha escrito Pabla. Pabla tiene un proyecto precioso que se llama Ginecología natural. Me ha hablado de Suely Carvlho. Sus palabras me han parecido tan pertinentes que no puedo más que reproducirlas aquí:

Suely Carvlho es una mujer maravillosa a atendido 6.000 partos en casa. Es hace 40 años partera, es la coordinadora de las parteras tradicionales de Sudamérica, pero no es buena para estar en internet y escribir.

Yo soy su aprendiz y trabajamos juntas. Es un maestra con una gran historia dentro del movimiento político por los presos políticos, en dictadura, fue militante feminista y anarquista, mezclado con indigenismo y partería.Toda una locura. El trabajo de ella es muy importante y creo que seria intetesante incluir dentro de esas miradas de maternidades subversivas el trabajo influyente de las parteras tradicionales.

Porque no se bien como será en… read more

#01 / Ya llevamos 1000 eurazos!

Gracias a todas las personas que están aportando al proyecto y ayundando a difundirlo por blogs y redes sociales... Y gracias también a las personas que me están escribiendo para ofrecerme sus testimonios!!!

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