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New limited edition recording by La Meccanica Sonora.

La Meccanica Sonora is a constant creational project, we've been a whole season working in new songs and they're already accumulating without be able to record them and let our fans to listen it, they're more every day.


Created in

From 500€
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La Meccanica Sonora is a constant creational project, we've been a whole season working in new songs and they're already accumulating without be able to record them and let our fans to listen it, they're more every day.

The new album will probably be called "Tesseract". Will collect 10 or 12 new songs worked and builded along the last year. Our eclectic style entails a mixture of styles like "Tesseract" o Mohno", pieces builded based on jam sessions in our rehearsal place and they have some rock-jazz progressive flavour.. We will include also songs in a more pop classic like this "My little '61" that tells the story of a guitar player in love with his amp.


This album, like the preceding one, will be recorded almost fully in our studio and rehearsal place "Estudis Meccanica" and in "Red Bell" studio where will collaborate our friend, musician and sound producer Marc Tena in Barcelona, Catalonia.

To record a 10 pieces album, you need around 1000 euros, excluding publishing expenses. We commit to record and publish 100 copies of an original material album just for 500 euros, and no doubt will seem 1000.

between the rewards, in addition to the album we want to record you will get also, our first album "Mercury Mission". You can listen and download it for free in here;


The album will be in CD simple format, don't imagine wonders, no 12 inches vinyl, no deployables with this budget. It will be a CD in a simple cardboard like “Mercury Mission”, you can see pictures in our bandcamp.

The start of recording is scheduled for mid-Març 2014 and will finish approximately mid-May 2014. Meanwhile we'll be mixing and compiling the pieces that will be included in the rarities album included in some rewards.

Well, thet's all, we believe that 500 euros will do it but we really need a lot more to not suffer much. We thank you for advance to believe in our music and making it possible to be recorded.




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  • Narcís Passolas Gutiérrez

    Narcís Passolas Gutiérrez

    about 10 years

    Sí sí, no hay problema

  • Fernán Berride

    Fernán Berride

    about 10 years

    ¿En el precio va incluído el envío a la península?

#02 / Gràcies Mecenes!

Amics Mecenes, gràcies a vosaltres hem aconseguit la xifra de 500€ que ens haviem proposat. En quan acabi la campanya, el 15 de Març, ens posarem en contacte amb vosaltres per e-mail per concretar adreces, etc,...

Durant aquests 12 dies que resten de campanya intentarem que la xifra de 500€ segueixi aumentant ja que, com ja sebreu, a més recaptació, millor disc.

Res més, gràcies de nou i fins el 15,

La Meccanica som tots!

#01 / Benvinguts Mecenes!

Us estem molt agraïts per les vostres aportacions. Si assolim l'objectiu ens posarem en contacte amb vosaltres per tal de fer-vos arribar les recompenses.

Si teniu qualsevol dubte o pregunta no dubteu en consular-nos el que sigui.


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