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Orange Broek, new album in cassette and CD Digipack

Orange Broek is an independent synthpop music project from Barcelona. We want to release our second album, but we need your help. Please, help us to reach our goal!

Orange Broek

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From 800€
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>> NEW TARGET: THE €1100

Target archieved, again! You, each and every one of you, are incredible for the support and for having achieved the goal as fast and, nevertheless, continue to make. So let's go for the next target!

We propose to continue the celebration untill end. Since 2006 I have had time to record many songs. How about rescuing some of the issues that have never seen the light and mix with remixes? If we get the goal of 1100 € in the final stretch of Verkami, all patrons (without exception) will receive a digital download of an album of rarities, demos and remixes.

What if we fail? I will thank you you very, very, very much to everyone for make this project possible in all its sides: publishing, distribution, advertising, concerts... YOU ARE AWSOME!!! THANK YOU!


CHALLENGE ARCHIEVED!! On the 21st day of the crowdfunding campaign, we've reached the target of 800€ that will make this project possible. Thanks everyone who has made it possible! And now, let's move forward!

If we reach the target of 900€, every postal package (physical copies), will get a tote bag as a gift. This will be applied to all contributors, former and new.

What's next if we reach the target of 900€?

Don't worry dudes, we have already something in mind.

Who's Orange Broek ?

Pere Jurado -sound creative and sound designer- hides himself behind this self-funded and self-managed independent synthpop music project.

His first album, published in 2010, was an electronic soundtrack for the 1920's movie 'Metropolis'. Afer releasing some remixes in 2011 and 2012; in September 2013, he publishes the EP 'Soroll', reaching significant success. The release of his second LP is now ready.

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The new album.

We want to finance the release of new album in Digipack CD and cassette (yes, cassette tapes). So we need your support and diffusion.

The new album was recorded and mastered at MandarinaEstudi, a sound studio in Barcelona, and it has 11 electronic tracks. You can listen a preview on SoundCloud.

What will we do with your contributions?

Everything will be used to finance the new album's publishing on digipack CD and cassette, that includes the dessign, the artwork, the cassette duplications, the distribution...

What if the goal is not achieved?

You won't be charged, but you'll have no reward pack and we won't be able to carry on with this project. (snif, snif).

What if we overtake the goal?

That we'll consider doing something else, such as video clip, vinyl edition... we'll think about something, don't worry.


The target date for the release of the LP is April 14th, 2014.

  • Digital downloads will be send on April 10th via email.
  • The reward packs will begin to send via postal mail on Friday, April 11th.
  • The presentation concert will be performed in Barcelona in a date between mid-april and early-may.

Private Concerts

Private concerts can be performed wherever you want. At home, in a hall, in a pub... Price includes travel and expenses of the band.. We call 'private concert' an event with 75 people maximum.

Private concerts are only available in Spain, but if you want to hire us in another country from the European Union, please send us an email for further information.


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#04 / NUEVO RETO >> A POR LOS 900€

Es increible haber logrado el objetivo que nos habíamos marcado tan rápido. Hoy hemos llegado al objetivo de financiación y podremos hacer sin problemas la edición en CD y K7 del nuevo LP que verá la luz el 14 de abril. Pero ahora vamos a por un nuevo objetivo.

La campaña termina el proximo 23 de marzo y hasta entonces se pueden hacer aportaciones. El nuevo objetivo es lograr los 900€ y si lo logramos todos los envios postales (copias físicas del album) incluiran de regalo una tote bag.

Seguimos a tope hasta el 23 de marzo y gracias, gracias, gracias, gracias infinitas a todos!

#03 / En el ecuador de la campaña.

Ya han pasado 20 días, 20, de los 40 que dura la campaña de crowdfunding que hemos abierto y tenemos el objetivo de 800€ a tocar. Gracias a todos!!

Mientras tanto, en SoundCloud he colgado un nuevo teaser del LP que verá la luz el día 14 de abril. Espero que os guste!

#02 / El retorno del cassette

Ya sois 20 los que habéis participado en este proyecto -¡y estamos a punto de conseguirlo!-. Quiero enseñaros el trailer de un documental que trata sobre el inesperado retorno del cassette, que, como el vinilo en la década pasada, está en crecimientos del 70% año tras año desde 2010. Debo decir que los packs que incluyen el cassette estan siendo los más populares entre los mecenas y vamos a tener que editar más de los previstos en un primer momento.

El documental 'Cassette' es un proyecto nacido en 2011 a partir de un #crowdfunding en la plataforma americana Kickstarter y trata del retorno del cassette. Espero que os guste.

Ah! Faltan 26 días...

#01 / Superados los 300€ !!

Tan sólo dos días tras el lanzamiento de esta campaña de crowdfunding, se han pulverizado las perspectivas más optimistas. En mi nombre y en nombre de los que estan haciendo posible este proyecto, quiero daros las gracias por este inicio tan increble!

Queda mucha campaña, muchos días, muchos amigos para implicar y habrá tiempo para seguir explicando más y más detalles de la campaña y del LP que se avecina.


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